If you build many apps that uses the same source code with Ionic v3, this tool can help you to automate the build process and avoid copying splash and icons, modify app id, name and version.
Clone the source
git clone https://github.com/lincond/IonicMultiApp
Install via npm
npm i -g
ima config [options] <config>
Build a new config.xml with provided data
-i, --id [id] - specifies the application id. Ex.: br.com.example.app
-n, --name [name] - specifies the application name. Ex.: My App
-v, --appv [appv] - specifies the application version. Ex.: 0.0.1
-o, --out [out] - specifies the name of out xml file.
-h, --help - output usage information
ima config -i com.myenterprise.myapp -n MyApp -v 1.0.1 -o new_config.xml config.xml