
Symfony2 bundle to implement phpDocumentor into any project from which the documentation is accessible with a browser.

Primary LanguagePHP


What is DocumentorBundle?

DocumentorBundle is a bundle for Symfony2 project that enables generation of project's documentation with app/console command, after which documentation is accessible with the browser by entering the location of the newly generated documentation.


DocumentorBundle sports the following:

  • *Generates documentation with a simple console command.
  • *No need to enter source and target paths.
  • *Configurable so that it only works in development environment.


DocumentorBundle requires the following:


Go to your project directory and add the following line to "require" list in composer.json file:

"artur-gajewski/phpdocumentor-bundle": "dev-master"

Now run the Composer:

php composer.phar install

Finally, add the bundle into AppKernel.php file in your Symfony2 project.

$bundles[] = new Aga\DocumentorBundle\AgaDocumentorBundle();

How to use DocumentorBundle?

Go to your project root and run the command:

$ app/console documentation:create

This command will go through your src folder and created documentation based on the files within that folder.

Once the generation of documentation is complete, you need to install the assets into the web folder:

$ app/console assets:install

Now all you have to do is point your browser to http://www.yourproject.com/agadocumentor/index.html

Known issues

  1. Currently DocumentorBundle also document's itself if the bundle is located under the SRC directory.


To come in contact is actually dead simple and can be done in a variety of ways.

Want to contribute?

If you want to contribute to this project then just forkit, modify it and send a pull request. It's that dead simple!

Change log

2012-10-08: Changed the names of classes from DocumentorBundle to PhpDocumentorBundle