Pinned issues
- 1
- 1
Use Changesets instead of Lerna
#2127 opened by andrii-bodnar - 0
Versioned docs
#2126 opened by andrii-bodnar - 5
- 9
- 1
- 5
- 7
Uncompiled message detected
#2104 opened by nmoinvaz - 3
- 1
How to make Lingui RSC translations work for "special" nextjs loading file?
#2120 opened by robinclaes - 5
Support different date format for locales
#2116 opened by princescar - 2
Component is rendering twice when using const { t } = useLingui(); from @lingui/react/macro
#2102 opened by mohamadmek - 2
- 0
- 2
Support React 19
#2109 opened by ptmkenny - 3
Upgrade @lingui/vite-plugin package on npm and yarn.
#2110 opened by Illia-S-dev - 0
vite-plugin: unstable Windows test on Node 22
#2113 opened by andrii-bodnar - 1
Vite 6 support
#2103 opened by Athou - 1
I need historical documents, such as v4
#2106 opened by 0xbdm0101 - 1
babel/types warning when using lingui/cli
#2105 opened by nmoinvaz - 1
PO translator comments must begin with # and space
#2098 opened by mlocati - 4
- 2
Don't report statistics for pseudo locale
#2093 opened by alexturpin - 6
Internal Server Error running nextjs-swc example with nodeLinker: pnp in .yarnrc.yml
#2005 opened by neemski - 4
Unintentionally component is transformed when the same naming as the macro component
#2080 opened by erm1116 - 2
Update @lingui/cli to use ora > 6
#2076 opened by elonzh - 6
plural not working the way documentation is describing it
#2074 opened by etx121 - 3
format props missing in <Plural> compared to the docs
#2072 opened by etx121 - 1
- 1
Github Action - config not found
#2068 opened by trevcodesjs - 1
`lingui extract` babel config doesn't support experimental syntax 'decoratorAutoAccessors'
#2057 opened by lscheibel - 1
Lingui renders string keys
#2047 opened by trevcodesjs - 5
Allow fallback to a messages defined in the code without compilation
#2043 opened by timofei-iatsenko - 0
Modernizing the codebase
#2042 opened by timofei-iatsenko - 0
chính sách bán hàng sữa tươi của mộc châu milk
#2041 opened by Linh11012004 - 9
- 2
- 5
- 2
Place PO file relatively to the component file
#2025 opened by hejtmii - 1
Duplicate message entry if the same string is used in a macro msg`String` and in a React i18n._("String")
#2026 opened by Raphyyy - 1
- 0
children's types is not preserved when `<Trans>` is used
#2015 opened by bengry - 3
Language family fallback
#2021 opened by Jack-Works - 2
Trans from @lingui/react shall fallback to its message if there is no translation
#2022 opened by anbotz - 2
Duplicate endlines are removed when using @lingui/macro
#2007 opened by jeresig - 1
High-Severity Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) Vulnerability in micromatch Dependency of @lingui/cli
#2019 opened by sraju03411 - 2
Allow comments from translators
#2011 opened by molokovev - 2
Lingui extract ignores babel config
#2003 opened by valyagolev - 1
Update @lingui/cli to use glob version > 9
#1993 opened by fernion - 6