
Data for vulnerabilityhistory.org

Primary LanguageRuby


Data for vulnerabilityhistory.org

Travis Build Build Status

Every push and pull request is run against our integrity checkers on Travis. Click on the above tag to see the status of the build.

For SWEN 331 Students

Please see the assignments folder for information about your project.

Testing project locally

  1. You'll need Ruby 2.4+
  2. Run gem install bundler (if you don't already have bundler)
  3. cd to the root of this repo, run bundle install
  4. Run bundle exec rake

If the output has no failures, then it checks out!

Test Successful Screenshot

Generate "Weeklies" Git Log Reports

Make sure you have the Chromium repo cloned in tmp/src. From the root of the repo, run:

$ scripts/generate_weeklies.rb --skip-existing

Or for a clean build, you can delete all weeklies and start over.

For a list of options it supports, run scripts/generate_weeklies.rb

Populate gitlog.json with a single SHA

Be in the root of this repository, and run:

ruby scripts/add_commit.rb --sha commit_sha_to_add

See the source code for other options.

Populate gitlog.json with any mentioned SHA in CVE yamls

When you want to make sure that any commit that's mentioned in a YAML is also in the gitlog, you can run this script. It will NOT figure out commits between VCC and Fix, however.

Be in the root of this repository, and run:

ruby scripts/add_mentioned_commits.rb

This will overwrite any commit and take a LONG time (5-10 minutes). If you just want to go quickly and add what's not already there, use:

ruby scripts/add_mentioned_commits.rb --skip-existing

So if a commit is already in gitlog.json then we won't look it up in the GitLog. This is a much faster option.

By default, this script checks the tmp/src directory. If you need, say, v8, there's an option for that.

Populate gitlog.json with any SHA to a vulnerable file

This script will do a git log on every vulnerable file and add it to the git log. Takes much longer than its peers above.

ruby scripts/add_vulnerable_file_commits.rb

Download Latest CVEs

Run the HTTPD scraper to get all CVEs, and don't touch the ones that don't exist.

This won't add fixes, just fill in the CVE into the skeleton.

$ rake pull:cves