- 3
Kill slow running job?
#63 opened by bshor - 6
- 4
job returns error when using NA_real_
#51 opened by stonekate - 3
- 1
- 1
- 7
- 2
- 0
Include tests in package
#34 opened by lindeloev - 1
Support for Slurm system
#54 opened by xiachenrui - 2
Using job::job() within RMarkdown file
#55 opened by meghanmshea - 1
Equivalent of Seurat's IntegrateData parameter, in Runharmony
#52 opened by akhst7 - 2
Alternative (streamlined) synthax
#47 opened by stemangiola - 6
failed to install the package
#41 opened by xtbgtraining - 5
Path inside a job
#19 opened by FabianRoger - 7
play nice with here() package
#40 opened by fusaroli - 32
C stack error on MacOS
#27 opened by fusaroli - 0
- 0
pkgdown website
#24 opened by lindeloev - 1
CStack error on MacOS
#29 opened by lindeloev - 1
- 2
A small mistake when `install`
#30 opened by Moonerss - 1
Add job_empty()
#23 opened by lindeloev - 0
- 0
Return all *changed* objects?
#15 opened by lindeloev - 0
Reduce peak memory load
#21 opened by lindeloev - 0
- 0
Allow unnamed arguments
#25 opened by lindeloev - 0
Transition from tinytest to testthat
#26 opened by lindeloev - 0
Prepare CRAN submission
#13 opened by lindeloev - 7
- 3
- 10
- 1
- 1
Set up automatic testing
#11 opened by lindeloev - 5
- 0
Test on Linux, Mac, and oldrel
#2 opened by lindeloev - 2
CPP compilation fails inside job::job
#10 opened by jkeirstead - 1
- 3
RStudio addins
#6 opened by wlandau - 1
Add result$.stdout
#3 opened by lindeloev - 3
#5 opened by colindaven - 1
Control options
#1 opened by lindeloev