
Handy tools to supplement git.

Primary LanguageShell

Git macros

Here are a number of commands which I keep in my $PATH and which can then be called direct via git.


Everyday tools

These commands will respond to -h or --help with usage information.

  • git-chk-prv <file> [<revision>] Compare a file using difftool against a previous version
  • git-dropbox-init Setup a remote in dropbox (for backup, rather than collaboration)
  • git-modechange Show files which have only had their permissions changed, not content
  • git-root Find the top-level path of this git repository
  • git-undo-ws Attempt to undo changes in a file which are only whitespace changes
  • git-bump-ver Bump a semver tag to next Major,minor, or patch version
  • git-semver Show the latest semver-style tag in the repo
  • git-find-branch Try to show the branch name for a given commit or current branch


  • git-add-this-submodule
  • git-deploy
  • git_filter_others.sh Example of filtering only commits by given author
  • git-ssh Try to ssh to the remote
  • git-status-tree Show a one-line git status summary for all git repos in the given dir
  • git-cleanup-merges Clean leftover junk from old (failed) merges

Usage Details

git chk-prv

Usage: ./git-chk-prv [-w|--write-only] [-q|--quiet] <file> [<revision>] 

	<revision> defaults to HEAD^, i.e. previous version
	--write-only will just overwrite the current file with the
		version from <revision>, after prompting.
	--quiet will use 'diff -q' instead of your git difftool

Compare current file version with (by default) HEAD version, or with version in commit/branch/tag provided. This compare is done using meld.

git root

Find the root (directory containing .git/) of this repository

git dropbox-init

Usage: ./git-dropbox-init [-h|--help] [-d|--repo-dir <dir>] 
  [-n|--repo-name <name>] [-N|--no-push] [-v|--verbose|--show-commands]

	Default repo-dir is $HOME/Dropbox/code
	Default repo-name is $(basename $PWD).git

	--no-push  If not specified, then after initializing, we set default remote
               of current branch, and push it

git undo-ws

Git Undo Whitespace-only changes

This will backup the given file to FILENAME_gitundows.DATESTAMP.

Then this command will try to patch the file so that only non-whitespace changes remain. Sometimes this patching fails, in which case a .rej file will be created, the user is warned and the location of the backup will be shown

Usage: ./git-undo-ws <FILENAME>

git bump-ver

Usage: ./git-bump-ver <M|m|p>

Finds latest semver tag, and bumps the
 [M]ajor, or [m]inor, or [p]atch version
 and echoes the new version
If there are no semver tags, sets a non-zero exit code
 and echoes 1.0.0 on stdout, and a message on stderr

git cleanup-merges

Just run it. It will show junk files and ask if you want to delete them or not.