
Lin Pengcheng Financial Analyser Documentation

Lin Pengcheng Financial Analyser Documentation

Lin Pengcheng Financial Analyser is a personal amateur software.

Copyright © 2008-2015 Lin Pengcheng. All rights reserved.

homepage: https://github.com/linpengcheng/fa

email: linpengchengfa@163.com


Object: establish Artificial Intelligence Management School (AIMS).

Method: Using knowledge integration and innovation of accounting, statistics, AI (Artificial Intelligence). AI logic rules-driven data mining automation in finance analysis, AI logic rules similar to signature scanning technology of antivirus software (identify known patterns, more accurate), data mining and machine learning is similar to behavior recognition techniques of antivirus software (identifying unknown patterns, more uncertainties), it make finance analysis software into antivirus software of ERP systems (enterprise information systems, financial systems).

Result: Building financial analysis expert system.

Conclusion: How Cool!


come soon...


  • Migrating to JVM platform.
  • Data Visualization, power by incanter, R package ggplot2, etc.
  • AI logic rules, power by clojure core.logic.
  • Statistics, Data Mining and Machine Learning, power by incanter, weka, R, etc.
  • Distributed Computing.

What's new?

2.current version (0.9.2015.x.x) :

  • Increase custom the warning value, ideal value.
  • Analyze table for commonly used indicators and financial Statements.
  • Tips of analysis
  • Cross references for item of analysis.
  • Multithreading Analysis.
  • Multi-language Support: Chinese, English, Chinese-English.
  • Generate pdf file.
  • Power by .net 4.0, Clojure-clr 1.6, PostgreSQL 9.4.

1.version: 0.9.2011.0520:

  • It just a demo.
  • Custom ideal value.
  • Only Creative tree expand of Dupont Analysis.
  • Only Chinese.
  • Generate pdf file.
  • Power by .net 3.5, C#, Access database.

Author: Lin Pengcheng

Birth Date: 1976.1


  • AI Expert Systems Developer,
  • CPA (Chinese Certified Public Accountant),
  • CTA (Chinese Certified Tax Agents),
  • CIA (USA Certified Internal Auditor),
  • Senior Accountant,
  • Senior Statistician,
  • Software Engineer.

Education Background

  • 2011-2014, Accounting, Bachelor of Management, Sparetime Education, Huaqiao University, China.
  • 1995-1998, Computer and its Applications, Junior College, Self-Study Examination, Fuzhou University, China.
  • 1994-1996, Accounting, Junior College, Self-Study Examination, Xiamen University, China.
  • 1990-1993, Planning and Statistics, Technical Secondary School, Full-time, Quanzhou Business School, Fujian, China.

Professional Experience

  • Work at: Medical Record Office, Medical Department, the First Hospital of Quanzhou, Fujian, China.
  • Job Description: Input basic information of medical record.