
A relay between a Matrix.org room and a Meshtastic radio. This is not an official product of Matrix.org or Meshtastic. This is an unofficial docker container of M<>M Relay

MIT LicenseMIT

M<>M Relay - Dockerized

Meshtastic <=> Matrix Relay is a powerful and easy-to-use relay between Meshtastic devices and Matrix chat rooms, allowing seamless communication across platforms.

This project merely Dockerizes it

To Use

Obtain a local copy of the sample_config.yaml, modify it per their instructions and your use case, rename it to config.yaml and provide it to the container at the /home/mmrelay mount


docker run -d --name mmrelay -v ./config.yaml:/home/mmrelay/config.yaml ghcr.io/lingawakad/mmrelay-docker:latest