We use joy 2.0 tool to convert pcap file to json.
Also, we use GNU parallel version 3 to speed up the data preprocessing.
This project is dependent on Python
- keras == 2.2.0
- numpy == 1.14.0
- pandas == 0.22.0
- matplotlib == 2.1.2
- scikit-learn == 0.19.1
- xgboost == 0.80
- argparse == 3.2
To start this project you can download dataset from VPN-nonVPN dataset (ISCXVPN2016)
and unzip those file to ./data/PCAP
├── ...
├── data
│ ├── PCAP # where pcap file should be
│ ├── JSON # the output json file from joy(after sleuth)
| ├── tmpJSON # tmp json file from joy
│ └── pcap_to_json.sh # turn pcap to json file
├── prepro
│ ├── multi_gen.sh # script to turn json file into table
| └── ...
├── main
│ ├── train.py # main function to train
│ ├── TRAIN.sh # script to train
| └── ...
└── ...
(optional) You can convert pcap file to json, do:
Before execute the code below, please make sure there are ~/joy/bin/joy and ~/joy/sleuth files in your computer. The fourth input please fill in a integer between 0 to 200, which means the packet num in the flow. The example below extract the first 50 packets in a flow and transform the informations to json file.
# 4 parameters : input folder, temporary folder, output folder, maximun number of packets
cd data && sh pcap_to_json.sh PCAP tmpJSON JSON 50
Or skipping above steps, using the json file we have already converted:
# To use the table generator you should decide
# 3 parameters : input folder, output table, malicious or not
cd prepro && sh multi_gen.sh ../data/JSON Table.csv 0 && python3 toTrain.py Table.csv
To train a model, do:
# To train the model, you should specify the mode(DNN/XGB):
cd ./main && sh TRAIN.sh DNN
Or specify other parameters:
# There are up to 5 parameters: mode, data path, output folder, batch size, patience :
cd ./main && python3 train.py --mode DNN --source_data_folder ../data --output_folder ./output --batch_size 1024 --patience 1000