
[Not working now] A free llama3.1 405B API server that routes any OpenAI compatible chat API request to Sambanova AI. Deploy with Cloudflare Worker, Docker, or NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



⚠️ All content in this repository is for experimental purposes

⚠️ In using this program, you agree to Sambanova Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, which allows them to use anything you send to their server according to these policies. Therefore, you should not use it to process any sensitive information.

sambanova-ai-proxy is a very simple http proxy server that reroutes your OpenAI-compatible chat completion requests to sambanova. Sambanova provides a free-without-login web page to use the llama3.1 405B model, but why not just give us the free API so we can try the models in our favorite apps and chat interface? Well, here it is.

This repository fills the gap between the Sambanova web page and programs that use LLM APIs, allowing us to understand better the services provided by Sambanova.

To run this program, clone the repo and run server.js with node

node server.js

This server will default listen to localhost:11435/v1/api/completion. The /v1/api/completion is the only supported route.

To use the server in your applications to replace OpenAI API or Ollama API, replace the base_url with http://localhost:11435/v1/. It will be a drop-in replacement.

This program also allows you to override the model name received by the server and replace it with the one specified in the server program. This feature is helpful because some programs that use OpenAI API do not allow you to change the model name, which stops us from testing these open-source models.

To achieve this, you can modify the MODEL_OVERRIDE parameter at the top of the server.js. If MODEL_OVERRIDE contains any value, when proxying the request, the server will replace the original value in the model parameter with the value of MODEL_OVERRIDE.

Run this on Cloudflare Worker

Copy and paste the content of cf-worker.js into your cloudflare worker and deploy. The Sambanova AI Proxy Server will be on your cloudflare worker as a serverless endpoint!


The docker image for this project is hosted on GitHub Container Registry and automatically build via GitHub action.

docker run

docker run -d\
  --name sambanova-ai-proxy \
  -p 11435:11435 \
  --read-only \

if you want to enable model override and specified a model, you can pass it as an environment variable.

docker run -d\
  --name sambanova-ai-proxy \
  -p 11435:11435 \
  --read-only \
  -e MODEL_OVERRIDE="llama3-405b" \

or you can you docker compose: in the project directory, execute:

docker compose up -d

Here is the docker compose file

version: '3.8'

    image: ghcr.io/lingo34/sambanova-ai-proxy:main
    container_name: sambanova-ai-proxy
      - "11435:11435"
    read_only: true
    restart: unless-stopped

or if you want to build the image yourself

docker build -t sambanova-ai-proxy .