
A tool for SQL formatting written in Ruby.

Primary LanguageRuby

= anbt-sql-formatter

(C) 2010 sonota (yosiot8753@gmail.com)

== Description

A tool for SQL formatting ported from 

== Install

 $ ruby setup.rb

== Usage

 $ echo "select a,b from c;" | anbt-sql-formatter
         , b

== License

GNU Lesser General Public License.

== Authors

sonota:: Porting to Ruby

Following are Authors of BlancoSqlFormatter(original Java version).

渡辺義則 / Yoshinori WATANABE / A-san:: Early development
伊賀敏樹 (Tosiki Iga / いがぴょん):: Maintainance

== Customize

* In AnbtSql::Rule:
  * Function names
  * Rules for linefeed and indentation
  * Characters for indentation
  * Upcase or Downcase
* More farther: 
  Override AnbtSql::Formatter#format_list_main_loop
  by inheritance or monkeypathcing.

== Test

 $ ruby setup.rb test