RubyConf TW 2012 Presentation Slides, Resources and Video
ihower: RubyConf Taiwan 2012 Opening & Closing
Ending - RubyConf Taiwan 2012 Video
David Tian: Ruby on Rails在VMWare Mozy云备份服务中的应用 Video
Matz: Keynote Video
Wei Lu: A Journey into Pair Programming Video
jserv: 在自動控制領域應用微型 Ruby Video
nomadcoder: Modular web-apps with Rails, Sencha Ext JS, and Netzke website Video
godfat: Concurrent Ruby Application Servers Video
Akira Matsuda: Ruby 2.0: New Features Video
xdite: Bootstrappers, how to write you own apps generator
小蟹: 如何使用分頁 gem 和 partial 來輕鬆完成 ajax 的區塊更新與無限捲軸功能
高見龍: Vim for Ruby/Rails Developer github
Masayoshi Takahashi & Yamane: mruby
Kentaro Kuribayashi: Living on the Edge Rails
Kensuke Nagae: Introducing nonopaste-cli
Shinya Tsunematsu: Building production server environment of ruby in modern way
Yohei YASUKAWA: Introducing Remote Pair Programming in Okinawa.rb
Sebastian Korfmann: Koi Deploy
Sebastian Burkhard: RubyJS: Programming Ruby in Javascript
Tim Oxley: TJ Holowaychuk's Component system
Freedom: 從一個業餘 Smalltalk programmer 的觀點看 Ruby 的 object model 和 bytecode Video
Koichi Sasada: (Implementation Details of Ruby 2.0 VM).succ Video
Hiroshi SHIBATA: How to discover the Ruby's defects with web application. Video
Gosuke Miyashita: Inside Sqale's Backend Video
Richard Lee: Ruby Toolbox for DevOps Video
thegiive: Puppet, the next level deploy system on all platform Video
Joseph Ku: RubyMotion: Hack Your iOS App Like Never Before Video
Eddie: May the Source Be with You - Learning Ruby by Reading Ruby Source Code Video
ryudoawaru: Concurrency Model for huge MySQL data processing
Von: 使用 Goliath 設計 High Concurrent 及 High Availability 的 API
pct: Rails 完全新手,一星期也能刻出的 rails3-template
Jia Hen Tee: Angular JS with rails
Christophe Vilayphiou: An Open CMS with MongoDB
YC Ling: 淺談 Ruby Process Fork 應用
Sgar Wang: Integration with
Dale Ma: Build your own web scraper
Anderson Lin: Ruby Toolbox For iOS developer: 運用Ruby-based的工具加速iOS行動應用開發