
Tool to prepare a ODK Collect binary settings file from a text properties file

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Collect Settings



The ODK Collect Android app has a facility to save app preferences to a file. This is a convenient way to distribute and re-use settings across devices.

Currently (as of v.1.4.10 rev 1061) the app preferences file is saved using Java Object serialization. This is a binary format that is not easily editable as plain text.

This library provides a converter, which will take a plain text Java Properties format file, and produce serialized Java Object equivalent to what is produced by the Collect app.

This means that administrators or users can define the desired settings in plain text, without needing to do it in the app first and then exporting it.

Available Settings

A template properties file is currently located at "/src/test/resources/collect.properties".

When the Collect app writes the settings to file, it serializes two objects, in the following order: User settings, Admin settings. The mapping between the preferences defined at [1] and these two objects seems to be that all the
"admin_preferences.xml" preferences go into the Admin object, and everything else (including aggregate, google, other) go into the User object.

[1] https://github.com/opendatakit/collect/tree/master/collect_app/src/main/res/xml

Similarly, enum values are defined at [2]:

[2] https://github.com/opendatakit/collect/tree/master/collect_app/src/main/res/values

Note: in MainTest.java, there is a utility function for printing (to stdout) the values from a collect.settings file, e.g. if you wanted to convert an existing settings file into a properties file for storage / management but don't want to go through the hassle of figuring out enum values.


The tool accepts one command line argument: the path to a collect.properties file. The corresponding collect.settings file will be saved to the same directory.

For example, to use the JAR compiled version of the tool:

java -jar collect_settings.jar /local/path/to/collect.properties


There are a few unit tests to cover basic settings mapping functionality, which can be run using JUnit.

For integration tests against the ODK Collect app, it is easiest to do so using an emulated Android device, following the steps described in the next section.

The difficulty in using a real device is that the settings file is deleted and converted / saved as app preference XML in the protected app storage directory, so the only way to recover from a bad settings file being loaded by the app is to re-install the Collect app. Not impossible, just a tad tedious.

Integration / Smoke Test

  • Install Android Studio
  • Create an emulated device
  • Start the emulated device
  • Find the "adb" tool (aka Android Debug Bridge)
    • Should be somewhere like %USER%/AppData/Local/Android/sdk/platform-tools.
  • Obtain an apk of ODK Collect (compile from GitHub, download from GitHub, or download from opendatakit.org)
  • Install ODK on the device using adb:
adb install "/path/to/the/odk/collect/apk/file.apk"
  • Generate a "collect.settings" file by running the Collect_Settings tool.
  • Copy the settings file to the device using adb:
adb push "local/path/to/collect.settings" "/storage/emulated/0/odk/collect.settings"
  • If necessary, uninstall Collect using adb (then re-install as above):
adb uninstall org.odk.collect.android
  • If necessary, copy a saved settings file off the emulated device:
adb pull "/storage/emulated/0/odk/settings/collect.settings" "local/path/to/save/collect.settings"