
Master SQL Server and MySQL in Just 5 Days

Master SQL Server and MySQL in Just 5 Days

There are 25 SQL lessons available, with most lessons applicable to both SQL Server and MySQL.

01. Installing SQL Server 2022 and SQL Server Management Studio

02. SQL Commands and CRUD Operations in SQL (INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE)

03. Data Types in SQL Server

04. Syntax in SQL Server / MySQL

05. DDL Commands (CREATE, ALTER, DROP, TRUNCATE) in SQL Server

06. DESC and ASC in SQL Server / MySQL

07. Joining Two tables in SQL Server / MySQL

08. Joining Three tables in SQL Server / MySQL

09. Self Joins in SQL Server / MySQL

10. With Statement in SQL Server


12. Aggregate Functions (MAX, MIN, AVG, COUNT, SUM) in SQL Server / MySQL

13. ISNULL in SQL Server

14. Conditional Statements in SQL Server

15. String Functions (RTRIM, LTRIM, TRIM) in SQL Server

16. UNION in SQL Server / MySQL

17. Creating User Declared Functions in SQL Server

18. Stored Procedures in SQL Server

19. Views and Triggers in SQL Server

20. Sub Queries in SQL Server

21. Logical Operators (IN, ANY, ALL, >=, <=, AND, OR, NOT) in SQL Server / MySQL

22. Transactions in SQL Server

23. String Concatenation & Splitting in SQL Server

24. Understanding Collation in SQL Server

25. Practical Exercises

26. Date Time in SQL Server

27. Date Time in MySQL

28. String Functions (LOWER, UPPER, LEFT, RIGHT) in SQL Server

References for Database Ranking

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