_ _ ___| |__ _____ _(_)_ __ __ _ / __| '_ \ / _ \ \ /\ / / | '_ \ / _` | | (__| | | | __/\ V V /| | | | | (_| | \___|_| |_|\___| \_/\_/ |_|_| |_|\__, | |___/ libchewing - The intelligent phonetic input method library http://chewing.csie.net/ [-] History libchewing is derived from Chewing input method, a xcin module focusing on intelligent phonetic processing by Lu-chuan Kung (lckung) and Kang-pen Chen (kpchen) during 1999-2001. However, the original authors of Chewing dropped its development, and Chewing was highly coupled with xcin, which prevents from comprehensive applications. [-] Motivation Jim Huang started to separate core algorithm and logic layer of Chewing since 2002, and he integrated his efforts into a Chinese terminal named JMCCE as a part of its input method modules. Also, in 2004, he attempts to let more applications adapt these collaborated efforts, so that new contributors (mentioned in file AUTHORS) created brand new Chewing Project as the infrastructure and wrote serveral new bridges among IIIMF, SCIM, OpenVanilla, Microsoft IME, UIM, ibus, etc. [-] Status 1. bridge integration - works with xcin. - works with JMCCE. - works with IIIMF. - works with SCIM. - works with MacOS X (SpaceChewing). - works with Sun's Java Desktop System Input Method Framework. - works with OpenVanilla Input Method Framework. - works as standalone Microsoft Windows 32/64-bit (windows-chewing). - works with OXIM. - works with UIM. - works with ibus. - works with UCIMF. - works with gcin/HIME. - works with fcitx. 2. support phonetic keyboard layout - Hsu - IBM - Gin-Yieh - Eten - Eten 26 keys - Dvorak - Dvorak Hsu - HanYu PinYin [-] Installation # ./configure --prefix=/usr (If you checkout from GIT, make sure running ./autogen.sh before this.) # make # make install see "INSTALL" for details. [-] Cross-build Example cross-build instructions: # CC=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc ./configure \ --host=arm-none-linux-gnueabi \ --disable-shared --enable-static # make CC_FOR_BUILD=gcc [-] License See "COPYING" for details. [-] Authors & Contact Information See "AUTHORS" for details.