
This is the official Python and C++ implementation repository for a paper entitled "Track Initialization and Re-Identification for 3D Multi-View Multi-Object Tracking", Information Fusion (http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.18606).

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

MV-GLMB-AB (Multiview GLMB-Adaptive Birth)

This is the official Python and C++ implementation repository for a paper entitled "Track Initialization and Re-Identification for 3D Multi-View Multi-Object Tracking", Information Fusion (arXiv 2405.18606).

Quick Overview

  • Our method tracks 3D objects using only 2D detections from monocular cameras without needing detector retraining.
  • Our approach maintains functionality despite camera reconfiguration by updating only the camera matrices for efficient online tracking.
  • Integrating object re-identification features and kinematics into our measurement model allows us to perform track re-identification in 3D from 2D detections.

Docker image

Docker image to run MV-GLMB-AB codes can be found in Docker Hub.


  1. Set Up Python Environment

    • Create a conda Python environment and activate it:
      conda create --name virtualenv python==3.7.16
      conda activate virtualenv
    • Clone this repository recursively to have EigenRand and pybind11**
      git clone --recursive https://github.com/linh-gist/mv-glmb-ab.git
  2. Install Packages

    • C++ Packages (Make sure Eigen 3.4.0 is installed): Navigate to the cpp_ms_glmb_ukf folder and run python setup.py build develop
    • Python Packages: pip install -r requirements.txt or using conda install -c conda-forge motmetrics lap h5py matplotlib opencv
  3. Configure Experiment Options

    • Modify options such as adaptive_birth=3, use_feat=True to run experiments with Meanshift Adaptive Birth Methods and to toggle the use of re-identification features.
    • Set Default Occlusion Model: The default occlusion model is detection_aka_occlusion_model_v2(...), but it can be changed to detection_aka_occlusion_model(...).
    • In demo.py uses glmb.runcpp(model_params, dataset, meas, adaptive_birth, use_feat) to run experiments with C++. (Note: make sure to comment this line glmb.run(model_params, dataset, meas)
  4. Prepare Data

    • Datasets:
    • Folder structure:
      |-- data
      |   |-- images
      |   |   |-- CMC1
      |   |   |   |-- Cam_1
      |   |   |   |-- Cam_2
      |   |   |   |-- Cam_3
      |   |   |   |-- Cam_4
      |   |   |-- ...
      |   |   |-- CMC5
      |   |   |-- WILDTRACK
      |-- source code
      |   |-- cpp_ms_glmb_ukf
      |   |-- detection
      |   |   |-- cstrack
      |   |   |   |-- CMC1
      |   |   |   |   |-- Cam_1.npz
      |   |   |   |   |-- Cam_2.npz
      |   |   |   |   |-- Cam_3.npz
      |   |   |   |   |-- Cam_4.npz
      |   |   |   |-- CMC2
      |   |   |-- fairmot
      |   |-- experiments
      |   |-- ms_glmb_ukf
      |-- README.md
    • Update the folders containing detection files, for example, ../detection/fairmot/ in gen_meas.py.
      • FairMOT 2D image detector (output bounding boxes and re-identification feature) https://github.com/ifzhang/FairMOT
      • CSTrack 2D image detector (output bounding boxes and re-identification feature) https://github.com/JudasDie/SOTS
      • We can use pre-trained weights from FairMOT and CSTrack but to improve the accuracy of our 3D tracking algorithm on CMC and WILDTRACK datasets, 2D image detectors needs to be re-train on the CMC4 dataset (see gen_labels_cmc.py).
    • Update image files for visualization ../../data/images/ in gen_meas.py.
    • Prepare ground truth data gt_data_dir="../../data/images/" for performance evaluation using CLEAR MOT in clearmot.py and OSPA2 in ospa2.py.
    • OSPA2 is re-implemented in Python and following this paper, an example code is given in ospa2.py.
        title={How trustworthy are the existing performance evaluations for basic vision tasks?},
        author={Tran Thien Dat Nguyen and Hamid Rezatofighi and Ba-Ngu Vo and Ba-Tuong Vo and Silvio Savarese and Ian Reid},
        journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  5. Run the Tracking Demo

    • Navigate to the ms_glmb_ukf and run python demo.py

    Video Demo for CMC4 dataset


Linh Ma (linh.mavan@gm.gist.ac.kr), Machine Learning & Vision Laboratory, GIST, South Korea


If you find this project useful in your research, please consider citing by:

      title={Track Initialization and Re-Identification for {3D} Multi-View Multi-Object Tracking}, 
      author={Linh Van Ma, Tran Thien Dat Nguyen, Ba-Ngu Vo, Hyunsung Jang, Moongu Jeon},
      journal={Information Fusion},
      volume = {111},