
Show processes as well as inputs and outputs

CMCDragonkai opened this issue · 1 comments

Before I found this, I found this:

When I used this I found that processes themselves were not visualised. It would be quite cool if it showed the processes that were used as well in between inputs and outputs. I realise that each recipe itself would be considered a process, where the recipes call other processes. Later in the future, this can be used to visualise to create subgraphs within a larger graph.

Me too enjoy the suggestion!

To give a user test case, if the Makefile would be:

output.txt: input.txt
  Rscript do_it.R

The graph should be something along the lines of:

digraph g {
	A -> B;
	A [label="input.txt"];
	B [label="output.txt"];
	A -> B [label="Rscript do_it.R"];

I do volunteer to test.