bitwarden_rs Backup

Originally forked from I added the option to add a checkURL. On a successful backup it does a GET request to that URL.

Docker Containers for bitwarden_rs Backup.


The default tag latest should be used for a x86-64 system. If you try to run the container on a raspberry pi 3 you should use the tag rpi3. Also make sure that your bitwarden_rs container is named bitwarden otherwise you have to replace the container name in the --volumes-from section of the docker run call.

Automatic Backups

A cron daemon is running inside the container and the container keeps running in background.

Start backup container with default settings (automatic backup at 5 am)

docker run -d --restart=always --name bitwarden_backup --volumes-from=bitwarden bruceforce/bw_backup

Example for hourly backups

docker run -d --restart=always --name bitwarden_backup --volumes-from=bitwarden -e CRON_TIME="0 * * * *" bruceforce/bw_backup

Manual Backups

You can use the crontab of your host to schedule the backup and the container will only be running during the backup process.

Example using the integrated Backup script. You can use Environment variables for database and backup location

docker run --rm --volumes-from=bitwarden bruceforce/bw_backup /

If you want to run the sqlite commands manually you can use the following command

docker run --rm --volumes-from=bitwarden bruceforce/bw_backup sqlite3 $DB_FILE ".backup $BACKUP_FILE"

Environment variables

ENV Description
DB_FILE Path to the Bitwarden sqlite3 database
BACKUP_FILE Path to the desired backup location
CRON_TIME Cronjob format "Minute Hour Day_of_month Month_of_year Day_of_week Year"
TIMESTAMP Set to true to append timestamp to the BACKUP_FILE
CHECK_URL Set to a url pointing to eg.