
Implementation of WebChat with CLOVA Chatbot

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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CLOVA Chatbot Web Kit


CLOVA Chatbot has a powerful conversation model engine, so you can develop chatbots that satisfy various customer needs. This repository is an example of implementing a web-based client using CLOVA Chatbot.

  • By using this, you can easily deploy a web chat to your website.
  • It's customizable and can be used as is in a production environment with few modifications.

For more information on CLOVA Chatbot, see:

CLOVA Chatbot Web Kit Demo page is here and, for more examples see here

How to use CLOVA Chatbot Web Kit

First, create a bot using CLOVA Chatbot. Once the bot is created, you will need to obtain the bot's web chat Secret Key and Invoke URL in CLOVA Chatbot Setting.

You will find the following information in [Messenger Connection] > [Custom].

  • API Gateway Invoke URL
  • Secret Key

Then set the Secret Key and Invoke URL in the config file of the API Proxy Server.

The ALLOW_URL list is also set here for CORS to prevent unauthorized use. You can set more than one in the list.

# packages/clova-chatbot-web-kit-server/src/config.js

const env = {
  development: {
    SECRET_KEY: '',
    INVOKE_URL: '',
    ALLOW_URL: [''],
  production: {
    SECRET_KEY: '',
    INVOKE_URL: '',
    ALLOW_URL: [''],

If you prefer to use FaaS (Function-as-a-Service) like AWS Lambda, set the Secret Key and Invoke URL in the .env file in the serverless directory.



Integrating with CDN

If you don't want to build and host webchat.js yourself, you can include it from a CDN (Content Delivery Network).

The URI of webchat.js is defined as https://clovachatbot-webkit.line-scdn.net/webchat/webchat-{version}.js. See Tag for {version}.

  <script src="https://clovachatbot-webkit.line-scdn.net/webchat/webchat-1.2.0.js"></script>

This is the typical and easy-to-use method. You can easily customize web chats by specifying some modifiable parameters.

Here is how you can add web chat control to your website.

    apiPath: "http://localhost:8080/",
    width: "360px",
    height: "550px",
    title: "CLOVA Chatbot!",
    placeholder: "What's up?",
    backgroundColor: "rgb(154,154,162)",
    backgroundImage: "",
    avatarBackgroundColor: "#bbbfc3",
    avatarImage: "",
    bubbleStyle: "rounded", // [rounded, square]
    bubbleRadius: "12px",
    bubbleColor: "rgb(80,80,80)",
    bubbleBackgroundColor: "rgb(243,243,237)",
    bubbleFontSize: "12px",

Find more details in examples/1.getting-started.

Integrating with React

If you want to customize the web chat, you can also do so with React.

When you make changes inside the package, you will need to rebuild webchat.js again.

const { ReactWebChat } = window.WebChat;
const root = document.querySelector("#chat");
const props = {
  apiPath: "http://localhost:8080/",
  width: "360px",
  height: "600px",
  title: "Using with React",
  placeholder: "Please enter a question",
  backgroundColor: "rgb(240,240,240)",
  backgroundImage: "",
  avatarBackgroundColor: "#bbbfc3",
  avatarImage: "",
  bubbleStyle: "rounded", // [rounded, square]
  bubbleRadius: "12px 6px",
  bubbleColor: "rgb(80,80,80)",
  bubbleBackgroundColor: "rgb(255,255,255)",
  bubbleFontSize: "12px",
window.ReactDOM.render(<ReactWebChat {...props} />, root);

Find more details in examples/2.using-with-react.


To install all dependencies at once, run this script at the root of the repository.

yarn install

yarn bootstrap

Building the packages

Build all packages (core, components, bundle) at once:

# production
yarn build


# development
yarn build-dev

Running the packages

Start a proxy server locally:

# production
yarn start


# development http://localhost:8080
yarn start-dev


View the complete list of web chat samples for more ideas on customizing a web chat.


Deploy and run the proxy server on AWS:

First, move into the serverless directory.

Install the serverless project.

yarn install

Create IAM role for deploying AWS Serverless app and give it AdministratorAccess policy, and then set environment variables in .env file.


Deploying to AWS

yarn deploy

Remove from AWS

sls remove


serverless remove

Deploy and run the proxy server on Heroku:


Deploy and run the proxy server on Heroku manually:

# create heroku app
heroku apps:create {app-name}

# add remote for heroku
git remote add proxy-server https://git.heroku.com/{app-name}.git

# set secret and invoke url to heroku
heroku config:set --remote proxy-server CLOVA_SECRET_KEY={secret key}
heroku config:set --remote proxy-server CLOVA_INVOKE_URL={invoke url}

# set allow url
heroku config:set --remote proxy-server ALLOW_URL='["{allow-url1.com}", "{allow-url2.com}"]'

# heroku install development package
heroku config:set --remote proxy-server  NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=false

# push proxy server
git subtree push --prefix packages/clova-chatbot-web-kit-server proxy-server master

# show logs
heroku logs --remote proxy-server --tail

# restart heroku (if you need)
heroku restart --remote proxy-server

Built With

  • Lerna - A tool for managing JavaScript projects with multiple packages
  • React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • Redux - A predictable state container for JS apps
  • styled-components - Visual primitives for the component age

How to contribute

First of all, thank you so much for taking your time to contribute! clova-chatbot-web-kit is not very different from any other open source projects you are aware of. It will be amazing if you could help us by doing any of the following:


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.


packages/isomorphic-react and packages/isomorphic-react-dom are part of the Microsoft / BotFramework-WebChat project. To find out more about the license for this package, see License.