
This is the source code repository for our paper Attention-based Shape-Deformation Networks for Artifact-Free Geometry Reconstruction of Lumbar Spine from MR Images. Here, we propose TransDeformer, a novel attention-based deep learning approach that reconstructs the geometry of the lumbar spine with high spatial accuracy and mesh correspondence across patients. Also, UNet-DeformSA is presented for geometry reconstruction and a variant of TransDeformer, named ShapeErrorEstimation, is presented for error estimation.


Lumbar disc degeneration, a progressive structural wear and tear of lumbar intervertebral disc, is regarded as an essential role on low back pain, a significant global health concern. Automated lumbar spine geometry reconstruction from MR images will enable fast measurement of medical parameters to evaluate the lumbar status, in order to determine a suitable treatment. Existing image segmentation-based techniques often generate erroneous segments or unstructured point clouds, unsuitable for medical parameter measurement. In this work, we present TransDeformer: a novel attention-based deep learning approach that reconstructs the geometry of the lumbar spine with high spatial accuracy and mesh correspondence across patients, and we also present a variant of TransDeformer for error estimation. Specially, we devise new attention modules with a new attention formula, which integrate image features and tokenized contour features to predict the displacements of the points on a shape template without the need for image segmentation. The deformed template reveals the lumbar spine geometry in an image. Experiment results show that our TransDeformer generates artifact-free geometry outputs, and its variant predicts the error of a reconstructed geometry.

Environment Setup

We recommend seting up an environment with python>=3.10 and pytorch>=2.0.0. Especially for pytorch installation, please follow the command in this website and select proper version with your Computing platform (CUDA, CPU, etc.). Below is our command to install the pytorch dependencies with CUDA 11.7.

pip install torch==2.0.0 torchvision==0.15.1 torchaudio==2.0.1

After that, please execute the provided command to install the necessary dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Toy Dataset and Evaluation

We present a toy dataset and related jupyter notebook to show the details of the evaluation.
Google Colab is supported to run this notebook. Considering the computing platform, we initialize the device in Section Common preparation but don't apply our inference process (including models and toy dataset) on any GPU or TPU. It's easier to re-run this Colab Notebook Version. This Colab allows you to edit the files from the repository directly in the Colab UI and annotates Colab cells that walk you through the code step by step. Below is the link for better visualization.

Sample Results


      title={Attention-based Shape-Deformation Networks for Artifact-Free Geometry Reconstruction of Lumbar Spine from MR Images}, 
      author={Linchen Qian and Jiasong Chen and Linhai Ma and Timur Urakov and Weiyong Gu and Liang Liang},