
Crafty statistical graphics for Julia.

Primary LanguageJuliaOtherNOASSERTION

"Alice looked up at the Rocking-horse-fly with great interest, and made up her mind that it must have been just repainted, it looked so bright and sticky."

Gadfly is a plotting and data visualization system written in Julia.

It's influenced heavily by Leland Wilkinson's book The Grammar of Graphics and Hadley Wickham's refinment of that grammar in ggplot2.

It renders publication quality graphics to PNG, Postscript, PDF, SVG, and Javascript. The Javascript backend uses d3 to add interactivity like panning, zooming, and toggling.

To see Gadfly in action, have gander at some examples.


Optional: install cairo, pango, and fontconfig

Gadfly works best with the C libraries cairo, pango, and fontconfig installed. The PNG, PS, and PDF backends require cairo, but without it the SVG and Javascript/D3 backends are still available.

Complex layouts involving text are also somewhat more accurate when pango and fontconfig are available.

Install Gadfly and dependencies

From the Julia REPL a reasonably up to data version can be installed with


This will likely result in half a dozen or so other packages also being installed.


The "grammar of graphics" idiom using in Gadfly may seem a a little strange at first, but once basic ideas are grasped, figuring out how to combine the pieces to make a new plot is quite easy.

Specifying plot in Gadfly consists of three parts:

  1. A DataFrame containing the data you wish to plot.
  2. Bindings of "aesthetics" to columns or expressions from your data frame.
  3. Plot elements, which are statistics, scales, or geometries used to construct the graphic.

Here's a quick example.

using Gadfly
using RDataSets

# grab some data to plot
mammals = data("MASS", "mammals")

p = plot(mammals,
         x="body", y="brain", label=1,
         Scale.x_log10, Scale.y_log10,
         Geom.label, Geom.point)

# render the plot on a backend
draw(SVG("mammals.svg", 6inch, 6inch), p)


The data we are plotting is contained in mammals.

We bind columns from mammals to aesthetics, which are used by the plot geometries to draw the graphic. Here we bind x to the body column, y to the brain column, and label to column 1, which is an unnamed column containing the animal's name.

Finally we add plot elements. We override the default linear scale with a log10 scale for both the x and y axis, add the label and point geometries.


Plot elements in Gadfly are statistics, scales, geometries, and guides. Each operates on data bound to aesthetics, but in different ways.


Statistics are functions taking as input one or more aesthetics, operating on those values, then outputing one or more aesthetic. For example, drawing of boxplots typically uses the boxplot statistic (Stat.boxplot) that takes as input the x and y aesthetic, and outputs the middle, and upper and lower hinge, and upper and lower fence aesthetics.


Scales, similarly to statistics apply a transformation to the original data, typically mapping one aesthetic to the same aethetic, while retaining the original value. The Scale.x_log10 aesthetic maps the x aesthetic back the x aesthetic after appling a log10 transformation, but keeps track of the original value so that data points are properly identified.


Finally geometries are responsible for actually doing the drawing. A geometry takes as input one or aesthetics, and used data bound to these aesthetics to draw things. The Geom.point geometry draws points using the x and y aesthetics, the Geom.lines geometry draws lines, and so on.


Very similar to geometries are guides, which draw graphics supported the actual visualization, such al axis ticks and labels and color keys. The major distinction is that geometries always draw within the rectangular plot frame, while guides have some special layout considerations.

Using the d3 backend

The D3 backend writes javascript. Making use of it's output is slightly more involved than with the image backends.

Rendering to Javascript is easy enough:

draw(D3("mammals.js", 6inch, 6inch), p)

Before the output can be included, you must include the d3 and gadfly javascript libraries. The necessary include for Gadfly is "gadfly.js" which lives in the src directory (so, by default ~/.julia/Gadfly/src/gadfly.js).

D3 can be downloaded from here.

Now the output can be included in an HTML like.

<script src="d3.min.js"></script>
<script src="gadfly.js"></script>

<!-- Placed whereever you want the graphic to be rendered. -->
<div id="my_chart"></div>
<script src="mammals.js"></script>

A div element must be placed, and the draw function defined in mammals.js must be passed the id of this element, so it knows where in the document to place the plot.

The d3 backend is very new, so these directions may change in the future. (I.e. I might start embedding d3 and gadfly javascript by default.)