
📱 An iOS system log tailer that doesn't suck. Improved

Primary LanguageC


This program shows system log entries of USB-connected iOS devices in the terminal in real-time, with syntax highlighting.
Improved version includes extra filters, simulator support and support for colored HBLogMessages.

How To Build

Download XCode (and its command line tools) and just enter make in the terminal to build

How To Use

Usage: deviceconsole [options]
-i | --case-insensitive     Make filters case-insensitive
-f | --filter <string>      Filter include by single word occurrences
-x | --exclude <string>     Filter exclude by single word occurrences
-p | --process <string>     Filter by process name
-u | --udid <udid>          Show only logs from a specific device
-s | --simulator <version>  Show logs from iOS Simulator
     --debug                Include connect/disconnect messages
     --use-separators       Skip a line between each line
     --force-color          Force colored text
     --message-only         Display only level and message (Thanks to canatella)
Control-C to disconnect