
JavaScript ROOT testing with Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


JavaScript ROOT testing with Node.js v12

This is set of tests for basic JSROOT functionality, using Node.js. On the first place one checks generation of SVG files.


Clone JSROOT repository on the same level as this one:

[shell] git clone https://github.com/root-project/jsroot.git
[shell] git clone https://github.com/linev/jsroot-test.git

After clone repository install all necessary modules:

[shell] cd jsroot
[shell] npm install
[shell] cd jsroot-test
[shell] npm install

One could also use specific tags of JSROOT and appropriate tag in the tests


Run tests and verify test SVG files:

[shell] node test.js [--verify]

Run tests only for TH1:

[shell] node test.js --key TH1

Run tests and overwrite test SVG files:

[shell] node test.js --create

Run more tests:

[shell] node test.js --create --more

Run with xvfb to get reproducible results on different platforms:

[shell]  xvfb-run -s "-ac -screen 0 1280x1024x24"  node test.js -c -m

If SVG file differs from stored in repository, difference can be checked with command:

[shell] ./testdiff.sh TH1/TH1.svg