Epsagon Terraform AWS Integration

Setup Epsagon <-> AWS integration module

This module provides the ability to setup Epsagon integration via Terraform. This module will setup the following:

  • Cross account IAM role for Epsagon


To use this module you need to create a Terraform configuration that utilizes this module. A basic example configuration would look as follows (Be sure to adjust the git ref in the source value appropriately):

module "epsagon_aws_integration" {
  source                    = "github.com/epsagon/epsagon-terraform?ref=3.0.3"
  epsagon_account_id        = "<EPSAGON_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>"
  epsagon_external_id       = "<EPSAGON_AWS_EXTERNAL_ID>"
  epsagon_sns_name          = "<EPSAGON_SNS_NAME>"

Run Terraform, all resources will be created and Epsagon will be configured without manual intervention.


To find the right values to set for the three Epsagon parameters, go to your Epsagon settings and click the CloudFormation deploy button:

Epsagon dashboard

Then copy the three values in your Terraform file:

CloudFormation parameters

IAM Requirements

See iam-policy.json in this repository for an IAM policy that is sufficient to allow the terraform module to execute