The course materials for using psychopy for psychophysics and neuroscience.
- aforren1
- agoodStu
- alecshaw
- aleksandernitkaJagiellonian University
- cbradleyhQueensland Brain Institute
- ccjeanne
- ChenSDSouthwest University
- ClaireBookwormlos angeles | boston
- dominikstrb@RothkopfLab at TU Darmstadt
- fahd09New York, NY
- felipecorchs
- FlocaeParis
- ha554n
- hauselin
- heshenxian1
- joellarwoodBrisbane
- kalexandriabond
- lbattichParis
- lhugrassHawthorn, Victoria, Australia 3122
- mario-bermontiPuerto Rico
- martinagvilasGoethe University Frankfurt
- matt-erhartBerkeley
- miaoli-psyUniversité de Lille
- mitchellxxliMontreal, QC
- mvdocUniversity of California, Berkeley
- PhilLangeMarburg
- psychbellacanada
- psychenjgThe Ohio State University
- reemalkhammash
- saurabh180
- shenmusmartUnited Imaging
- spuntAdobe Corp.
- sugano-nu
- tab-cmd
- v1s-page
- zgriffin