
Tutorial for implementing Meredith plugin

Primary LanguagePHP

Meredith Adaman tutorial


Tutorial for implementing Meredith plugin.


In this tutorial, I give you a technique I use to create a basic crud system using the datatables plugin for jquery.

This technique uses the Meredith plugin 1.0.0.

We will create an application with 3 simple pages:

  • home
  • add user
  • users list

It looks like this (no need to say design was not my priority):

meredith adaman home meredith adaman form meredith adaman list meredith adaman ajax-form


The application created with this tutorial has the following features:

  • CRUD: create, update, read (display the list), delete
  • js validation is handled
  • every single bit is customizable, including internationalization
  • contextual menu on each row to update/delete
  • can hide/show the columns of the table by default (feature from datatables)
  • has various built in form controls: input, textarea, select, switchery
  • can delete multiple rows at once
  • use the pagination, sorting and searching systems from datatables
  • use the server side processing strategy from datatables
  • demonstrates the customization of specific columns rendering (active is turned into a red/green button rather than a 0/1 number)
  • highlighting of the "just updated" row
  • updating a row displaying changes immediately
  • handles foreign keys for insert/update operations (since 1.2.0)
  • handles cosmetic changes (customization of the foreign key representation in the list)


A php developer who wants to implement a crud strategy using jquery datatables plugin.

How to

The application that we will create is called adaman (no particular reason).

I will use the following technologies (adapt for your needs):

So let's get started

  • Download the tarball corresponding to this project
  • Let [*] be the root of the folder that you extract from the downloaded tarball of this project
  • Copy paste the [*]/app folder into your app
  • Create a virtual host, with serverName = adaman
  • Turn the apache rewrite module on if it's not already
  • Create a database named adaman, then use the [*]/_private/users.sql file to create the structure with the data that we need
  • Restart apache and point your browser to http://adaman
  • That should be it!

Security Note

The code is currently vulnerable to cross site scripting: if a user requests a service passing another id, she can updates data of other people with same privileges.

A possible fix is to add a field in the form which value is stored in session, and check that value on the server side.

More info

The structure

The structure for [*]/app is the following

├── functions
│   └── az.php
├── init.php
├── pages
│   ├── default.php
│   ├── inc
│   │   └── baselist.php
│   ├── meredith
│   │   ├── list-init.php
│   │   ├── main-controllers
│   │   │   └── users.php
│   │   ├── on-modal-open-after
│   │   │   └── users.js
│   │   └── validator-user-code
│   │       └── validatorRules
│   │           └── users.js
│   ├── users-form.php
│   └── users-list.php
├── planets
│   ├── Bat:
│   ├── BumbleBee:
│   ├── CopyDir:
│   ├── Meredith:
│   ├── QuickPdo:
│   ├── Tim:
│   └── Tiphaine:
└── www
    ├── css
    │   └── my_style.css
    ├── index.php
    ├── js
    │   └── pages
    │       └── users.js
    └── libs
        ├── icomoon
        │   ├── fonts
        │   │   ├── icomoon.eot
        │   │   ├── icomoon.svg
        │   │   ├── icomoon.ttf
        │   │   └── icomoon.woff
        │   └── style.css
        └── meredith
            ├── css
            │   └── meredith.style.css
            ├── js
            │   ├── meredith-config.js
            │   └── meredith.js
            └── service
                ├── datatables_server_side_processor.php
                ├── delete_rows.php
                ├── fetch_row.php
                └── insert_update_row.php

What you need to change?

Let [app] be equivalent for [*]/app.

Let's say you want to extend this crud system for a new table named products, with the following structure:


  • id: auto-increment primary
  • the_name: varchar 255
  • active: char 2

Then, you need to do the following steps.

Step 1: create the products table in the database

Create the products table, and add some products in it.

Step 2: add the two links

Add the two links: open [app]/www/index.php and create two new links below the two existing links (around line 73):

<a href="/users-form">Add product</a><br>
<a href="/users-list">Product list</a>

Step 3: Route the links to physical pages

Then you want to route the new links to the pages. While [app]/www/index.php is open, go to the pseudo routing mechanism (around line 81), and add two new entries to the $uri2FormId array:

$uri2FormId = [
    '/users-form' => 'users',
    '/users-list' => 'users',
    '/products-form' => 'products',
    '/products-list' => 'products',

Note that for the sake of simplicity:

  • our router maps an uri to a physical (file system) page (if you have more complex needs, just change the router)
  • there is a direct correlation between the uri and the physical page (but of course you can break this correlation whenever you need)
  • the formId is the actual table name (again, you might have more complex needs)

Step 4: Create the physical pages

Now we need to create the pages corresponding to those uris:

  • [app]/pages/products-form.php (copy paste rename [app]/pages/users-form.php)
  • [app]/pages/products-list.php (copy paste rename [app]/pages/users-list.php)

Step 5: Configure the physical pages

Now it's time to configure the physical pages.

Open [app]/pages/products-form.php and change the title (h1) to "Add product".

Similarly, open the [app]/pages/products-list.php file, and where it says:

$formId = "users";

change it to:

$formId = "products";

Step 6: Configuring the main controller

Until now, we've just made cosmetic changes, let's now dive more into the Meredith plugin. Copy-rename the [app]/pages/meredith/main-controllers/users.php file to [app]/pages/meredith/main-controllers/products.php.

Open it. That's the main configuration of a meredith table, the real difference between a table (or view to be more precise) and another.

We can see that there is a lot of objects that are bound together. I don't want to go into the details now (open the source code if you are interested), but we basically have four areas to update:

Area 1

Around line 31, where is says:

            // ...
            // ...

Put your own columns:

            // ...
            ->addColumn('actions', false) // false here means that this column has no content from the database (it is generated by the datatables plugin)

Basically, these lines control the jquery datatables plugin.

Area 2

Now in the next couple of lines, we have the line that says:

->setContentTransformer('active', ActiveInactiveContentTransformer::create())

It turns out that we have an active column too in our products table, so we can just keep it, it will transform the default active value (probably 0 or 1) to a more fancy red-green button. Comment it to see the difference.

Area 3

Now the datatables can display correctly. Let's continue to edit our (main configuration) file.

What we want now is point to http://adaman/products-form and have the relevant form displayed.

Find the area around line 45 where it says:

                            ->addControl(InputControl::create()->setName("email")->setLabel("Email")->setType("email")->setPlaceHolder("Enter a valid email address"))

Replace it with your columns:

                            ->addControl(InputControl::create()->setName("the_name")->setLabel("Name")->setType("text")->setPlaceHolder("Enter a valid name"))

Area 4

At this point, the form might be displayed correctly, however, the processing of the form is not yet configured (i.e., if we post the form we will have weird error messages).

So, let's continue the configuration. The last area to modify is around line 59, where is says:

    ->addField('id', true, true)
    // ...

Replace with your data:

    ->addField('id', true, true)
    ->addField('the_name', false, false)
    ->addField('active', false, false, 0)

Ok. So now, we're all good. Test your application, and enjoy.

A couple of notes before you dive into the code

Js validation

Before you hack the code, let me provide you with a couple of pragmatic tips:

  • if you need to add js validation rules, copy paste the [app]/pages/meredith/validator-user-code/validatorRules/users.js,

and rename it with your formId:

  • [app]/pages/meredith/validator-user-code/validatorRules/$formId.js

By default, this technique uses the jquery validation plugin, which is really good.

Customizing the ajax form's behaviour

The ajax form is the form that opens when the user clicks the edit button at the end of the row, so it's an update form, which is prefilled.

If you need to do some tweaking just after the form pops up, copy paste adapt the [app]/pages/meredith/on-modal-open-after/users.js file, and rename it with the appropriate $formId, [app]/pages/meredith/on-modal-open-after/$formId.js.

I had the case where my form contained a password and a password confirm, and when I clicked the edit button, all form controls were prefilled, except the password confirm field (this is the expected behaviour, since in the database there is no password confirm field).

So my idea was to add some javascript once the ajax form is loaded, to copy the password value to the password confirm field.



Insert form: How do I initialize default values?

Open [app]/pages/meredith/main-controllers/$formId.php, and search for the line around 46:

->addControl(InputControl::create()->setName("email")->setLabel("Email")->setType("email")->setPlaceHolder("Enter a valid email address"))

The InputControl object has a setValue method that you can use, for instance:

->addControl(InputControl::create()->setValue("This is the default value fr insert form")->setName("email")->setLabel("Email")->setType("email")->setPlaceHolder("Enter a valid email address"))

List: How do I change a column name?

Open [app]/pages/meredith/main-controllers/$formId.php, and around line 31, replace:



->addColumn('id', true, "#")

List: How do I handle foreign keys for displaying?

The problem, you have a two tables: users and pets, and a pet belongs to one user. When you display the pets table, the users_id column shows ugly numbers, but you want to customize the column (for instance you want the users_id column content to be something like "1. Michelle" instead of just "1").

In Meredith's lingo, this is called a cosmetic change. Open [app]/pages/meredith/main-controllers/$formId.php, and around line 31, and after the addColumn() calls, add the following

// ...
->setFrom("pets p inner join users u on u.id=p.users_id")
->addCosmeticChange("users_id", 'concat( p.users_id, ". ", u.the_name ) as users_id')
// ...

List: I want to customize the where clause, how do I do that?

A common case when you need to customize the where clause is when an item of the database belongs to a connected user. Then in the where clause of a (for instance) product item, you want to only display the products that belongs to the connected user.

In order to do that, open [app]/pages/meredith/main-controllers/$formId.php, and use the setWhere method of the ListHandler object. Around line 36, below this line for instance:

->addColumn('actions', false)

add the following

->setWhere("email like '%ling%'")

History Log

  • 1.3.1 -- 2016-01-15

    • updated tutorial for Meredith version 2.3.0
  • 1.3.0 -- 2016-01-05

    • updated tutorial for Meredith version 2.2.0
  • 1.2.0 -- 2016-01-05

    • updated tutorial for Meredith version 2.1.0
  • 1.1.0 -- 2016-01-05

    • updated tutorial for Meredith version 2.0.0
  • 1.0.0 -- 2016-01-04

    • initial commit