MemoriLens: Design and Implementation of a Lifelog Camera using Raspberry Pi Zero

This is a step-by-step guide to set up MemoriLens, a Raspberry Pi Zero as a time-lapse camera and automatically upload the images to a server.


  • Raspberry Pi Zero
  • Camera module (2, 3) and Camera Adapter for Pi Zero
  • SD Card (minimum 8 GB)
  • HDMI to mini HDMI cable, USB to micro USB cable, micro USB to USB cable
  • WiFi Network - 2.4GHz
  • SSH Access to a remote server
  • Keyboard and Monitor (if not set up through SSH)


  1. Load Raspberry Pi OS lite 32 bit to the SD card using Raspberry Pi Imager:

    • Config the SSH and Wifi at the UI
    Alt text Alt text
  2. First boot with Raspberry Pi Zero and set it up as shown in image below.

    Alt text
  3. Login with the username pi and password pass1234 (Note: the password is configed on step 1)

  4. Configure WiFi:

sudo raspi-config

Select System Options -> Wireless LAN and configure your WiFi network.

  1. Update software:
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
  1. Create a directory for saving images:
mkdir webcam
  1. Create a script for time-lapse capture:

Add the following code, reference:

script camera_log.txt
yearmonth=$(date “+%Y%m”)
day=$(date “+%d”)
cd /home/pi/webcam
mkdir -p $yearmonth
cd $yearmonth
mkdir -p $day
cd $day
libcamera-still  -n -t 2000 –width 2560 –height 1440 –rotation 180 –exposure sport –autofocus-speed fast –autofocus-range full -o $(date “+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S”).jpg
sleep 28
libcamera-still  -n -t 2000 –width 2560 –height 1440 –rotation 180 –exposure sport –autofocus-speed fast –autofocus-range full -o $(date “+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S”).jpg
  1. Grant privilege to the file:
chmod +x 
  1. Create a schedule for running the file:
crontab -e

Add the following line:

* * * * * /home/pi/

This will run the script every two minutes.

  1. Create a sync job to upload data to a server:
ssh user@server_ip
cat .ssh/ | ssh user@server_ip “cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys”
crontab -e

Add the following line:

* * * * * rsync -avz /home/pi/webcam/* user@server_ip:/path/to/destination/
  1. Turn on auto-login:
sudo raspi-config

Select System options > Boot / Auto login and turn off the option for auto login in console by choose B2: Console Autologin

  1. Configure restart for failed jobs:

Add the following code:

if grep -q “ERROR” camera_log.txt; then sudo reboot; fi
if grep -q “error” camera_log.txt; then sudo reboot; fi

sudo chmod +x
crontab -e

Add the following line:

* * * * * sudo /home/pi/

This will run the check script every minute.

  1. Create a log file:
*/2 * * * * touch /home/pi/camera_log.txt

This will create an empty log file every two minutes.


Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting issues or pull requests.