
A complete list of all available Alexa Skills

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Alexa Skills List

A complete list of all available Alexa Skills

Total Skills Available: 895

Alexa, Open one two three

1-2-3 Math, tests your elementary mathematics topics like after, before, between; greater or lesser, more or less, addition, subtraction etc.

Alexa ask 1-800-Flowers to order Becky flowers

Quickly order flowers for contacts in your 1-800-Flowers account.

Alexa, Ask Mindfulness for a minute meditation.

1-Minute Mindfulness from Walking Affirmations is a skill that allows you to take a break from the world around you & enter into a one minute sound meditation.

Alexa, ask the queue, what is the average wait time?

Ask Alexa about the average wait time on the CMU 15-122 Office Hours Queue.

Alexa, start 21 Dayz

As the saying goes, it takes at least 21 days to build a habit. Use 21 Dayz to help guide you in your journey to developing new business or personal habits.

Alexa, ask thirty sec to play Jerry Rice

ThirtySec provides real voices of people.

Alexa, Ask For A Fart

The best reason yet to own an Echo! Have all the fun of a fart without any of the smell!

Alexa, start seven minute workout.

Are you ready to lead a happier, healthier life? Get your heart moving and reduce stress in only seven minutes a day! To start, say 'Start 7-Minute Workout.'

Alexa, ask 7 Sigma for my update.

Get concise updates on all elements of your operation and infrastructure based on combined data from multiple sources.

Alexa, open eighties movie trivia

If you say "Alexa play 80's Movie Trivia" you will be presented with 5 questions, each with a choice of 5 answers. Answer using the corresponding number.

Alexa, ask giants trivia

A fan's trivia app covering the San Francisco Giants since the mid 80's.

Alexa, open Yo Mama Joke

This skill will randomly pick from over 2,000 Yo Mama Jokes.

Alexa, launch league trivia

Do you know ultimate abilities as well as the pros do? Perfect for shoutcaster training!

Alexa Tell abode that I am leaving

Control your abode home security system with Alexa voice commands. Ask Alexa to arm your system, get the status of your doors, or determine your system status.

 Abra icon Abra

Alexa start Akinator

Abra is a character-guessing game. Think of a character, real or fictional, and Abra will ask you questions and figure out who it is.

Alexa, play According to Bob

"According to Bob" is a fun trivia game that tests your knowledge of Bob Dylan's prose.

Alexa, start AccuWeather.

Stay connected to the latest in weather forecasting with AccuWeather. Ask for weather forecasts up to 15 days, for global locations, to better plan your life.

Alexa, ask Acoustic Chord to play D seventh

TsaTsaTzu's presents Acoustic Chord, for handsfree help playing chords. Keeping your hands on your instrument you can check your chords and all variant tabs.

Alexa, open metronome

TsaTsaTzu presents a handsfree metronome for the Alexa. For the tempo-minded soul within.

Alexa, open acoustic tuner

TsaTsaTzu's presents Acoustic Tuner for hands free, accurate, instrument or vocal tuning. For help tuning your instrument mid-song.

"Alexa, tell my admirer to make me smile."

Make your day better with a compliment!

"Alexa, tell my admirer to give me a compliment."

Alexa, open adventure and play dave of doom.

The Adventure skill enables you to interact with stories and change their ending!

Alexa, ask Aether about Minneapolis.

Tells you the current air quality in most major U.S. cities. Alexa, ask Aeather about Minneapolis.

Alexa, ask Age Calculator, how old is someone born on June 12, 2015?

The Age Calculator helps calculate age between a given date and now.

Alexa, ask Agog Reader for Barack Obama.

Listen to Tweets

Alexa, ask air quality to get me the report for 07753

This skill reports the air quality index for US zip codes

Alexa, launch Air Quality Meter

Real time air quality rating for major U.S. cities. Alexa, launch Air Quality Meter

Alexa, ask air quality report for zip code nine eight one zero nine

Get air quality report for 5-digit US ZIP codes

Alexa, tell Alarm Dot Com to turn on the lights.

Control your Alarm.com system with your voice.

Alexa, ask the 8 ball whether the Cubs will ever win the World Series

The All Knowing 8 Ball can answer life's vexing questions for you, without all that shaking and blue dye getting everywhere.

Alexa, start Almond and Activate Dinner Scene

Almond and Alexa work together to make your home smarter and secure. Just ask Alexa to activate a scene or mode on your Almond.

Alexa, start pilates class

Take a pilates class from ALotOfPilates.com. Get ready to feel great!

Ask Always Sunny trivia

Always Sunny in Philadelphia Trivia Game!

Alexa ask Namaste

To Know about India and India's History and amazing facts about India.

Alexa, ask Word Master to play a game

Word Master is an interactive way to learn and challenge yourself with words, while having fun with competing scores. Score higher to win!

Alexa, ask american basketball trivia

Alexa added skill to ask American Basketball Trivia

Alexa ask american history quiz

This test asks basic facts about the United States of America.

Alexa, launch American History Quiz

History Quiz

Alexa, launch ancient china facts

some facts on ancient China

Alexa, ask Angry Bard for a burn.

Have at you, knave! The Angry Bard skill is ready to throw barbs from the Bard anytime you like. Each insult is a quote selected from among the works of William Shakespeare, given together with the name of the piece from which it's taken. A text copy of the quote and its source are also sent to the Alexa app.

Alexa, start angular trivia

A quiz for angular developers about the architecture.

Alexa, play Animal Alphabet.

The Animal Alphabet game.

Alexa, start Animal Game

Play guess-an-animal game with Alexa. Think of an animal and Alexa will guess it by asking questions.

Alexa, ask Animal Sounds what noise a lion says.

Alexa is learning a few new languages, animal languages that is. Ask Alexa to make the sounds your favorite animal makes.

Alexa, launch Anime Trivia

Anime Trivia is a game for anime fans to test their knowledge of both popular and less known series.

Alexa, ask AnyMote to pause my Sonos.

Turn your voice into a real universal remote! Alexa, tell AnyMote to power on my TV.

Alexa, ask anythings what are the best new smart devices

Anythings lists the best new smart devices and their compatibilities. Discover the most popular products curated by IoT Lovers.

 AOL icon AOL

Alexa, ask AOL for the top headlines

AOL provides you the information that you need to know to stay informed and up to date covering these categories: news, sports, finance, entertainment

Alexa, ask Apollo to tell me a fact

Apollo, the god of music, will share music related facts and let you know who are the hottest artists of the week.

Alexa open applause

Get a round of applause in any situation with the Alexa Applause Skill.


Alexa, use APRS and locate kilo victor six mike dash seven

Locate APRS stations

Alexa, ask Area Code where is eight six zero

Area Code Lookup

Alexa, Ask Aromatherapy for a recipe for focus.

Aromatherapy is a skill that can help you with some common diffuser recipes for use with your essential oils collection.

Alexa, talk to Artie

Meet our new intern! He's so excited to be working at imperson that he can't stop talking about it...

Alexa, open artist quote

Artist Way Quotes is a collection of inspirational quotes about rediscovering your creativity - quotes are from the book The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.

Alexa, ask Cloud Ninja What's New

The Cloud Ninja is your guide to Amazon Web Services, including helping you keep up to date with recent AWS news.

Alexa, ask Daddy for a hug.

Ask Daddy provides comic relief as it realistically responds to questions asked by his child.

Alexa, Ask earthquakes what's shakin'

Recent earthquake information

Alexa, ask Grandmom for candy.

Ask Grandmom provides comic relief as it realistically responds to questions asked by her grandchild.

Alexa, ask My Buddy to help me get started

Ask My Buddy provides an easy and immediate way to send a text message, Voice call, and an email alert message to any or all of your contacts.

Alexa, ask Trump how do you feel about china

Ask Donald Trump a question

Alexa, ask Daily Prayers for prayer times in Seattle

Athan provides the Islamic Prayer Times in a given city.

Alexa, ask Atlas to find Boston, Massachusetts

Finds the latitude and longitude of US cities.

Alexa, ask Audio Goal for a goal

Celebrate a goal - or anything else - with a classic audio "GOOOOOL" sound.

Alexa, Open Aussie Fact

Learn about the exciting continent in the south called Australia.

Alexa open school lunch

Elementary school lunch menu for the Austin Independent School District.

Alexa, open Austin Trivia

Test your Austin, Texas, knowledge with this simple trivia game.

Alexa, ask Automatic where my car is.

Find out where your car is parked, how much gas you have left, or how far you've driven recently. This skill requires an Automatic adapter.

Alexa, ask Aviation Weather what is the metar for KSMO

Aviation Weather METAR's & Flight Rules

Alexa, ask Awair about air quality

Awair tells you about your indoor air quality

Alexa, open Baby Animals

Test your knowledge of the names of baby animals in our fun quiz. Ask your Amazon device: "Alexa, open Baby Animals" to play a quick, kid-friendly game.

Alexa, ask baby to talk

Do your kids love to talk like a baby? Baby Lexi will answer any question in baby talk. The kids will love it!

Alexa, ask Baby Namer for a baby name

Provides random names from a list of over 33,000 names given to children in the United States.

Alexa, open Baby Names.

Ask about the popularity of names in the US going back to 1880!

Alexa ask baby stats to add poo

Baby stats is a skill that counts stats for your babies diapers (wet and stool), and meals. You can then ask Alexa to get stats or ask when the last diaper was.

Alexa, start baby trivia

Baby trivia!

Alexa, ask Barcelona Quiz to start

Barcelona Quiz. A fun way to prepare for your holidays!

Alexa, ask Bargain Buddy for the Woot.

Find out the daily deal from merchants like Woot and Meh by asking Alexa.

Alexa, open BART Status

Gets current BART service advisories

Alexa, open BART Times.

BART Times provides the times of the next trains between your home and destination stations and gives live Service Advisories and Elevator status information.

Alexa, ask Baseball Archive about Willie Mays

Get information and statistics for any player in the history of Major League Baseball. A sample request: "ask Baseball Archive about Willie Mays."

Alexa, ask Baseball Nerd for a fact

Baseball Facts is a simple skill to generate baseball facts.

Alexa play Baseball Trivia

Baseball Trivia about the history of baseball in Boston.

Alexa, open baseball trivia

Test your knowledge of Baseball.

Alexa, ask fortune cookie to tell me a quote

Quote Generator version 0.1

Alexa, ask Basket if whole milk is on sale near Arlington, VA.

With Basket, it's easier than ever to find local sale prices for your favorite grocery items.

Alexa, ask battery boot where to buy it?

Everything you need to know about the Battery Boot which is the best and only battery Boot for your Echo.

Alexa, ask BBN for some info

BBN info will give you some information about the Gospel. BBN is a Christian Broadcasting International Ministry. For more details visit us: www.bbnradio.org

Alexa, tell Bean Jar to add ten points to Gryffindor

Manage a family or group rewards system, keeps track of points like a virtual "bean jar" for motivation. See beanjar.net

Alexa, ask how many beans make five

This skill is an absolute must have for anybody who is unsure how many beans make five. An old English phrase past down through generations of cultured Brits.

Alexa, launch Beat Cylinder

Alexa shows off her beat-boxing skills. Ask for a beat by name ("phat", "old school", "electronic", etc.) or "random".

Alexa, ask the dealer to deal the cards.

Beat the dealer in this game of Blackjack.

Alexa, ask beer geek to tell me a beer fact!

Ask beer geek for a beer fact!

Alexa, launch Beer Trivia

Think you know beer? Crack open a cold one and test your beer and brewing knowledge with Beer Trivia! DISCLAIMER: Beer trivia may not be suitable for all ages.

Alexa, start bernie geek

Fun and quick facts about Bernie Sanders

Alexa, ask best movies to search movies in nineteen eighty five

Best Movies ever

Alexa, start Best Picture Oscars.

Best Picture Oscars: The Last 30 Years

Alexa, ask Basic Fantasy to roll a Thief.

A companion Skill for Basic Fantasy RPG players.

Alexa, ask the Bible App to read John 3 verse 16

The Bible App for Alexa can read Bible verses and chapters to you in your favorite Bible version.

Alexa, ask Bible Seeds for seeds

Learn a few selected Bible passages (about 20). I have memorized these, and they act as seeds, allowing the messages to grow within.

Alexa, open Bible Verse

Get a random bible verse

Alexa, start Big Game

It's the 50th anniversary of football's biggest game. Test your Big Game knowledge with the ultimate Big Game trivia quiz!

Alexa, ask The Biking Wizard if I should go biking in Whistler today

Biking Wizard can tell you if the weather is right for a bike ride!

Alexa ask Billy Goat for a number.

Billy the Random Number Goat will provide you with a random number. If you don't provide a range, Billy Goat will choose a number between one and one hundred.

Alexa, open Bingo.

With the Bingo skill, Alexa will call the numbers for you. Each number is repeated and sent to the Alexa app as well. Get a free Bingo card at lovemyecho.com.

Alexa, open BioRhythm.

The BioRhythm skill will calculate your natural biorhythm for today for entertainment purposes. Alexa, ask BioRhythm for a reading for birthday November 2, 1993

Alexa, open Bird Trivia

Simple, fun bird trivia game.

Alexa, tell me the current Bitcoin price

This app returns the current price of a Bitcoin in US dollars from coindesk.com.

Alexa, open Bitcoin Price Checker.

Ever wanted to check the Bitcoin exchange rate on your Amazon Echo? Now you can!

Alexa, open Bitcoin Rate

Bitcoin Rate provides the current value of 1BTC in your preferred base currency, along with useful Bitcoin market data.

Alexa, ask bites and snacks for a snack

An Amazon Alexa skill to get a healthy snack idea to complement your daily nutrition plan.

"Alexa ask Block World Trivia."

Ask Alexa to help you show off your crafting skills by answering over 30 different multiple choice questions.

Alexa, tell Blue moo to press Watch TV

Make your voice a simple and powerful universal remote control. Change channels, hear show descriptions and press any remote button. iOS Beta Testing Only

Alexa, tell Board Gamer that my username is boardgamer

Get a random board game from your BoardGameGeek.com board game collection

Alexa, launch Boat War

Measure yourself to Alexa in Boat War!

Alexa, launch Bollywood Trivia

Trivia about Bollywood

Alexa, ask bollywood trivia to start game

This is the Bollywood Trivia Game. Want to test your knowledge about bollywood movies, stars etc. or want to have just fun, this skill is for you.

 Boo icon Boo

Alexa ask boo

Someone told a bad joke? Let them know with the Alexa boo Skill.

Alexa launch boo boo statistics

A Toy Science Fiction Trivia Quiz.

Alexa, launch Booze Trivia

Fun trivia about alcohol to impress your friends

Alexa, Ask Boston T-time when the next sixty nine bus will arrive at stop one four one nine

Use Alexa to find then next MBTA bus at your stop. Stop ID can found on the Bus-stop road sign.

Alexa, ask Boston Transit when the next train to South Station gets in to Kendall

Find out the status of MBTA public transit (subway, Silver, and commuter line status, as well as real time predictions for trains).

Alexa, ask Box Office what's the rating of Titanic

This skill helps to find movie ratings. It tells you rating on a scale of 10. Where 10 is the highest and 0 is the lowest score ratings can have.

Alexa, tell brain of things to open the curtains

Control your Brain of Things enabled home.

Alexa, ask Bubble Boy to tell me a joke

The Bubble Boy skill tells a funny quote from the popular sitcom - Seinfeld.

Alexa open Buddha Says

Get wise Buddha quotes now on your Alexa device

Alexa, ask my ghost what's Xur selling

Buddy for Destiny provides useful information like Xur inventory and weekly activities to destiny players.

Alexa, start Jen and Ian Trivia

Trivia about the world's most amazing couple! You cannot live without this skill!

Alexa, ask Bug Tracker what is the status for ticket CAMEL 1099?

An integration between Alexa and the Atlassian Jira tracking system. Using Jira restful API, gets the most up to date information of a Jira ticket.

Alexa, tell Bulls Cows to start a game

Bulls and Cows game as described here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulls_and_Cows

Alexa, ask Butterfly Demo for events from today.

Gives you the events Butterfleye demo camera has on a particular day. For example you can ask: "Alexa, ask Butterfly Demo for events from today".

Alexa, ask calculator for nine plus five.

Let your echo help you do the calculation, it is cool and you won't make mistake.

Alexa load Call Sign and find november zero uniform sierra mike

Look up Amateur (HAM) radio call sign information from the call sign database.

Alexa START calling the hogs

Have Alexa call the hogs by saying: "Alexa, Start Calling the Hogs". Alexa will then call the hogs: "woo pig sooie"

Alexa, ask Campbell's Kitchen what's for dinner

Your kitchen just got a whole lot smarter. Make dinnertime easy with a daily Top-5 list of triple-tested recipes, selected for your tastes and time preferences.

Alexa, open Candidate Quiz

A quote-identifying trivia game starring the current and past candidates for the US Presidential Election 2016.

Alexa, Open Capital One

Hands-free banking never sounded so good. Just ask Alexa how much money you have, make credit card payments, and stay on top of recent charges.

Alexa, tell Capital Quiz to start practicing

Capital Quiz helps you practice and then quizzes you on the names of the capital cities of all 50 US states.

Alexa, ask capital trivia

World Capital Trivia

Alexa launch capitals and countries

This trivia game tests your knowledge of capitals and countries of the world.

Alexa, launch capital test

A nice trivia about US Capitals of the state. Enjoy doing this game with your family or with friends.

Alexa, Open Car Facts

Fun and interesting fact about an everyday tool, your car!

Alexa, tell Carly I feel happy

Carly is a voice-activated coach for Amazon Echo that helps users understand their moods and thoughts


Control your Lutron Caséta Wireless lights from anywhere!

Alexa, open Cat Fact.

Learn about cats with the Cat Fact skill

Alexa, open Cat Facts.

Cat Facts is the premier skill for feline fun.

Alexa, open cat facts.

Hundreds of purrfect cat facts for any occasion.

Alexa ask cat facts

This skill gives you fun facts about cats when you ask it!

Alexa, ask Cat Fact to tell me a cat fact

True facts about cats.

Alexa, open Cat Genius!

Cat Genius knows so many things about your family friend!

Alexa, ask cat raiser how is my cat

Raise your e-cat living in Alexa!

Alexa, ask cat facts to start game

Cat Facts Trivia - test your knowledge of cat facts!

Alexa, ask Caves Under Thornhill to start a game.

Caves Under Thornhill is a classic maze and monster game.

Alexa, ask Ceaseless who should I pray for today

Find out who to pray for each day and receive wisdom from the Bible each day with Ceaseless

Alexa, ask Celebration Bar Review for a tip

Get a study tip for the MBE.

Alexa open cheer lights

Find out what color the World feels like right now.

 Chef icon Chef

Alexa, ask Chef what I can use instead of two tablespoons of baking powder

Chef helps you in the kitchen! Find weights of various volumes of ingredients (useful for baking), as well as substitutions for all kinds of ingredients.

Alexa, ask the chemistry genie to start game

Chemistry Genie helps students to revise their knowledge of the elements in the periodic table.

Alexa, open Chess Opening Helper

Help with remember chess openings.

Alexa, Open chess trivia

Basic chess trivia, with some current player questions.

Alexa, ask Chicago Java when is my next Meetup.

Get information about the next Java events in Chicago!

Alexa ask Chicago Trains when is the next train from Crystal Lake to Downtown

Find out when the next Chicago Metra train is about to leave or what todays schedule is for a particular train route.

Alexa, Open Chicken Geek

Amazing facts about chickens and eggs

Alexa open Children's Bible Quiz

Simple Children's Bible Quiz

Alexa, ask chili pepper nut a pepper fact

Chili Pepper Nut is fun trivia about chili peppers.

Alexa, ask Chimani what are the ranger events today.

This skill allows Alexa to tell you the ranger events happening the Chimani parks on a given date.

Alexa, launch chocolate trivia

A fun trivia to test your knowledge in chocolate.

Alexa, tell Christmas Caroler to spread holiday cheer.

Listen to Alexa and learn the lyrics to some yuletide favorites!

Alexa, ask Christopher for an airplane fact

Christopher's Airplane Trivia. Learn facts and trivia about a wide variety of aircraft, aerospace, and aviation!

'Alexa play Quiz Bowl'

Play through a set of fun and moderately challenging general trivia.

Alexa ask Churchill Quotes for his thoughts

Produces random quotations from Winston Churchill

Alexa ask Circulator when the next bus is arriving on the Purple line at Fort Avenue.

Find the arrival times for upcoming buses on Baltimore's Charm City Circulator

Alexa, play City Trivia

Play this trivia game to test how well you know U.S. cities.

Alexa, ask CivicMinding for the Democrat delegate count?

stay informed. get involved.

Alexa, Open Civil War Buff

Learn more about the Civil War with Alexa!

Alexa, ask code finder where area code 253 is.

Find information based on area code, postal code, or US city using Alexa.

Alexa, ask for a code phrase.

Generate a code phrase for your next top secret project!

Alexa, ask Coin Flip to flip it

Need to resolve a dispute or help making a big decision? Call "heads" or "tails" and ask Coin Flip to flip it – Problem solved!

Alexa, launch College Hoops

Test your knowledge of the men's college basketball tournament!

Alexa, Open College Basketball Trivia

Test your College Basketball knowledge with a series of trivia questions surrounding the history of the Men's College Basketball Tournament.

alexa ask colorhex to convert red

A tool for converting between color names and hex values.

Alexa, open combat and hit the dragon with my sword

The Combat skill will allow you to engage in any sort of conflict with entertaining results!

Alexa, open Comedy Dog.

Comedy Dog is here to entertain you with a series of excellent jokes.

"Alexa, open CompliBot"

CompliBot is your best bud. It wants nothing more than to make your day a little bit better.

Alexa, open computer facts

Computer facts told to you by a computer who could ask for more

Alexa ask computer quiz

Quiz on Computers. Say "Alexa, Ask Computer Quiz to start.

Alexa, launch computer science

Computer Science is a quiz about computers and many more

Alexa, launch computer trivia

A game of trivia with questions on the topic of computers

Alexa launch fizz buzz

Are you are a developer looking to hone your software trivia skills to impress your coworkers?

Alexa, ask Floki to tell me something

Computer concepts illustrated through the Viking history.

Alexa, ask conductor to get status for the 7 train

Get information on your commute. So far supports NYC subway/LIRR/MetroNorth status (NYC bus coming soon). 'Get status for 7 train'

Alexa Open Connecticut Trivia

Connecticut Trivia Questions

Alexa, start constitutional law game

A constitutional law quiz game

Alexa, open Conversation Starter

Conversation Starter is a great way to get suggested conversation topics for you and your friends.

Alexa, ask currency converter to convert ten united states dollar to indian rupee

Convert world currency.

Alexa, ask Convrge, who's online

Find out who's online at in Convrge

Alexa, ask cook book how to make a burger

This skills allow users to find recipes - ingredients, cook steps, health info etc

Alexa Corgi Quiz

This is a quiz about corgis, some of the answers may surprise you.

Alexa open Costa Rica News

Feed of the latest news from Costa Rica in english

Alexa open ticonews

Alexa, ask Couch Potato if I should go outside in Hollywood?

Couch Potato knows when you should really just stay inside, like, really.

Alexa, launch Cove Trivia

Covisint Trivia is a game that will test your knowledge about the Covisint company. Good luck.

Alexa ask Cow Says Moo what does the cow say

An interactive version of the old classic, Cow Says Moo. What does the cow say?

Alexa, ask Craft Helper what's the recipe for a saddle.

Can't remember exactly how to craft an enchantment table or a dropper in Minecraft? Craft helper can give you the recipe fast, and all you need is your voice.

Alexa, ask creative strategies for an idea

Retrieves a phrase or cryptic remark which can be used as a catalyst to generate ideas, to solve a creative block, or to approach an issue fr

Alexa, open cribbage counter

Need to count up a cribbage hand? Just tell Alexa your hand and she can add it up for you.

Alexa Open Cricket Geek

Amazing Facts about cricket which you will be astonished to know and a great learning experience about cricket facts.

Alexa, launch cricket quiz

This is a trivia game for cricket game lovers.

Alexa, start Cricket Quiz

How well do you know your cricket? Take this to find out.

Alexa, ask Cricket Quiz

Cricket quiz to have fun with all cricket lovers and to test their knowledge about cricket!!

Alexa, launch cricket quizzer

Cricket is build to test the knowledge in Cricket. It is a great fun knowing about the Cricket.

Alexa, ask Crocodile Finder to find the crocodiles

Afraid of crocodiles? Find out where they are!

Alexa, ask my crypto what is the price of bitcoin?

Get the current price of bitcoin right now! All you have to do is ask and the current exchange rate is announced.

Alexa, launch Crystal Ball.

Crystal Ball is a fortune teller skill. Alexa prompts you to first focus on a yes/no question, and then say when you're ready to hear the answer.

Alexa, ask CTA Tracker when is the next northbound train

Track trains on the CTA

Alexa, ask cue fit for my daily summary

Keep track of your daily step count and calories burned by accessing your Google Fit data via Alexa!

Alexa, ask Currency Converter to convert twenty dollars to euros

Alexa is able to convert 10 kind of currencies from the world and tell you the current currency exchange too. Ask Alexa to convert from one currency to another.

Alexa ask currency monitor for dollar rate

Currency Monitor that provides today's dollar conversion rate to Indian Rupee.

Alexa, ask Currency Guy what is the rate of USD to CNY

Currency Guy can get you the exchange rate between two specified currencies based on today's date.

Alexa ask D.C. Tech for news

Read the latest news and events from the Washington DC tech scene.

"Alexa, open Daily Affirmation."

The Walking Affirmations Daily Affirmation skill provides a daily uplifting, positive thought for you to take throughout the day.

"Alexa, open Daily Bootcamping"

Get a thought to improve your bootcamp experience.

Alexa, open daily buzzword.

Reads the definition of the Merriam-Webster daily Buzzword from their website with an optional example usage and quiz,

Alexa, ask Daily Cutiemals to send me a cute cat picture

Daily Cutiemals will send cute animal pictures to your email!

Alexa open Daily Word

Selects a new word for every day of the year.

Alexa, ask Date Ninja what day of the week is December 25, 2016?

Performs day, week, month, and year calculations.

Alexa, ask DC Metro for the next train arriving at Columbia Heights

Gives Washington DC Metro light rail train arrival and departure times, as well as maintenance or incident reports.

Alexa, ask Metro Tracker for the next orange line to Vienna from Metro Center

Get the most recent arrival times, estimated travel time, filter trains by line and direction, and more! Set a home station to make things even easier.

Alexa, ask Westeros if Eddard Stark is dead

Check if a character is still alive in the book series A Song of Ice and Fire

Alexa, open deck of cards.

Draw a random card from a standard deck of 52 playing cards.

Alexa, open demotivate

Tired of everyone lying to you? This skill will tell you the truth.

Alexa, start developer games

A quick developer quiz to test your skills.

Alexa, ask Devito for a fact

Get a fact about DeVito and his surroundings at his workplace.

Alexa, start dex trivia

Are you a Pokemon Master? Find out in the toughest Pokemon trivia game yet!

Alexa, tell Dice Bag to roll for me

Board game missing dice? Random encounter? Dice Bag will roll for you, complete with dice rolling sounds.

Alexa, launch DiceBot

DiceBot is your sleazy friend on the inside. Just say the word, and the dice will be in your favor.

Alexa, open dino trivia

A humorous dinosaur trivia game. Echo asks questions and you answer by choosing 1,2,3,4. Dinosaur questions include real and silly answers.

Alexa, ask Dinosaur Facts to give me a dinosaur fact

Super Dino Facts is your source for awesome and random dinosaur information.

Alexa, Open Dinosaur Facts

Do you like Dinosaurs? Of course you down. Enable this skill to learn even MORE about dinosaurs!

Alexa, ask Discover Artist to find me a new artist

Discover a new artist every day

Alexa, ask Doc Rogers why I'm happy today.

A basic Rogerian style psychotherapy simulator. Talk about how you are feeling and the 'therapist' replies and affirms.

Alexa, open Doctor Bones

Doctor Bones is a medical based trivia game that will challenge you with 5 questions. It's primary focus is towards EMS personnel.

Alexa, tell me a dog fact.

Dog Facts

Alexa, launch Dog Cat Trivia

See how much you know about cats and dogs. Questions will be both general and specific. Dog Cat Trivia is a game built from a template.

Alexa Start Dogecoin

Get the spot price of DogeCoin, one of the top crypto-currencies worldwide!

Alexa, launch Domain Name Info

Domain Name Info will locate different DNS record information for a given domain name

Alexa, open Domino’s

Place your Domino's Easy Order or your most recent order. You can also ask for Domino’s Tracker® updates to find out the current status of your order.

Alexa, ask Drink Boy what is the recipe for a Sidecar

DrinkBoy provides recipes for over 200 popular cocktails.

Alexa start drink master

Mature Audiences: Let Alexa curate your next party with a series of drinking games. Currently includes "Circle Of Death", "Never Have I Ever" and "Most Likely"

"Alexa, launch Drive Time."

Drive Time gets you the travel time to your destinations.

Alexa, ask drop some knowledge to tell me about Abraham Lincoln

Uses the Google Knowledge Graph API to drop some knowledge about anyone / anything.

Alexa, open Ducks Football Trivia

Ducks Football Trivia

Alexa, ask dungeon dice to roll a d20.

Ask Alexa to roll some dungeon dice for you. Supports 4-sided, 6-sided, 8-sided, 10-sided and 20-sided dice.

Alexa ask Ear Trainer to play a major third

Play any musical interval in an octave to improve your ear training

Alexa, start Easter trivia.

Test your knowledge of the Easter holiday with this fun skill.

Alexa, ask Eclipse Phase for facts

Ask Eclipse Phase Geek to tell you a fact about the the bleak future of Transhumanity after the Fall of Earth to renegade AI!


Control your ecobee thermostat using your Amazon Alexa.

Alexa, tell me an Edgar fact.

Edgar Facts is for anyone who loves Edgar the dog and can't get enough of that adorable bugg. Brighten your day with fun facts about Edgar!

Alexa, ask Egg Master how to cook a poached egg

Learn different cooking styles for eggs with this simple Alexa skill. Impress your friends and family at brunch! Egg-cellent!

Alexa, ask lunch bot what's for lunch today

Hot lunch for East Grand Rapids Public Schools (all elementary schools).

Alexa, start Element Quiz

Elements Quiz is a basic quiz that will test you knowledge of 25 of the most common elements in the periodic table.

Alexa, ask Elephant Number Rememberer to remember this number for me 508-111-2323

Have elephant remember numbers for you rather than write them down.

Alexa, open 'Elf Trivia'.

Love the holidays? Elf Trivia is a fun, light-hearted multiple choice game for 1 player.

Alexa, start Eliza (pronounced "ih-L-AY-z-uh").

Is something on your mind? Ask ELIZA (pronounced "ih-L-AY-z-uh") to talk to you for a psychotherapy session.

Alexa, ask Horoscope what is the horoscope for Gemini?

The Astro Twins forecast every sign's horoscope for today. Find out if the moon's position presents any new opportunities!

Alexa, open Email Assistant

Alexa + Email = the only assistant you can ask about upcoming travel info from mail. Flights, Hotels and Rental Car info is all available!

Alexa, Ask Empire State Colors 'What's the colors?'

Hear what colors the Empire State Building is displaying tonight.

Alexa, ask Esports Ticker for live matches

Get recent matches, upcoming matches, and live matches in the world of esports.

Alexa, open Essential Trivia.

Essential Trivia

Alexa, Ask Ethereum Ticker for the price

Ethereum price ticker for Amazon Echo

Alexa, launch europe knowledge

Simple Europe knowledge trivialgame

Alexa, ask Event Guide what's going on today in Boston.

Get event listings from Bandsintown.com.

Alexa launch event seeker

eventseeker is your personalized event service with a focus on minimizing search and maximizing discovery.

Alexa, open exchange rates

Get the latest, up to the minute, currency exchange rates

Alexa, tell me some despair

Listen to Alexa speak famous quotes of utter despair. And then cry along with her.

Alexa, tell Expense Tracker that I paid 10 dollars for food.

Expense Tracker can help you keep track of your costs. Just add all your spendings to certain categories and ask Expense Tracker to create your report.

Alexa play facts about donald

Donald Trivia Game

Alexa, ask Facts for Elder Scrolls to tell me a Elder Scrolls fact.

Test your Elder Scrolls knowledge with this Alexa Skill application.

Alexa, Ask White house facts to tell me a fact

Facts about the White House in Washington, DC

Alexa, Open Fake Fact

You clearly found this just browsing around so its not like you have something better to do...

Alexa, tell family history for me

Start with, 'Alexa, tell family history for me.' then drill back into your family history by saying, 'Father', 'Mother', or 'Spouse'.

Alexa, open Famous Births.

Are you interested in the birthdays of famous people? Rely on Famous Births for the birthdays of hundreds of famous people for every day of the year.

Alexa, open Famous Deaths.

Are you interested in the deaths of famous people? Rely on Famous Deaths for the deaths of hundreds of famous people for every day of the year.

Alexa, ask Famous Quotes to tell me quote.

Simple skill that reads you famous quotes from history and movies.

Alexa ask Steve Jobs Quotes to inspire me

Fan-built skill to get a famous quote by Steve Jobs.

Alexa, ask Fantasy Football Nerd for headlines.

Retrieve fantasy football news and player updates on the Top 300 players directly from Fantasy Football Nerd.

Alexa, ask Fantasy Scoreboard to show the Sens game

Control your Fantasy Scoreboard

Alexa, ask FAST Bible for John 3 verse 16

Request a verse, passage, or chapter. You can also ask for the verse of the day, a random verse, or search for verses with key words.

Alexa, ask fencing geek for a fencing fact

Some facts about the noble sport of Fencing that might pique your interest.

Alexa, Ask Fidelity to get a quote for Amazon

Ask Fidelity Quote Lookup and Market Update

Alexa, ask first aid egghead what's the treatment for a cut

First Aid Egghead is an Alexa Skill designed to be your in-house First Responder for minor medical emergencies.

Alexa, tell fit assist to give me some health advice

This is a simple skill to allow you to ask Alexa to tell you some interesting fitness facts.

Alexa, ask Fitbit how I'm doing today.

Keep up with your fitness goals by checking Fitbit with Alexa. Stay in touch with your progress and get motivated as you go about your day.

Alexa, ask Fitness Logger to add ten pull downs with twenty pounds

FitnessLogger is an Alexa skill to keep track of your daily exercises. You can store your daily exercises and compare against your previous workouts.

Alexa, start Five Card Draw

Five Card Draw

Alexa, open Flavor Text

Get to know your favorite Hearthstone cards better by having their flavor text read to you.

Alexa, ask Flight Awards for Chicago to London

Ever wondered how many award miles you need to travel using miles in certain airline ? Flight Awards can answer this for you quickly.

Alexa, Ask Flight Search

Search DOMESTIC U.S. flights for lowest price, one way or round trip. Say "Ask Flight Search". Top 5 flights sent to your Alexa app.

Alexa, launch Florida Trivia

Florida Trivia

Alexa, open Focus Word.

Focus Word provides an inspirational word and statement about the word to serve as a point of focus for meditation or for the day.

Alexa, ask food finder what I should eat

Not sure what kind of food to eat for lunch or dinner? Ask Food Finder to suggest something. For example, say "Alexa, ask Food Finder what I should eat."

Alexa, ask Food Holiday for the food holiday today.

Retrieve today's Food Holiday

Alexa, start foodie trivia

A trivia game for foodies

Alexa, open Football Trivia

Trivia game asking questions that pertain to professional American Football.

Alexa, ask for a knock knock joke!

Tell Alexa your own knock knock jokes!

Alexa, Ask Loft Cinema What is playing now

The Loft Cinema Skill allows users to inquire about movies playing at the Loft Cinema (in Tucson, Arizona) for today or the upcoming days.

Alexa, open Fortune.

Read a random, hopefully interesting, adage.

Alexa, open Fortune Cookie

Get a fortune cookie, read to you and receive your own Mega Millions or Powerball numbers.

Alexa, ask fortune cookie to tell me a fortune

"Fortune Cookie" will select and read an actual fortune cookie message for you.

Alexa, ask Founding Fathers for a quote

Get quotes from our Founding Fathers, the political philosophers who inspired them, and their modern successors.

Alexa, ask Fractals about Level 19.

Which Fractal is Level 47? This is a quick reference to Guild Wars 2 Fractals by level, and includes the recommended agony resistance.

Alexa, open fraction calculator

Fraction Calculator

Welcome to the Fraction Calculator. The calculator will add, subtract, multiply and divide any fraction.

Alexa, ask FreeBusy to see if Paula is free Tuesday

Easiest way to share availability across calendars and coordinate meetings (for free). Check when you own contacts are available!

Alexa, ask Freedom Quotes for a quote

Get freedom-themed quotes

Alexa, start Frenchness Game

Evaluate your level of Frenchness with this très simple trivia quiz. How well do you know France, its culture, its geography, and its cuisine?

Alexa play Fresh Music

Discover Fresh Music from around the world

Alexa, open frontend quiz.

Frontend Quiz is an educational skill for Amazon Echo. It will ask 10 questions about HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Alexa, launch sports facts.

Get your daily dose of interesting sports trivia from Alexa!

Alexa, launch Fun Bulldog Facts

Interesting and fun facts about the amazing dog breed known as the Bulldog!

Alexa, open Funny Batman Trivia

Test your knowledge with this funny Batman based trivia game!

Alexa, ask Funny Quoter to tell me a quote.

Funny Quoter is here to make you smile with dozens of funny quotes. Just ask Alexa, and laugh aloud while real people spout hilarious one-liners! Try it out!

Alexa, ask Game Dice to roll three ten siders

Use Game Dice to have Alexa roll dice of various sizes for you.

Alexa, play Game Show

Play a game show with your Echo!

Alexa, open metal gear quiz

Test your knowledge of Metal Gear Solid trivia.

Alexa, tell Garageio to close my door.

Garageio is the simple and secure way to control and monitor your garage door from anywhere in the world, all without needing to replace your existing opener.

Alexa, ask Gas Price for Washington

Get's the latest price of gas by US state from AAA.

 GBR icon GBR

Alexa, ask Go Big Red for Fight Song

Play Husker fight songs and audio clips

Alexa launch geek games

Geek games is trivia skill to test your knowledge of random geeky facts of the Eighties and beyond

Alexa, ask a geek

Alexa will ask you 5 trivia questions per game. It’s a fun way to test your geek knowledge of a famous movie or TV show.

Alexa, launch Geographic Adventure

Listen carefully and answer to the questions about the world's geography,

Alexa, open Geography Trivia

Geography Trivia is a challenging quiz game in which you have to prove your knowledge about the various cities of the world.

Alexa, launch Georgia Trivia

Learn more about Georgia by playing this trivia game.

Alexa, launch Ghost Detector

Detect and capture astral beings with the power of Ghost Detector!

Alexa, ask Giant Spoon for an idea

The world class Giant Spoon app allows you to ask for world class marketing ideas from world class marketing agency Giant Spoon.

Alexa, launch Gipper Game

Ronald Reagan Trivia Game

Alexa, ask Glados to tell me something

Alexa quotes GLaDOS from Valve's Portal.

alexa ask globetrotter trivia

Find out how much you know about the cities of the USA

Alexa, ask Glympse where is Sylvia?

Glympse allows family and friends to temporarily share their live location and ETA with each other. Just ask Alexa for a friend's location to get started.

Alexa, ask Go Fish to tell me a fish fact

A fun and interesting fact skill for learning about fish.

Alexa, ask Gold Bug what's the price of (gold/silver/oil)

Get the latest closing day prices for gold, silver and oil with Gold Bug!

Alexa, Open Golf Fact

Golf Fact is an Alexa skill about, what else, GOLF!

Alexa, ask Good Luck Guru

Good Luck Guru tells about daily horoscope of your choice.

Alexa, open Good Sam

Focused on love, living The Good Samaritan Society Way

Alexa, open go spurs trivia

Just a fun little trivia app for Spurs fans. We are not officially related in any way - we just like the Spurs. Go Spurs Go!

Alexa, ask Gratitude Power for a gratitude statement.

Get a random statement of gratitude related to running or walking from a bank of more than 900 statements, and improve your happiness and performance!

Alexa, open G. C. D.

G. C. D. The greatest common divisor of 2 numbers

Alexa, ask green i. q. to turn off all zones

Control your GreenIQ Smart Garden Hub.

Alexa ask Greenwich Time what is GMT

Tells GMT or Greenwich Mean Time

Alexa, launch Gridiron Trivia

Test your knowledge of the Gridiron's winners and MVPs.

Alexa, ask Growler for info

Beer growler facts and info

Alexa, play guess the number

Guess the number between 1-100. Alexa will let you know if your guess is greater than or less than the number. Start by saying, "Alexa, play guess the number!"

Alexa, launch Guess The Number.

See how many tries it takes you to guess a random number between 1 and 100. Alexa will tell you to guess higher or lower until you get it.

Alexa, open ARK Guide.

Guide for ARK

Alexa, ask Tech Showcase to tell me something

Take a guided tour of the GVSU Technology Showcase or ask for a description of a particular exhibit.

Alexa, ask Guitar Tuner to tune my guitar.

Use Guitar Tuner to tune your guitar.

Alexa, open Hacker News,

Read Hacker News headlines.

Alexa, ask hacker news for top stories

Stay up to date with the latest stories about technology, business, and entrepreneurship.

Alexa, start Hacking History

Hacking History Trivia challenges you with fun and interesting questions about the history of computing and hacking!

Alexa, Launch Hackster Likes

Hackster Fanpage Likes Counter

Alexa, ask Haiku for a poem.

Haiku poem generator.


Control your Haiku fans and lights

Alexa, Open Hangman

The classic game gone hands-free and paperless. With over 60,000 words to choose from, Alexa will do her best to stump you.

Alexa, ask Hanker what I should do in New York tonight.

Hanker is your go to local event guide for all that's happening in your city. From the arts, to parties, to date night and more, Hanker has everything you need.

Alexa, launch Happy Birthday

Alexa sings (raps?) Happy Birthday! Tell your Echo the name of the lucky birthday girl or boy and Alexa does the rest. A variety of surprising song variations.

Alexa, ask happy marriage helper do I need patience?

Do you know some of the ingredients to a Happy Marriage? See if Alexa can help!

Alexa open, Haunted House

Haunted House provides a random scary sound to fill any moment with suspense.

Alexa, ask hawaiian time to tell me something

Going on vacation, missing Hawaii, or a long-term resident looking for more information about your beautiful state? Ask for Hawaii facts here.

Alexa, ask Hawk Bus about 7252

Get the time until the next bus arrives at a specified bus stop in the Iowa City area.

Alexa, ask Hebcal for Shabbat times.

Jewish holidays, Hebrew date converter, Shabbat candle-lighting times, weekly Torah portion, Omer counter, and Daf Yomi.

Alexa ask Henrico County Schools what is for lunch today at Pemberton?

Complete breakfast and lunch menus for Henrico County Public Schools.

Alexa open Hero Trivia

Hero Trivia is a game designed to increase your super hero knowledge because knowledge is power!

Alexa, open Hey Dad and tell me a joke

Tell me a dad joke!

Alexa, open High Low.

This is the number guessing game of “higher or lower.” In this game, Alexa chooses a number and you try to guess it or you can play the other way around.

'Alexa, open teacher zero seven'

This is an app called Teacher Zero Seven. It's a small trivia game that tests your skill about your knowledge of Bulawayo Polytechnic

Alexa, open Hipster Jokes.

The most hilarious skill you've probably never heard of.

Alexa ask hockey master

To Know about Ice Hockey and Ice hockey history.

Alexa, ask Hollywood Dogs for some pooch gossip

Learn facts about the canine stars of film and stage


The HCA Skill lets you control devices, programs, and groups in your home using the HCA server

Alexa, ask home advisor to find me a plumber.

Instantly connect with pre-screened home service professionals for hundreds of home projects.

Alexa, tell HomeSeer to turn on the kitchen light

This app allows HomeSeer home automation system users to control and monitor status of their devices and to launch their automation events using the Amazon Echo

Alexa, start Horror Movie Taglines

Are you a horror movie fan? Test your knowledge of horror movie taglines.

Alexa, open Horror Trivia

Tells you interesting horror movie trivia.

"Alexa, launch house band."

House Band allows you to access your JRiver Media Center music server. You can play your music, search your library, and create Play Doctor playlists!

Alexa, Ask How To Destiny where do I find spinmetal?

How To Destiny is a spoof app that helps kinder-guardians find their way around Destiny.

Alexa, launch Cricket Trivia

Howzzat! T20 Cricket Trivia is a fun way to test your T20 Cricket knowledge

"Alexa, open HuffPost” (To hear latest news headlines for today)

The Huffington Post is a Pulitzer Prize-winning source of news, features, and entertainment, as well as a highly engaged community for opinion and conversation.

Alexa, start Human Body Quiz

A trivia game that tests your knowledge of facts related to the human body.

Alexa launch Human Heart

Basic information about human heart

Alexa, open Hunter Pence facts

Hear your Echo list off little-known facts about Hunter Pence

Alexa, open/play Hurricane Center

Current and historical information about Tropical Storms and Hurricanes.

Alexa, launch Impossible Baseball Quiz

You should not take this baseball quiz. It may be the hardest baseball quiz in history. If it's not, it's still really, really hard!

Alexa, ask InControl to activate the scene leaving home.

Control your home automation devices, including z-wave, Philips Hue, Nest and Sonos. Lights, devices and scenes can be activated using voice control.

Alexa, ask india news

This alexa skill gives the india news on saying to Alexa , " ask india news " after that select your category for example "news from sports" then say "okay".

Alexa, ask Indian Guy to tell me an Indian fact

This skill tell you interesting facts about India which most people don't know.

Alexa, ask Indonesian facts to tell me a fact

Indonesian Facts: All fun, cool, interesting, and educative information about Indonesia

Alexa, ask the innkeeper to say hello to the mage.

Welcome to my inn! You can talk to your favorite Hearthstone heroes, and they'll emote back!


The most affordable, complete, connected home solution

Alexa, open insults

Alexa insults you!

"Alexa, open InsultiBot"

InsultiBot is so tired of talking to you. All it wants is for you to leave it alone. Is that too much to ask?

Alexa, launch Insults.

This skill will teach Alexa to hurl terrible insults at you.

Alexa ask Interval Trainer to give me an interval

Ascending and descending interval ear trainer within the octave.

Alexa, start Internet of Things trivia

Think you know your IoT's? Challenge yourself with fun and educational questions from the Internet of Things field.

 Iris icon Iris

Alexa, ask Iris to holler at John

Say the command, “Alexa, ask Iris to holler at [name of recipient]” and Iris will send a pre-composed e-mail, asking the recipient to holler back.

Alexa, ask Lake Travis if it's full yet

Is The Lake Full Yet?. Ask Lake Travis if the lake is full yet.

Alexa, ask the space station to give me visibility for Gaithersburg Maryland

Provides sighting information for the next time the International Space Station is visible from certain locations around the world.

Alexa, ask Issac for the Daily Missions

Issac provides useful information for The Division video game.

 ISY icon ISY

Alexa, open izzy

ISY skill allows you to control your home using an ISY home-automation controller.


Voice control your ISY devices, scenes, and even programs!

Alexa, open I till Foundation Quiz.

Sharpen your ITIL Foundation knowledge or supplement your certification preparation with the assistance of this practice quiz.

Alexa, open jack's trivia

Jack's Trivia

Alexa, launch java trivia

Are you learning how to use programming language Java? Now you can test the fundamentals by playing this fun trivia! It is a great way to see how much you know.

Alexa, Launch JavaScript Quiz

JavaScript Quiz tests you knowledge of the most popular development language.

Alexa, start Jazz Trivia

Test your knowledge of jazz music!

Alexa, Play Jeopardy!

Play 6 new Jeopardy! clues each weekday from categories that will appear in that day's broadcast. Shout your answers for an authentic Jeopardy! experience.

Alexa, Ask Jim Rockford's Answering Machine to read a message

Jim Rockford's Answering Machine

Alexa, ask Jokes Plus Plus for a computer science joke.

An expansion of Alexa's cheesy jokes for all you CS majors out there.

Alexa, ask Just Energy for my bill details

Allows Just Energy customers to get bill details and ask for random energy fact

Alexa, ask KAYAK how much it costs to fly from New York to Boston

Alexa + KAYAK = hands-free travel planning. Get information on flights, hotels & rental cars. Hear flight status updates, destination suggestions & more.

Alexa, ask KCRW what's playing

Gives you the current program or track playing on KCRW radio.

Alexa, launch Key Finder

Having trouble remembering where you last placed your key?

Key Finder will assist you in remembering the last location of your key.

Alexa, ask Kids M.D.

Seek general health information for common ailments and medication dosing from Boston Children's Hospital. Does not provide individual medical advice.

Alexa, Launch King Of Pop

A fun trivia for fans of Michael Jackson - King of Pop. Alexa, launch King Of Pop Trivia

Alexa, ask knock knock.

Knock, knock! Who's there? The best collection of knock-knock jokes for the Amazon Echo you could imagine!

Alexa ask k.y.c

As the name suggest this game consists of quiz about how well you know your country.

Alexa, ask Korean Facts for a fact

Korean Facts allows you to learn facts about Korea.

Alexa, ask Korean Weather for Seoul

Getting Korean Local Weather Information

Alexa, ask the L Train when it's coming?

Ask Alexa when the next train is coming to your NYC MTA L train stop, and listen to the current L train status.

Alexa, Ask Langone Retreat what should I bring?

The Langone Retreat Information Skill by Longboard 8

Alexa, ask Language Fun about the edit distance between words dog and frog.

Natural language processing fun - computes "distance" between words in terms of character insertions and deletions required to change one into the other

Alexa, open laugh box

Laugh box will play and describe different laughs. You should be laughing as a result!

Alexa, open LDS Daily Message

Get an inspirational message from the LDS Daily Message Alexa App

Alexa, ask church facts for a fact

Ask Alexa for fun and interesting facts about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka LDS or Mormon Church).

Alexa ask league counter

Need to find out a counter for a Champion? Let us help!

Alexa, open Learn Geography.

A quick trivia game to help you learn international countries, cities, famous rivers, and more! Useful information for teens and adults.

Alexa, open let's add

Let's Add is a skill that quizzes you on addition problems. You can specify how high you want the questions to go, up to twenty plus twenty.

Alexa, open let's divide

Let's Divide is a skill that quizzes you on division problems. You can specify how high you want the division problems to go, up to 100 divided by 100.

Alexa, open let's multiply

Let's Multiply is a skill that quizzes you on your multiplication table. You can specify how high you want the questions to go, up to twelve times twelve.

Alexa, start Letters to Word

It's your turn to be a cheerleader. Tell Alexa what letters to say and when you are done spelling out a word, she will say what you spelled!

Alexa, start LGBT trivia

Multiple choice game to test your knowledge of LGBT history and terms!

Alexa, tell life counter to add Brandon

Keeps count of life totals in Magic: The Gathering

Alexa ask life pro tips for the top post

The top submission from the last 24 hours from r/LifeProTips from Reddit.


Alexa, tell LIFX to turn my bedroom lights off

LIFX, the world’s brightest color Wi-Fi smart lights. Ask Alexa to switch on the lights when your hands are full and fill your home with your favourite colors.


The world's brightest Wi-Fi LED smart lights, no cables or hub needed! Light your home in millions of colors, now with full control via Alexa.

Alexa, launch Lingo Info

Learn interesting facts about languages from around the world!

Alexa, ask Lit Report what is the top story today?

Littera Report hosts the best independent journalism in the world!

 Livy icon Livy

Alexa, ask Livy what happened today in history

Learn what happened today in history, including major events and notable birthdays.

Alexa, open Lizard Spock.

Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock

Alexa, ask London Scholar to tell me a fact

Learn facts about the great city of London from the London Scholar.

Alexa, ask choo choo, when is the next train from Penn Station to Mineola

This skill returns the next few trains that run from one station to another along the Long Island Railroad.

Alexa, open Long Weekend

What's the next long weekend?

Alexa, ask Lotto Now for Powerball numbers

This enables Alexa to tell you randomly generated lottery numbers.

Alexa, ask Sage for Gonzaga what is being served tomorrow?

Responds with the Gonzaga High School menu items for a given day

Alexa, open Lyrical.

Lyrical helps you remember a song name when you provide it with lyrics. All song information is being pulled from genius.com.

Alexa ask macbeth comprehension questions

This is a short seven question quiz on Shakespeare's play Macbeth. User will be able to choose from four answer choices that best answer the question.

Alexa, ask Magic 8-Ball if I am going to be rich.

Ask me anything!

Alexa, ask magic eight ball will it rain today

A fun Magic Eight Ball prediction skill.

Alexa, ask Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?

Wake up every morning and find out who the fairest one in all the land is! Simple say, "Alexa, ask Magic Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?"

Alexa, ask manorama for kerala news

Manoramaonline provides you the latest news from Kerala and India along with entertainment and informative content. Alexa, ask manorama for the latest news

Alexa, ask Manly Quotes for a quote.

Hear a random, manly quote!

Alexa, ask Mara for my fastest mile.

The MARA skill allows you to ask Alexa about the runs you've done with the MARA Running Assistant iPhone app.

Alexa, open/play March madness trivia

Trivia game asking questions about historical March basketball tournaments.

Alexa, open Marine Life.

Marine Life provides interesting information about whales, dolphins, sharks, sea turtles, octopus, jellyfish, deep sea creatures, and more!

Alexa, ask Market for news

Latest news headlines from Reuters, Market Watch, Wall Street Journal, CNBC, etc.

Alexa, launch martial art trivia!

Various, family friendly martial art trivia

Alexa, ask Math Challenge to give me an addition problem with two digits

Practice your math arithmetic with this skill

Alexa, start math fun.

Fun math learning app for First Graders.

Alexa, tell Math Kata to start an easy addition game.

Interactive game to improve math skills by executing a kata to become a math jedi!

Alexa, ask Math Mania to play

A simple math based game

Alexa, open Math Puzzles.

Math Puzzles is a fun way to challenge yourself and your friends. You’ll hear a series of numbers and you must guess the next logical number in the sequence.

Alexa, ask Math Tutor for 3 times table.

Math Tutor can read out the multiplication tables between 1 and 10.

Alexa, ask Boston Transit if there are any alerts on the green line

Checks the MBTA system for any alerts on the subway or commuter rail lines

Alexa, ask m. b. t. a. helper when is the next park street train arriving at brookline village

Boston MBTA helper

Alexa, ask meal idea to tell me a meal idea

Hear meal ideas that use basic, every day ingredients that you already have in your pantry or fridge.

Alexa, ask Meal Recommendations what I should eat

Suggests random meals, food or dishes.

Alexa, ask Meat Butler to help me prepare steak?

This butler tells the perfect internal temperature to achieve when cooking based on your meat and doneness preferences.

Alexa, launch medical marijuana trivia

Are you an expert in medical marijuana? Play this trivia to find out how much you know about the laws, possible effects, strain names, and current news!

Alexa launch Meditation Facts.

Facts about Meditation, Benefits of meditation for our health and wellness.

Alexa, ask The Gorgons

Medusa Myth tells you many interesting facts about Medusa.

Alexa, ask meh voice what the deal is

Ask Alexa to tell you the deal today on meh.com's website

Alexa, open Memory Master.

Put your powers of recollection to the test with Memory Master!

alexa, start challenge memory

Come and check how good your memory is!

Alexa, start Mental Math

Test your mental math

 Meta icon Meta

Alexa ask Meta for messages from Mike

Skill for use with Metaswitch Accession business communications services

Alexa, Ask meteor showers what is happening tonight

Meteor showers tonight

Alexa, open Metro Alerts

Want to know if there are delays on the Red Line? Could weekend construction derail your plans? Ask Metro Alerts and find out!

Alexa, ask metro north track i am going from Stamford to Grand Central

Gets the train time and track number for Metro North

Alexa, play mid century trivia

A trivia game about iconic mid century designers.

Alexa open Trivia on Middle Earth

A multiple-choice trivia game to challenging everything you think you know about Middle Earth.

 Milo icon Milo

Alexa, ask Milo to find Back to the Future Part Three

Find where you can view your favorite movie on free, paid and subscription services like Amazon Prime or Crackle.

Alexa, open Minnesota Trivia

State of Minnesota Trivia

Alexa, tell mirror mirror

Mirror Mirror is the best app anyone can have. Research shows getting a sincere compliment gives us the same positive boost as receiving cash.

Alexa, ask Mirror Mirror On The Wall who is the fairest of them all?

Do you remember the Queen in Snow White and her awesome magic mirror? Now you can have your own magic mirror! What will it tell you?

Alexa, open Missouri football

Test your knowledge of University of Missouri football. Find out if you're a true football Tiger.

Alexa, ask Mixologist "How do I make an Old Fashioned?"

Search among thousands of curated cocktail recipes and get full instructions for how to make these delicious libations.

Alexa, open Mixpo.

Skill to learn more about Mixpo's business health.

Alexa, tell moby link to turn my kitchen lights on

Allows you to control your home using an ISY home-automation controller with MobiLinc Connect.

Alexa, ask Mojio where is my car

Talk to your car with the Amazon Echo skill by Mojio. Connect your Alexa and Mojio accounts to get real-time information about your car, no matter where it is.

Alexa, Open Mormon Facts

Have Alexa tell you basic Mormon facts and beliefs.

Alexa, launch Mormon Trivia

Mormon trivia from the Book of Mormon and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints history.

Alexa, ask Mosaic for good morning

Connecting the Internet of Things to your voice.

Alexa ask MotoQuote for a Quote

Get your daily motivational quote from Alexa.

alexa, ask movie info about the magnificent seven

Gets movie details by searching theMovieDB.org based on title

Alexa, start Movie Quotes

Match the famous movie quote with the movie it came from.

"Alexa, open The Movie Trivia"

Test your knowledge about the Academy Awards

Alexa, ask Movies for redbox for latest movies

Movies for redbox tells you the latest and popular movies you can rent from redbox.

Alexa, ask Mr Brown a tarantino quote

if you are a fan of Tarantino's movie, you can enjoy this skill! The skill may not be suitable for all ages.

Alexa, ask Mr. Junky Food what to eat today.

Daily recommendations from Mr Junky Food for chocolate and candy lovers.

Alexa, ask Mississippi for a random fact

Get connected with the Official Website of the State of Mississippi, ms.gov. Just "Ask Mississippi" and let Alexa lead the way.

Alexa open multiples

Multiples is a multiplication quiz game. You are asked 5 multiplication questions. The levels range from 1x1 up to 100x100 depending on the level you set.

Alexa, ask Multiplication Challenge to start game

Quizzes the times tables from 1x1 to 12x12 at random.

Alexa, ask Music Jokes for a joke

Musician jokes

Alexa launch music quiz

Test your musical knowledge ! Listen to various songs and guess wich artist is behind.

Alexa, launch Music Trivia

Music Trivia is a Trivia Game about, what else, MUSIC!

Alexa, launch musical instrument trivia

A fun trivia game including fun facts about musical instruments.

Alexa open musical trivia

This is a trivia game about theater and movie musicals.

Alexa, ask Lyrics what song says Saint Peter Won't Call My Name

Ask Lyrics to get lyrics for a song and to read it.

Alexa, start Muzzley.

Interact with your connected devices with Muzzley and Echo. Try to say to "Alexa, ask Muzzley to turn on the living room lights" or "Alexa, open Muzzley".

Alexa, ask My Biggest Fan for a compliment

I'm your biggest fan. Ask me for a compliment and you'll come to realize how amazing you truly are.

Alexa, open bmi teller and check my bmi

This skill enables you to find your body mass index. You can input your height in feet or centimeters and weight in pounds or kilograms.

Alexa, launch Chess Facts

Chess facts to impress your friends, or just to learn!

Alexa, ask My Copilot, what are the clouds at P-A-E

Aviation weather in an air traffic controller's vocabulary

Alexa, ask My Dermatologist what's the u. v. index

My Dermatologist is designed for your skin health. At My Dermatologist we will provide you with localized facts to assist you in protecting your skin.

Alexa, launch Omaha Trivia

Omaha Trivia Game. Alexa, launch Omaha Trivia

Alexa, tell My Memory that on Tuesday I water the plants.

A simple scratchpad of things you want to remember, and what day you did them.

Alexa open oh wise one

Find out what your spirit animal is at that time. This will help guide decisions you make for the day and bring a new perspective to life.

Alexa, ask My Translator to translate water into Spanish

Use your Echo to translate words and phrases.

Alexa open Bible geek

Select this skill for interesting Bible facts.

Alexa, ask my dee link to turn off bedroom light.

D-Link’s Wi-Fi Smart Plugs make your home brighter, safer and more in tune with you. Control your devices with the sound of your voice and make any home smart.

Alexa , open i. o. t. fact

I.O.T Facts , the app gives you quick facts about Internet of Things or I.O.T

Alexa, start My Messages.

A messaging service used to send short messages to others (or yourself) using your Amazon Echo.

Alexa, ask Wine Gal to recommend a wine for prime rib

MySomm turns Alexa into Wine Gal, your personal wine sommelier that can give you wine recommendations for your meals!

Alexa, launch Mystery Castle

Explore a mysterious castle, collecting items and solving puzzles.

Alexa, ask MyThoughts for an Affirmation.

MyThoughts brings positive affirmations to your life. MyThoughts will say a positive affirmation, and you can repeat it. You will then get you another.

Alexa, ask N. Y. C. Status if alternate side is in effect.

NYC Status give info about parking rules, school closings and garbage collection in New York City. Example: 'Alexa, ask NYC Status about parking tomorrow.'

Alexa, ask Name Nerd about the name Allison

What's in a name? Everything! The Name Nerd tells you every name's popularity. Every day it will suggest a different unique, unusual and creative name.

Alexa, Launch Name That Tune

A fun trivia to name the title of a song based on a given lyric. Alexa, launch Name That Tune.

Alexa ask nanny state if I can have screentime

Kids can ask Alexa whether or not they can have screen time instead of pestering a parent.

Alexa, ask I Know NBA for the Cavs stats in the last 5 games

NBA statistics, powered by iknow.io

 NBC icon NBC

Alexa, start NBC.

NBC lets you connect to your favorite NBC shows with the power of your voice. Find out what's on and get all the show information you're looking for.

Alexa, ask NBC News for Ohio Democratic primary results

NBC News 2016 United States presidential elections information.

Alexa, ask Nerd Quiz to start a new game.

Test your video game knowledge with this fun video game quiz!

Alexa, ask nerdy valentine for a pickup line.

This skill gives a nerdy pickup line when asked.

 Nest icon Nest


Alexa and Nest work together to help you set the perfect temperature - without having to lift a finger.

Alexa, Launch New Musician

New Musician is a trivia skill that helps reinforce and teach basic music concepts and music reading to new music learners.

Alexa launch New Parent Quiz

This skill is a quiz to encourage new parents and provide tips on parenting around some not so well known facts

Alexa, ask New York Running Calendar: When is the next race?

The New York Running Calendar app helps you find the next organized running race in New York City.

Alexa, ask Linkboard to search news about [a topic].

News By Linkboard enables you to search the news and have articles read to you. Say, "Alexa, start Linkboard" to try.

Alexa, Ask The Next Train from Palo Alto to San Francisco

Real-time info on the next Caltrain

Alexa, ask Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla Trivia

Alexa ask NJ Transit train when is the next train from New York to Newark Airport

Get information on your NJ Transit Train. Current version will give information about next train from one station to another Station.

Alexa launch Noodle It Out

Noodle It Out is a trivia game for all foodies!

Alexa, launch North Carolina Trivia

Do you know NC?

Alexa, ask Aurora

Aurora skill will provide detailed information about the auroral activity over North America and the location where it will be visible.

Alexa, ask Noteworthy Quotes to read me a quote

A simple skill that reads you a noteworthy quote

Alexa, open subway

Ask Alexa about the status of the New York City subway system.

Alexa, ask NYC Transit what is the status of 7?

Ask me New York City subway status.

Alexa, ask Oh See Transpo when is the next route 95 at halt 3047

OC Transpo

Alexa, launch Odd Facts

Odd Facts is a fact list created from the Space Geek template.

Alexa, ask o. e. i. s. for a nice sequence

OEIS: The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences

Alexa ask office assistant

Office Assistant Skill:-This aims at providing facility to find Mobile Number of Client

 Ooma icon Ooma

Alexa, ask Ooma to play my voicemail

Listen to your Ooma voicemail. Dial your phone with voice commands. NOTE: This does not make Echo into a speakerphone.

Alexa, ask Opening Bell for Tesla.

Retrieve stock quotes of publicly traded companies (on NASDAQ & NYSE exchanges) using the company name, not the ticker symbol.

Alexa, ask OurGroceries to add milk to shopping list.

OurGroceries is the simplest way to keep your grocery lists instantly synchronized on all the smartphones in your household—and it’s free!

Alexa, open Package Tracker

With this skill you will never have to guess when your package is arriving. You can ask Package Tracker about all upcoming package shipments

Alexa, ask palindromes to say a palindrome

Says random palindromes

Alexa, ask PCMag which printer should I buy.

Product recommendations and reviews for thousands of popular products.

Alexa, ask the Penalty Box to tell me a hockey fact.

Get a fun hockey fact from a grab-bag of trivia about the sport that uses a stick and a puck!

Alexa, launch Pep Trivia

Pep Trivia is a Trivia Game that is fun to play

Alexa, Open Perfect Pitch.

Plays a musical note for you to identify.

Alexa, open Period Tracker

Helps women keep track of their mentrual cycle for a better family planning. Based on the Standard Days Method by Georgetown University.

Alexa, ask Persian History

A simple trivia game about ancient Persian history

Alexa, open Phage Trivia

a trivia app for members of The Phage and The Institute village.

Alexa, open Phish Geek

Phish Geek Phish Facts

Alexa, open Phone Finder

Tired of missing your phone in your home? Use Echo to find your phone. Say "Open phone finder". This app requires a companion app from android app store.

Alexa, open physics bowl.

A quiz game that will test your physics might!

Alexa, launch Physics Quiz

A quiz to test you knowledge in Physics

Alexa, Play Pi Day

How many digits of pi can you recite before time runs out?

Alexa, ask Pi Reader to read digits of pi

Alexa well read the first thousand digits of pi.To start say"Alexa ask Pi reader to read digits of pi"

Alexa, ask piano facts for a fun fact

Piano Virtuoso

Get fun facts about all things Piano! This skill is loaded with many surprising facts about the King of Musical Instruments!

Alexa, open pickup lines

This skill simply tells the user a random pickup line. The user can simply ask pickup line for a line, or start pickup lines.

Alexa, Open Pico

Pico, short for Pico, Fermi, Bagel, is the secret number game that tests your logic skills. Alexa will pick a number that you must guess in order to win.

Alexa, open the pipe organ game

A trivia game about the use, the history, the music and the building of pipe organs, the King of Music Instruments.

Alexa, ask Pitch Pipe to play C sharp

Use Pitch Pipe to play any of the thirteen pitches in an octave. Use it as a digital tuner for acapella or to tune an instrument.

Alexa, Launch Pizza Facts

Facts about the humankind's greatest achievement: pizza

Alexa, ask platypus geek for a platypus fact

This is will give you a platypus fact when invoked.

Alexa, ask Pocket Helper to have pocket fix my computer

A user of the Pocket app can use this skill. The main purpose of this skill is to help user in case of a problem by calling on the mobile number provided by him

alexa, ask pokey finder to find charizard

Now Alexa can tell you about information of 721 pokemon. Introducing you the brand new PokeFinder, the skill that provide you all the information about pokemon.

Alexa, launch Pope Francis Trivia

See how well you know Pope Francis with this quick game!

Alexa, open Fact Core.

Well, so you want to learn something. The Fact Core can assist, but it's up to you to decide if it's true or if we have experienced some data corruption.

Alexa, launch Potter Trivia

Test your knowledge of the Wizarding world with this Harry Potter Trivia Skill.

Alexa, Ask power ball for a quick pick

Ask Power Ball

Alexa, Ask Powerball, What are the powerball numbers?

Get latest Powerball numbers.

Alexa ask powerball helper, for a good selection for powerball

Ask Alexa to generate your Powerball numbers, and get the latest results.

Alexa ask Powerball for the winning numbers

Ask Powerball for the Latest Winning Powerball Numbers!

Alexa, open power ball numbers

Tells you what the most recent winning Powerball lottery numbers were. May not be suitable for all ages.

Alexa open president picker

If you know someone named Chris on Facebook that's running for president, this skill is for you.

Alexa, begin presidential trivia

Learn More About the 2016 Presidential Candidates

Alexa, start Presidential Trivia

A trivia game about United States Presidents. Wrong choices will be corrected with some extra historical context which will explain the answer.

Alexa, open Presidential Trivia

This is a multiple-choice trivia game to challenge what you know and help you learn about the US presidents.

Alexa, launch Presidents

Hail to the Chief! Test your knowledge in this trivia game about US presidents past and present.

Alexa, ask Prez Poll to get me the current poll results

Get the current data from the Huff Post daily poll for the 2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

Alexa, ask prime numbers

Quiz questions about prime numbers

Alexa, open Project Plus Quiz.

Sharpen your Project+ knowledge or supplement your certification preparation with the assistance of this practice quiz.

Alexa, ask Promptly for the current prompt

Jump start your creativity with weekly writing prompts

Alexa, ask pronunciations how to pronounce B. I. T. S.

Learn how to pronounce a word by giving Alexa its spelling.

Alexa, ask Provo Trivia

Providenciales Trivia Game

Alexa, ask Pug Bomb for three pugs

Cute pugs shoved straight into your ears.

Alexa ask Puget Sound what is the ferry status in Clinton

A way to find local information in the Washington State Puget Sound area.

Alexa, start purple trivia

This is the purple one's Trivia game built with the help of Reindeer Games template.

Alexa, start push ups

Join the elite fitness century club. Many people can do push ups, few can do 100! Are you up for the challenge?

Alexa, ask Puzzled Pint.

Ask Alexa when the next Puzzled Pint event is.

 QRZ icon QRZ

Alexa, ask QRZ who AA7BQ is

Provides easy lookup of FCC licenses by callsign.

Alexa, launch Quadrivia

Quadrivia is like trivia, only more serious and harder. Quadrivia Vocabulary Quiz will challenge your vocabulary skills.

Alexa, Launch Madonna Trivia

A fun trivia for fans of Madonna, the Queen of Pop. Alexa, launch Madonna Trivia

Alexa launch Quick Check Quiz

Chemistry quiz to start the second semester for simon tech students

"Alexa, open Quick Events."

Quickly add events to your primary Google Calendar. Quick Events will notify you of conflicts and ask for confirmation before adding your event.

Alexa, open quiz for apple

Think you know all there is to know about Apple Inc? Alexa will be the judge that as she quizzes you on all the little details about the company's history.

Alexa, open League Quiz

Fun fan-made League of Legends Quiz. You will be asked five questions that deal with champion lore, League of Legends Championship Series, and about Riot Games.

Alexa, open Thomas Fan Quiz

A trivia quiz for Thomas the Tank Engine fans.

Alexa, Open wizard

Harry Potter quiz to play with friends.

Alexa, launch Quote Me

Just a simple app that give you access to over 75,000 random quotes.

Alexa, ask Quote Machine to give me a quote

Get a quote to help inspire you!

Alexa, tell Quoter to tell me a quote

Hear a random quote

Alexa, Ask Papa Charlie

This is a skill that allows you to ask Alexa for quotes from Charles Fillmore. Simply enable the skill and ask Papa Charlie for a quote.

Alexa, ask QVine, when is the next quarterly meeting?

This app allows QVine employees to ask about upcoming events on the QVine calendar.

Alexa, tell Rachio to start zone one for six minutes


Alexa, open Raj Trivia Pursuit

Raj's trivia pursuit tests your knowledge of how well you know him.

Alexa ask random cat to tell me a fact

Random Cat Facts

Alexa, open Random Facts

Just some random facts.

Alexa, ask Random Muse to give me an idea

Randomized ideas for writers, artists, and anyone else who needs a place to start.

Alexa ask Random Number for a number

Ask for a random number between 1 and 100

Alexa, open Random Thoughts

Have Alexa tell you a random thought, the kind you would come up with in the shower! Try "Alexa, open Random Thoughts".

Alexa, open Random Trivia

A trivia game with random questions!

Alexa, Open world geek

Are you ready to learn some random facts that you can talk about at a party? Well, say no more and try out this skill! Simply say "Alexa, Open world geek"

Alexa, ask Randomizer for a random number.

This is just random value picker e.g. Alexa, ask Randomizer for any random number. Alexa ask Randomizer for number greater than ten. like this.

Alexa, Ask Red Stick about stop 1344.

Get predicted bus arrivals at bus stops on the CATS transit system in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Alexa, launch Redbird Games

A St. Louis Cardinals Baseball trivia game.

Alexa, talk to Reflect

Reflect Connect gives you voice control of your Nest Learning Thermostat through your Amazon Echo!!

Alexa, launch Reindeer Games

Reindeer Games is a Trivia Game built as a template for developers to use in creating trivia games of their own. It is also fun to play!

Alexa, open relationary

Relationary is a fun, fast-paced multiplayer word association game that keeps your brain sharp as the rounds get harder.

Alexa, ask Remember Your Keys if I am ready to go

Quick checklist to make sure that you have everything you need before you leave home.

Alexa, ask repeat after me to say Hello it's me

Use this skill to repeat anything you say to Alexa

Alexa, open Resistor Decoder.

Read the color bands off a resistor and Resistor Decoder will tell you its value. Great for when you have a lot of resistors to organize (doesn't everyone?).

Alexa, ask Restaurant Recommendations: recommend a Thai place in Seattle

Don't know where to go for dinner tonight? Let Alexa help by providing local, highly rated restaurant suggestions!

Alexa, ask RhymeZone what rhymes with banana?

Find rhymes, synonyms, related words, and adjectives for any word, and get help with crossword puzzle clues.

Alexa, start One Piece Trivia

Richard's One Piece Trivia

Alexa, launch Richmond Game

A fun trivia game focused Richmond, Virginia in the US.

Alexa, open State Capitals.

This is a quiz on the state capitals for the United States of America.

Alexa play European River Trivia

Trivia contest for European rivers. Test your knowledge of European rivers. It may inspire you to take a river cruise!

Alexa, open lizard spock

Alexa can play the Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock game. Ask Alexa to play a game with you and you will see how good are you in this game.

Alexa, ask The Rock to motivate me.

Motivation, Reflection, and Insults from the world's greatest action hero Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

Alexa, talk to Roddenberry.

Roddenberry's Trek Quotes is a fun, fast, and fabulous way to reminisce about your favorite Trek moments.

Alexa, ask Roman History for a fact

Random fun facts about Roman history

Alexa, ask Runtime Helper what is the run time of an array?

Know thy complexities!

Alexa, start S.L.P. Review

S.L.P. Praxis Review is an interactive voice activated flashcard skill for the Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) Certification Exam. Study w/ ease... hands-free!

Alexa, ask safe to eat what temperature should I cook fish to?

Check what is the minimal internal temperature to cook your food to according to foodsafety.gov.

Alexa, ask Safety Guy

This skill is a game. It will hone your knowledge on safety.

Alexa, ask sage of elements to tell me about calcium.

Alexa knows all about elements of the periodic table. Ask Alexa to share her knowledge with you.

Alexa, start ARTIK

Command by voice all your devices connected on Samsung ARTIK Cloud!

Alexa, ask Santa where is he?

Keep track of Santa on Christmas eve, find out if you’re on the nice list, and hear fun facts with Santa’s Helper. Just ask “Alexa, ask Santa, where are you?"

Alexa, ask Trivia about Sary

Alexa Trivia game about Sary

Alexa, ask sassy persona to get the weather

Give your device a sassy persona that can talk back and refuse commands.

Alexa, talk to Satoshi.

Satoshi's Bitcoin Quote is the first, fastest, and funnest way to keep up to date on everyone's favorite cryptocurrency, with your choice of price source.

"Alexa, tell Science Trivia to start a new game"

A Science Trivia app for those who love science! Just say"Alexa, tell Science Trivia to start a new game"

Alexa start science trivia game

Simple science trivia game

Alexa, open SciGuy

Ask Alexa for a Science Fact!

Alexa, ask Scout to arm home mode.

Controlling your Scout security system has never been easier. Ask Alexa to arm and disarm, retrieve recent activities, or check in on the status of a sensor.

Alexa, tell Scryb that I'm home

Scryb makes it easy for anyone to send a text message hands-free from home, or when you don't have access to a smartphone.

Alexa, ask Space Geek for a scuba fact

SCUBA trivia list based on the Space Geek Fact Skill

Alexa, ask Seattle Transit for directions from Ballard to Capitol Hill

Get step-by-step transit directions between neighborhoods in Seattle.

Alexa, ask Security Quiz

Take a Cyber Security Quiz

Alexa, open Seinfeld Trivia

Are you a Seinfeld fan? Test your knowledge with the Seinfeld Fan Trivia skill!


This skill allows you to control the Sensi thermostat.

Alexa ask a quote from shakespeare

Hear a shakespeare quote and be delighted and enriched.

Alexa, start Sheep Count

Count sheep before bed! Guaranteed to give you a laugh.

Alexa, tell Bed Time Story to Debbie

Have Alexa tell a short bedtime story.

Alexa, open Shower Thoughts.

Shower Thoughts are itty-bitty witty bite-sized clever thoughts. This skill will automatically fetch the Internet's most popular Shower Thought each day.

Alexa ask shower thoughts for the top post

Shower Thoughts from the subreddit r/ShowerThoughts

Alexa, ask Silly Winnie for a joke

Winnie the silly mastiff puppy loves to tell kid friendly jokes!

Alexa, ask silverbug what's the price of Silver?

This application can be used to lookup the price of Silver, Gold, and Bitcoin.

Alexa, tell simple control to watch TV

Take charge of your Simple Control automated home using nothing more than your voice. Control Activities, volume, and other aspects of Simple Control.

Alexa, ask Single Quote for the price of AMZN

Single Quote is an app for retrieving quote information on most widely traded equities.

Alexa, begin site information

Ask Alexa to describe a website.

Alexa, tell SkyBell to turn on quiet mode.

Control your SkyBell HD video doorbell, including live video recordings!

Alexa, ask Skyscanner for a flight

Search for flight prices anywhere in the world, by conversing with Alexa.

Alexa, ask Slow Carb Checker, can I eat apples?

Allows users to find if if a certain food or drink can be consumed on the Slow Carb Diet


Alexa, turn on the table lamp.

Use SmartThings to control your smart home. Switch on lights, change the temperature, or manage appliances with smart outlets.

Alexa, ask SMS With Molly to text John "I'm back"

Send Free Text Messages With Amazon Echo.

Alexa, ask Snowday is the federal government open today?

Snowday provides information on closures/delays for various government offices, services, and schools in the Baltimore/Washington area

Alexa, Launch Soccer Facts

Some interesting facts about the most popular sport in the world.

Alexa, open Sorting Game

Answer questions to find out which of the four Hogwarts houses you belong!

Alexa ask sound effects, to play the world's smallest violin

Sound Effects is the perfect way to fill an awkward silence, spice up a boring moment, or add comedic value to a situation.

Alexa ask sour dough how do i make bread

A list of sour dough recipes

Alexa start South American Capitals

A short and simple quiz of South America's capital cities.

Alexa, launch Space Trivia

Do you like Outer Space? Space Trivia will test your knowledge with general questions on our solar system and more.

Alexa, launch Space Trivia

Space Trivia Questions

Alexa, open Space Weather

The Space Weather skill for Alexa will tell you the current conditions in space.

Alexa, launch 'Spammy'

Can’t get enough pink piggy deliciousness in your life? The SPAMMY skill will make sure you always have new ways to bring more porky goodness into your life.

Alexa, Launch Spanish

Top 20 Spanish Words: Game to teach you twenty of most popular Spanish words.

Alexa, ask Spell Book to lookup Fire Bolt

Lookup spells from Dungeons and Dragons

Alexa, launch Spelling Bee

Welcome to spelling bee, the very first spelling game on Alexa.

Alexa, open Stage Names

What's in a name? Discover fun facts about celebrities, actors and singers you didn't know were using a stage name. Become an expert at stage names with Alexa!

Alexa, ask starfish for tube status

Status and information from all things British.

Alexa, open Star Trivia

Star Trivia is an out of this world experience for the whole family. It's both fun and educational.

“Alexa, Start Star Wars Quiz"

How well do you know the Star Wars Galaxy? Test your knowledge against trivia questions from Classic Star Wars films as well as The Force Awakens

Alexa, ask starfish band for calories used today

This skill links up with your microsoft health account and then you can play all your activities data for the day. It relies on user having microsoft health acc

Alexa, ask starfish fit for calories used today

This skill links up with your google fit account and then you can play all your activities data for the day. It relies on user having google fit account.

Alexa, open Starlanes

The Echo's first and best MMORPG. Join a faction and compete with other players to keep your faction on the top.

Alexa, ask Startup Info about Slack

Find information about companies and startups

Alexa state capitals

Multiple choice state capitals quiz

Alexa, open the Tax Finder

Ever wanted to know what your state sales tax is? Well, you have come to the right place!

Alexa ask state trees

State Trees is a trivia game that will test your knowledge on state trees. How many do you know?

Alexa, ask Robot Scout how team 1902 did in their last match

Get information and stats about FIRST Robotics Compeititon Teams

Alexa, launch Steely Dan trivia

Steely Dan Trivia Quiz

Alexa, open Stock Exchange

Real-time stock quotes from NASDAQ and NYSE, market summaries from S&P 500, DJIA, NASDAQ & NYSE composite indices and quote your personalized stock portfolio.

Alexa, ask Stock Market Sensei how does AMZN look today.

Stock Market Sensei,the #1 Stock Trading & Investment Finance Prediction Platform. Get current stock prices and likely low,high,opening & closing prices - daily

Alexa, ask Stock Quote to get quote for MSFT

Have Alexa fetch stock quotes for you....

Alexa, Ask Stone Ridge Food what are they serving today

Tells users the Stone Ridge School's entree menu for a given day

Alexa, ask Streambot what's featured on Twitch

Ask Alexa for some featured streams or top streams for a game on Twitch.tv

Alexa, tell Stringify to run movie night.

Run connected experiences that include things like Fitbit, SmartThings, Nest, Hue, Dropbox, Twitter and many more. This skill requires the free Stringify app.

Alexa, ask StubHub what’s happening this weekend.

What's going on this weekend? Ask Alexa to find out from StubHub!

Alexa, play Super Hero Trivia

Test your knowledge of comic superheroes!

Alexa, ask Super Heroes who Spiderman is

Reveal the identity of the person behind a superhero's mask

Alexa, ask Superpower for a conversation topic.

With Superpower, you can get an interesting conversation topic to start an engaging discussion with your friends and family.

Alexa, ask Surfable about Huntington Pier.

Get the surf reports for popular surfing spots in California.

Alexa, open Sutter

Learn about different ways to improve your overall health via our new health tips skill, brought to you by Sutter Health. Say, "Open Sutter"

Alexa, play Swamp Trivia.

Do you think you've mastered the Swamp audio game? Test your knowledge of all things Swamp with this trivia skill.

Alexa, ask Safety Swede to tell me a Sweden fact

Learn quick facts about Sweden.

 Syfy icon Syfy

Alexa, start Syfy.

Syfy lets you connect to your favorite Syfy shows with the power of your voice. Get recaps, previews, and schedule information. What happens next on 12 Monkeys?

Alexa, ask teen dating violence info for the fact of the day

Get a fact of the day about teen dating violence. Brought to you by Jennifer Ann's Group, the nonprofit charity who also made TDV Quiz for Alexa!

Alexa, ask Teen Dating Violence

Teen Dating Violence Quiz is brought to you by Jennifer Ann's Group, a nonprofit charity using technology in cool ways to prevent teen dating violence!

Alexa, start Tea Trivia.

A trivia game to test your knowledge of tea and tea related culture!

Alexa, open Teacher.

Teacher for Alexa is a fun and interactive way to learn basic math through a series of simple addition, subtraction, and multiplication problems.

"Alexa, ask Techcrunch news for headlines"

The latest technology news and information on startups.

Alexa, ask Tech Buzz to tell me something smart

Generates a technology statement with the latest in technology buzzwords.

Alexa, use keeper and start a singles match with red team's serve

Get the tennis experience of pros - coordinated match play and scoring, all your data stored, & statistics and analysis on every point you play from now on.

Alexa, ask terrell Trivia to Start game

This is a spinoff of the trivia Skill.

Alexa, ask Sun Tzu

Glean strategic insight and actionable intelligence from Sun Tzu's ancient Chinese military treatise, The Art of War.

Alexa, ask the bartender, what's in a Tom Collins?

Gives Alexa access to over 12,000 cocktail recipes and instructions on how to make them.

Alexa, open The Bible.

Listen to Alexa read inspirational scriptures to you from the Bible.

Alexa, launch The Bus Honolulu

The Bus Honolulu Arrival interface

Alexa, ask the cat feeder if we fed her?

Keep track of the last time you fed your cat.

Alexa, open the color game

See if you can remember and repeat back to Alexa the colors she tells you. Repeat all ten and you win the game.

Alexa ask The Cyberpunk Dictionary to tell me a cyberpunk word

A dictionary of cyberpunk words and phrases. Alexa ask The Cyberpunk Dictionary to tell me a cyberpunk word.

Alexa, ask the dishwasher if the dishes are dirty

Ask Alexa about the dishes in your dishwasher.

Alexa, ask the dog if we fed her?

Keep track of the last time you fed your dog.

Alexa, tell The Dude to give me a quote.

Converse with The Dude! Engage in conversations with The Dude from the movie The Big Lebowski or just play Dude quotes from the movie.

Alexa, ask The General to say Hello in Morse Code

Spell Words in telephony or Morse Code

Alexa, open The Law

Ask Alexa for a strange law!

"Alexa, tell The Listeners that I am filled with happiness."

The Listeners is a poetic performance offering a simple interaction with Alexa: speaking for the Listeners and trying to understand something of our feelings.

Alexa, open the magic door

Choose your own adventure beyond the magic door. Fairies, gnomes, gods, and treasure await you as you explore the various lands. Easter Special: Easter Egg Hunt

Alexa, play The Masters Trivia

Test your knowledge of the Masters tournament.

Alexa, open The Name Game and use Alexa.

Alexa alexa bo-balexa, banana-fana fo-falexa, fee fi fo-malexa, Alexa!

Alexa, ask Name Game for Gary.

Play the Name Game song

Alexa, ask Norse Talk

'Norse Talk' is a Quiz about Norway and Norwegians.

Alexa, open phish trivia

A Phish Trivia Game

Alexa, ask The Pianist for an A.

The Pianist - your personal musical assistant

Alexa, ask The Rabbi what time is Shabbos in New York?

Gives you the start and end times for Shabbos by city, the Hebrew (Jewish) date for any day this week or next, and the Torah portion of this week. Chabad.org

Alexa, open The Scriptures.

Listen to Alexa read inspirational scriptures to you.

Alexa, play the telephone game

The Telephone Game is a game about Echoing messages. Hear a message, and try to repeat it verbatim. Simple, right?

Alexa, Ask Tickle Monster "Who's Next?"

Family fun (or maybe terror)! Setup participants and let Tickle Monster choose who's next!

Alexa ask The Tube what's happening on the District

Get the current service status for a line on the London Underground, aka The Tube.

Alexa, ask The Tube if there are any delays.

Access the current London tube status from your Amazon Echo. Ask about all lines, or one line in particular

Alexa, launch Hollywood trivia

The Ultimate Hollywood Trivia game. It is a fun game to play as well as helps you amp up your trivia facts about movies, actors and more!

Alexa, open the Wayne Investigation

In this Batman-themed choose-your-own-adventure mystery game, you play a detective investigating the murder of Bruce Wayne’s parents.

Alexa, open the wizard

Meet the wizard. He's about to do some pretty wild magic...

Alexa, tell Eliza that I am sad

A fun program that pretends to be a psycho therapist. Not to be taken seriously, this is just for fun!

Alexa tell the thermostat that it is a bit cold

Control your Nest® thermostat using only your voice.

Alexa, ask thermostat to set the temperature to seventy one

Let Alexa control your Nest Learning Thermostat

Alexa open Thirteen

Thirteen is a fun number game where Alexa and you need to form number 13.

Alexa ask This Day In History

This Day in History tells you events that happened today -or any day- in the past.

Alexa, Navy History

In keeping with the heritage of the Navy this skill will let you know the significant events from US Naval history that occurred today.

Alexa, ask Tic Tac Toe for a game

Take on Alexa in a classic game of Tic Tac Toe.

Alexa, ask Tide Pooler when is high tide in Seattle

Use Tide Pooler to get tide information for major coastal cities.

Alexa, ask Tide Pooler when is the high tide in Seattle on Saturday

Returns tide information for a given city or state

Alexa, ask tide guide for the tides in Santa Barbara, California

This skill will give the tide report for most locations (city and state/country) with a NOAA station.

Alexa, ask Times for Caltrain, when is the next train from Sunnyvale to Palo Alto?

An app for Bay Area commuters for getting Caltrain information regarding fare and next train between two stations.

Alexa ask Times for Marta what are the times for the airport?

Times for MARTA will tell you how soon the next train will arrive at different stations within the MARTA subway system in Atlanta.

Alexa, ask Times Tutor to practice nine

Practice your multiplication with the Times Tutor!

Alexa, open Tip of Tongue.

A competitive game in which you answer questions using a word or phrase that begins with a random generated letter. Play solo as a brain teaser or with a group!

Alexa, ask Titus to find Seinfeld

Find where you can view your favorite TV shows on free, paid and subscription services like Amazon Prime, CBS or Crackle.

Alexa, ask Today in History about historic events.

Today in History

Alexa, ask Today In History what happened on this date in history.

Curious about historical events that happened today?

Alexa, load Today's Astronomy Picture

Hear today's Astronomy Picture of the Day!

Alexa, open Product Hunt

An Alexa Skill for interacting with Product Hunt.

Alexa, ask for today's facts

Historical Facts picked for today!

Alexa, open Today's Ten

Have Alexa read you Business Insider's daily lists of tech and world events

Alexa, ask cue token for the price

Ask for the most current game token price in gold for World of Warcraft!

Alexa, start Matrix Calculator

A skill that calculates the tone row matrix for an inputted twelve tone row.

Alexa, ask Toon Goggles to open Bernard

Enjoy Toon Goggles with your voice! Open shows, play videos, listen to music, and control playback.

Alexa ask subreddit news for the news

Get the top Reddit post from r/News from the last 24 hours.

Alexa, ask Toronto Transit when is the next streetcar 504

Toronto Transit provides live predictions for the arrival time of Toronto buses and streetcars

Alexa, open Tough Guy

Start your day with a laugh and in awe of one of the greatest action movie heroes! The Tough Guy will give you random satirical facts about Chuck Norris

Alexa, ask ToughGuy to tell me a joke

The ToughGuy tells you nerdy Chuck Norris jokes.

Alexa, tell tournament trivia to start a new game

Test your knowledge of the college basketball tournament.


Kasa is a simple way to manage your home from anywhere.

Alexa, ask Tracker for an overview.

Tracker's Election Odds is the premier way to get the inside scoop on who is likely to win the presidential primary nominations, and the presidency itself.

Alexa ask train times for the next train

LIRR train schedules & status updates

Alexa, ask Trainer Tips what's weak against Fire.

The Trainer Tips skill gives you hands-free reference for those difficult battles where quick thinking is required.

"Alexa, ask Translator to say 'it's raining' in Italian"

Use Translator for Alexa to translate English words and phrases into over 50 languages.

Alexa, ask Trash Pickup if trash is picked up this week

Provides information regarding curbside collection holidays for Anne Arundel Co. Maryland. Just say "Alexa, ask Trash Pickup if trash is picked up this week."

Alexa, ask Tricities Karaoke where can I sing tonight

Find local karaoke in the Tricities Washington.

Alexa, Launch Old School Trivia

This is a multiple-choice trivia game to challenge what you know about the movie Old School. Content may not be suitable for all ages.

Alexa, start trivia challenge

Practice your knowledge of U.S History from the colonial times to current day with Trivia Challenge.

 <img src="skills/B01CE1X6LC/skill_icon" alt="Trivia for "The Simpsons" icon" width="36"> Trivia for "The Simpsons"

Alexa, play Simpsons Trivia

A simple trivia game featuring questions from the TV show "The Simpsons".

Alexa, ask the Doctor

This is a Doctor Who Trivia Game

Alexa, Launch Superman Trivia

A fun trivia for fans of Superman. Alexa, launch Superman Trivia

Alexa, launch formula one trivia

A challenging Formula 1 trivia game, to test your knowledge of the sport.

Alexa, play Trivia for Gundam

Test your knowledge of the Gundam universe!

Alexa, ask Trivia for Monopoly to give me a fact

Trivia for Monopoly

Alexa, open NASCAR Trivia

Test your knowledge of NASCAR's past and present in this multiple-choice trivia game!

Alexa, launch trivia for taylor swift

Trivia for Taylor Swift is a trivia game dedicated to testing how much of a swiftie you really are.

Alexa, play trivia for g.w.u

Trivia for The George Washington University

Alexa, Open trivia for star wars

C-3PO Presents: Trivia for the Star Wars Universe

Alexa, open trump me

A Donald Trump Trivia Quiz. If you like Donald Trump please rate this skill.

"Alexa, Launch Air Force Trivia"

Trivia about the United States Air Force

Alexa, start trivia for disney

This is a Trivia Game for Disney. Are you a disney fan? Want to test your knowledge about disney, or just want to have some fun, this skill is for you.

Alexa, launch Michigan Football Trivia

The Trivia Game for Michigan Football will let you test your knowledge and see how much of a wolverine you truly are!

Alexa, start Sofia trivia game

See how well do you know about Sofia the First.

Alexa, launch Trivia Geek

Trivia Geek is a game to challenge yourself in trivia questions. Have fun!

Alexa, Launch Japan Trivia

This is a fun little trivia game featuring interesting questions on Japan and Japanese Culture.

Alexa, launch Trivia on Harry Potter.

Test your knowledge of the magical world of Harry Potter!

Alexa, Play Manchester City Trivia

For all Man City fans! Test your knowledge of the clubs history, accomplishments, famous players and fun trivia facts...

Alexa, open Trivia Talk

Trivia Talk is a multiple choice trivia game you can play by yourself or with your friends.

Alexa, ask trivia with friends for the free answer

Get the free answer of the day for America's Pub Quiz trivia.

Alexa launch trivial trivia

Trivial Trivia is a trivia game to test your knowledge of computing history.

Alexa, open Trump Thoughts.

Trump answers your most burning questions.

Alexa open Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare Party Game (PG-13)

Alexa, ask Tube Status about the Victoria line.

Access the current London tube status from your Amazon Echo. Ask about all lines, or one line in particular

Alexa play turtle trivia

A short trivia skill about turtles and teenage mutant ninja turtles

Alexa, ask TV Shows when is American Idol on?

TV Shows provides the time and network for the next episode of any TV show. Episode details including show summaries are also provided in the Alexa App.

Alexa, open Tweet Poll

Tweet Poll lets you put your finger on the pulse of the nation, as measured by tweets. Construct your own polls and find out the information you want.

Alexa, play Twenty Questions.

Twenty Questions will guess what you're thinking!

Alexa, run Twister Spinner

Twister spinner with voice

Alexa, open U. S. history

Fun and education facts about US History

 Uber icon Uber

Alexa, ask Uber to request a ride.

Official Uber skill for Amazon Alexa.

Alexa, tell portal to give me some tips

Ubi Portal Voice Prototyping Tool allows for very quickly showcasing interaction between an Amazon Echo or AVS enabled device and a service.

Alexa, open Ukulele Tuner.

Tune your ukulele with Ukulele Tuner.

Alexa, Tell Uncle Shakespeare to insult me!

Let Uncle Shakespeare insult you. These jibes are randomly composed from adjectives and nouns taken from Shakespeare's works.

Alexa, launch Unicorn Trivia

Unicorns are more than mythical creatures! Test your knowledge of $1 billion companies, or use this skill simply to learn more about them.

Alexa, launch Immigration Quiz

This is a quiz game that tests users on their knowledge of general U.S. civics questions.

Alexa ask Unstuck for a question

Get a random brainstorming prompt

Alexa ask civics exam

Test your knowledge of United States Civics

Alexa, tell National Parks game to start new game

US National Parks quiz game

Alexa, ask US Parks to tell me a park fact

US Park Facts will share a random fact about the US National Park Service (NPS)

Alexa, launch state capitals

Trivia Game for US Captitals

Alexa, ask states quiz

US States Quiz

Alexa start immigration test

Studying for the citizenship test or just want to test your USA knowledge? This multiple-choice Alexa Skill can help.

Alexa, ask USA Today to give me the news

The USA Today skill for the Amazon Echo keeps you informed 24/7 with the latest USA TODAY headlines. Staying informed has never been this quick, easy, or enjoy

Alexa, start Force Trivia.

Star Wars trivia game.

Alexa, open Useless Trivia

Test your trivia knowledge with this fun skill!

Alexa, open Utah.gov

Learn fun facts about the State of Utah or take a practice quiz to test your knowledge of the rules of the road for the State of Utah.

Alexa, Start Utterly Body Quiz.

A family friendly trivia quiz about the human body.

Alexa, ask UV Meter what is the UV index in Phoenix

Use UV Meter to get strength of sun’s UV rays in your city

Alexa, ask Vectrex Wiki to tell me about the game Bedlam

The Vectrex Wiki skill allows you to get information about the original Vectrex GCE games.

Alexa, ask Verbivore for the word of the day

Broaden your vocabulary with Verbivore. This skill, perfect for scholars, educators and logophiles alike, allows Alexa to teach you a cool, new word every day.

Alexa, ask virtual academy what are the events in may

Ask Virtual Academy about upcoming events, courses and holidays.

Alexa, tell Vivint to lock my doors

Control your Vivint smart home (for Vivint Sky consumers only) with easy-to-use voice commands

Alexa, ask voice pod to turn on the overhead lights

The VoicePod skill lets you control and interact with the Control4 home automation system. Control lights, shades, AV, scenes and more!

Alexa, open wake up call

Daily Wake Up Call by Sean Bauer

Alexa, Open Horse Geek

Tennessee Walking Horse Facts

Alexa, ask the warden if DMX is in jail

Ask the warden if DMX is in jail

Alexa, ask Wedding Countdown to set my wedding date as May 14th, 2016.

Countdown the number of days until your wedding date.

Alexa ask weight tracker to store one hundred sixty four pounds

Helps you to keep track of your weight. Just stand on a scale and tell Alexa to store your weight. You can also set a target and get reports.

Alexa open West Virginia Facts

Fun Facts about the State of West Virginia

Alexa, ask whale trivia for a new game.

Trivia game about whales

Alexa ask startup generator to What does your startup do

Wait, what does your startup do?

Alexa, ask what's my sign for Sagittarius

A daily horoscope.

Alexa, open Wheel of the Year and ask for information on Samhain.

The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle of seasonal festivals, observed by many modern Pagans.

Alexa, Ask Parking Near Me 'Good parking in New York city?'

Where To Park

Alexa, open Who Played Bond

Test your knowledge of the 007 films by matching which actor played bond in each movie.

Alexa, ask Baseball Skit for instructions

Abbott and Costello's classic baseball skit: Who's On First?

Alexa, ask Wiggly Words to tell me a funny word

This skill gives you a random funny word with the definition.

Alexa, Ask Wiki Brains to tell me about Kate Middleton

Wiki Brains can read you many of the 5000 most accessed articles on the English Wikipedia 'Alexa, Ask Wiki Brains to tell me about Kate Middleton'

Alexa, ask Wind Report for Seattle

Want to be able to ask Alexa what the wind conditions are like for your city?

Alexa, open Wine Facts.

This skill will tell you some interesting, obscure and fascinating facts about wine.

Alexa, play Wine Trivia

Random wine trivia fact game

Alexa, ask wine mate what wine goes with bacon?

Find the perfect wine for a type of food, or vice versa.

 Wink icon Wink


With Amazon Alexa, Wink smart home users can use simple voice commands to control their Wink-compatible lighting products and Wink-enabled Nest Thermostats.

Alexa, open women's underwear

Alexa is able to calculate your perfect bra size, according to your bust and band measure. Ask Alexa some advices to choice your perfect bra.

 Woot icon Woot

Alexa, ask Woot what is the deal on electronics?

Get Woot's daily deals straight from Alexa, just ask Woot "What is today's deal?"

Alexa, ask Workout Buddy for a workout

This skill gives you a random exercise to do.

Alexa, start soccer trivia

Test your knowledge of soccer with a series of questions around the world cup and soccer players

Alexa, open World History.

Are you interested in world history. Rely on World History for hundreds of events in world history for every day of the year.

Alexa, play would you rather

Would you rather eat a hundred chillies or never eat again? Let Alexa ask you silly questions.

Alexa, ask Yo Mama to make a joke

Yo Mama Jokes

Alexa, ask Mom Jokes to tell me a joke.

Tells a "yo momma" joke. Have Alexa start it, or ask it for a joke by saying "Alexa, ask Mom Jokes to tell me a joke." May not be appropriate for all ages.

Alexa, Ask Yoga Guru how do I pose a cobra

Yoga Guru is a skill which will tell you how to do a yoga pose.


Yonomi connects all of your devices under one roof for free – including Sonos, Logitech Harmony, Hue and more. Control all of your devices with just your voice!

Alexa, start for me

I am your daily friend and can do many things for you. Such as play fun games and later much more!

Alexa, ask ZenMaster for a koan

ZenMaster tells you a koan that will help you practice meditation.

Alexa, Ask Zip Code What city is Zip Code 20120


Alexa, ask Zodiac the sign of someone born on October fifth

Find out the Zodiac sign for any date

Alexa, start zoo walk

A walk in the zoo: Guess animal names by their sounds. Great fun for young and old! Roar!

Alexa, start Zoo Trivia

Animals are so weird, you guys. Do you know just how weird? Play this fun trivia challenge and test your knowledge.

Alexa, ask Zubie, where is my car?

Zubie makes driving safer, easier and less expensive by connecting you with your cars. You can ask Alexa about its location, activity, fuel status and more.