A scalable, pragmatic, synergistic selector naming strategy empowering end-users with efficient low-code solutions to … something, something toilet humour & emoji 🤘
Kinda like BEM, but with more emoji.
And scoping. And no __
. And data-
So, not really like BEM at all…
- IPA:
- enPR:
.S∘B_E[D] {...}
oh god how did this get in here I am not good with computers
<rule> ::= <selector> "{" <declaration>* "}" | <selector> "[" <attribute-selector> "]" "{" <declaration>* "}"
<selector> ::= "." <scope> | "." <scope> <lay-pipe> <block> | "." <scope> "[" <attribute-selector> "]"
<scope> ::= <poop-emoji>
<lay-pipe> ::= "∘"
<block> ::= <lolwut>
<attribute-selector> ::= <attribute> "=" <yolo> | <attribute> "*=" <yolo>
<attribute> ::= "data-*"
<poop-emoji> ::= <unicode-emoji-range>
<yolo> ::= <string>
<declaration> ::= <property> ":" <value> ";"
<property> ::= /* Any CSS property */
<value> ::= /* Any CSS value */
<div class="💧∘dunnyBlock" data-theme="dark" data-state="active loading">
<h3 class="💧∘dunnyBlock_title">
This is My Thing
<i class="🧱∘icon 💧∘dunnyBlock_titleIcon" data-shape="rounded">🚽</i>
.💧∘dunnyBlock {...}
.💧∘dunnyBlock_title {...}
.💧∘dunnyBlock_titleIcon {...}
.💧∘dunnyBlock_titleIcon[data-shape="rounded"] {...}
.💧∘dunnyBlock_titleIcon[data-shape="circle"] {...}
.💧∘dunnyBlock[data-theme="light"] {...}
.💧∘dunnyBlock[data-theme="dark"] {...}
.💧∘dunnyBlock[data-state*="active"] {...}
.💧∘dunnyBlock[data-state*="loading"] {...}
.💧∘dunnyBlock[data-theme="dark"] {
.💧∘dunnyBlock_title {...}
.💧∘dunnyBlock_titleIcon {...}
Scope | BLock | Elements | Modifiers |
💧 |
dunnyBlock |
title titleIcon |
[data-shape="rounded"] [data-shape="circle"] [data-theme="light"] [data-theme="dark"] [data-state*="active"] [data-state*="loading"] |
I made an exmaple in ./demo
for you to look at the coloured words or click here if you like clicking on things
{ :/: }