- 1
Test failure: `com.linecorp.armeria.client.endpoint.healthcheck.HealthCheckedEndpointGroupTest.cacheReflectsAttributeChanges()`
#6018 opened by minwoox - 3
slf4j 2.0.17 breaks RequestScopedMdc
#6137 opened by staktrace - 1
Presence of reactor dep < 3.7 breaks with armeria 1.32
#6140 opened by yissachar - 2
grpc-java 1.70.0 compatibility
#6087 opened by sorin-florea - 0
Filter bad IP addresses resolved by DNS
#6106 opened by ikhoon - 1
`CorsPolicyBuilder#build` is not exposed publicly
#6110 opened by jrhee17 - 2
- 6
Consider exposing `DnsNameResolverBuilder` or `DnsNameResolverBuilder#datagramChannelStrategy`
#6122 opened by jrhee17 - 4
ServerMetrics does not support multiple ports properly
#6089 opened by yzfeng2020 - 1
Set Eureka InstanceInfo to endpoint attribute
#6056 opened by minwoox - 1
- 0
New abstractions for connection and connection pools.
#6129 opened by ikhoon - 0
Support Thrift 0.21
#6119 opened by minwoox - 5
- 15
Support for HTTP GET map parameters?
#6058 opened by rickyma - 1
Fix assertion exception in DefaultDnsResolver
#6003 opened by minwoox - 0
Invalid Automatic-Module-Name for armeria-thrift0.9
#6075 opened by yzfeng2020 - 2
- 0
Support for gRPC service config
#6099 opened by ikhoon - 1
Add ANSI-Colored Logging
#6094 opened by kth496 - 0
- 1
Support `BraveRpcService`
#6084 opened by jrhee17 - 2
Custom annotations prevent method from showing in doc
#6080 opened by sedax90 - 3
- 0
Test failure: `com.linecorp.armeria.server.JavaHttpClientUpgradeTest.http1RequestDecoderIsRemovedAfterHandlingLargeData()`
#6090 opened by minwoox - 1
- 0
Add `ConcurrencyLimitingService`
#6074 opened by ikhoon - 3
- 2
Add more `TlsProvider` implementations
#6054 opened by ikhoon - 0
- 3
OWASP scan multiple CVEs from DOMPurify and Moment.js
#6052 opened by logycon - 0
Add Athenz module
#6050 opened by ikhoon - 0
Provide a way to fill the parameter path of an annotated service in DocService
#6047 opened by ikhoon - 0
Consider supporting Spring 6 `RestClient`
#6026 opened by jrhee17 - 0
Test failure: `com.linecorp.armeria.internal.server.annotation.AnnotatedDocServiceTest.excludeAllServices()`
#6017 opened by minwoox - 0
Test failure: `com.linecorp.armeria.client.kubernetes.ArmeriaHttpPostTest.expectFailure()`
#6016 opened by minwoox - 0
Test failure: `com.linecorp.armeria.internal.server.thrift.ThriftDocServiceTest.excludeAllServices`
#6011 opened by minwoox - 0
Test failure: `example.armeria.grpc.scala.HelloServiceTest.[4] serializationFormat=gjson-web`
#6010 opened by minwoox - 0
Test failure: `com.linecorp.armeria.server.ServerMetricsTest.[2] sessionProtocol=H2C, path=/server-error/http2, expectedPendingHttp1Request=0, expectedPendingHttp2Request=1`
#5997 opened by ikhoon - 15
- 4
- 0
Test failure when generating Jacoco test report
#5989 opened by ikhoon - 1
Potential Race Condition in `FramedGrpcService` with `ctx.log.whenComplete` Not Completing in v1.30.1
#5981 opened by yzfeng2020 - 0
- 0
Test failure: `com.linecorp.armeria.server.ServerMetricsTest.[1] sessionProtocol=H1C, path=/server-error/http1, expectedPendingHttp1Request=1, expectedPendingHttp2Request=0`
#5973 opened by ikhoon - 0
Test failure: `com.linecorp.armeria.graphql.GraphqlTest.multipartSingleFile()`
#5971 opened by ikhoon - 0
Test failure: `com.linecorp.armeria.server.grpc.kotlin.CoroutineServerInterceptorTest.[2] path=/blocking`
#5968 opened by ikhoon - 0
Brown is a colored-bear, and Cony the girly rabbit, and Sally the small duck, and Boss the glasses man, and James the white boy, and Pangyo the panda, and Choco, the genderbend version of Cony and Jessica the cat has eyelashes??
#5965 opened by TheMapotakes - 0
My websocket request returns 400 with header `Connection: keep-alive, websocket`
#5957 opened by blue-hope - 1
Failed to bootstrap grpc DocService, may cause by protobuf remove some field and method
#5955 opened by HongYunCloud