Discord bot to simplify fundraising events. Large amount of this was mid-development, and I just stopped. Didn't even bother to clean up to do lists, it is what it is. Now open sourced.

Everything is done pretty much. Theres some left though:

  1. Lock the $pay and $list to only people with smuggler: "True" in their jsons, along with server admins. DONE
  2. Add a command to allow the editing of user info
  3. $listpaid command
  4. Roll into production owo DONE
  5. (optional) add a field to $check where it displays past donations (not in the current event, Ex: They paid $15 during maid revolution, and $2 during santa, rn it will display Paid: $2 Total: $17)

Commands list

si - /connect - /pay @user amount - /check @user - /stats (list serverwide total money raised) - /leaderboard