This is my Bachelor thesis in computer science at Ufa SATU on genetic algorithms for solving Travelling Salesman Problem.
There are:
- Point of production of goods (address)
- List of requests for delivery of goods (address, date, amount)
Need to find a route of minimum cost on a certain date to all addresses requests for delivery, that begins and ends at the point of production.
I compared 18 modifications of genetic algorithms, builded by combinations of next parameters:
- Initial population
- Tour created by Nearest Neighbour algorithm
- Tour of the points, sorted by distance from initial point
- Tour around the start point clockwise
- Random tour
- Selection operators
- Rank selection
- Elitism
- Crossover operator
- Edge recombination
- Mutation operators
- Move
- Inversion
- Parents in crossover
- 2
- 3
- Mutation probability
- 0.1
- 0.3
- 0.5
Test dataset taken from TSPLIB. I tested on datasets, that contains up to 100 nodes.
Finally, I choosed a modification of algorithm with bold parameters.
This is the Web project with back-end on Java and front-end on JSP (HTML+CSS).
- Java
- Spring Framework (Web MVC, Data, Security)
- Hibernate ORM
- Yandex.Maps (display routes on maps)
- Yandex.Geocoder (get coordinates by address)
- Mapbox Matrix Service (get time/distance between points)
- Prompting API by (prompt addresses)