
This repository is for all the work done on Cryptography as part of the Cambridge Programmer's Study Group.

Classical cryptography

Modern Cryptography

Using OpenSSL from C

The OpenSSL library will have all the functionality we might need during the challenges, especially if you're working in C/C++. The documentation is really poor though. Here are a couple of examples to get you started:

Command Line help

Strings and Hexadecimal

Using xxd to convert a string to Hexadecimal. Note how we use echo's -n option to not print a newline at the end.

echo -n "Hello" | xxd -p

Converting hex back to string (which will not include a newline):

echo -n "48656c6c6f" | xxd -p -r

Strings and base 64

Same idea, but for base 64:

echo -n "Hello" | base64
➤ echo -n "SGVsbG8=" | base64 --decode

Using OPENSSL to test your code on the command line

Let's set up our key and plaintext

➤ PLAINTEXT="YELLOWFIN TUNAS." # Exactly 16 characters (128 bits)
➤ KEY="YELLOW SUBMARINE" # Exactly 16 characters (128 bits)
➤ HEX_KEY=$(echo $KEY | xxd -p)

Then we can encrypt and decrypt using openssl. We'll need to tell openssl to not add a salt and to not pad our plaintext using the -nopad and -nosalt option. We'll use -aes-128-ecb as a simple test.

➤ CIPHERTEXT=$(echo -n ${PLAINTEXT} | openssl enc -aes-128-ecb -nopad -nosalt -K ${HEX_KEY} )echo -n ${CIPHERTEXT} | openssl enc -d -aes-128-ecb -nopad -nosalt -K ${HEX_KEY}

Using a file is just as easy:

➤  base64 --decode < secret-lyrics.txt | openssl enc -d -aes-128-ecb -nopad -nosalt -K $(echo -n "YELLOW SUBMARINE" | xxd -p)
I'm back and I'm ringin' the bell
[...many more lines...]
Play that funky music