
Do you love travelling? Are you active on social media? If you said yes to those two things, then you're going to want to be a part of the Wanderlust Reviews community! Want to go somewhere new? Pick a city and scour the reviews! Create a vetted trip itinerary from other wanderlusters just like you! Coming soon: saving reviews to a 'Bucket List' on your profile, city and place search powered by Google Maps, post pictures within your reviews, and much more! Stay tuned!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

wanderlust_reviews, a social application for travelers

License: MIT


Do you love travelling? Are you active on social media? If you said yes to those two things, then you're going to want to be a part of the Wanderlust Reviews community! Want to go somewhere new? Pick a city and scour the reviews! Create a vetted trip itinerary from other wanderlusters just like you! Coming soon: saving reviews to a 'Bucket List' on your profile, city and place search powered by Google Maps, post pictures within your reviews, and much more! Stay tuned!

Screenshot and URL's


Live link via Heroku: https://lit-coast-69358.herokuapp.com/

Table of contents

Tests Development Questions


The following dependencies must be installed to use this application: bcrypt, express, express-handlebars, express-session, handlebars, mysql2, sequelize


How to use the application: Head over to the website, or play with the back end using 'nodemon server.js"

Create a login to begin planning your trip. Once logged in, search for the city you are going to for reviews on museums, hiking, restaurants, hotels, skate parks, and anything else other members have done that they found to be fun. Or things that they definitely do not recommend.

If you search for your city, a list of reviews from other members will be listed with a name, address, review, and recommend yes or no. Find plenty of activities to fill your time in this new city!

If you search for a city and there is no data, you are the first member traveling to this city! Once you’ve had your trip, login to your account and write reviews on the things that you did, places you went, and things you experienced that you think other members would enjoy too.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


Lindsay Reiner, Zachary Moore, Bill Oberkirsch, Jeffery Pastva


Command used to run tests on this application: nodemon server.js


Trip planning within your account so you can refer to it in your travels, upvote existing reviews, reviews by category, saving reviews to a 'Bucket List' on your profile, city and place search powered by Google Maps, post pictures within your reviews, and much more! Stay tuned!


If you have any questions, please contact me at lindsayreiner@hey.com Github Link: https://github.com/lindsayreiner