
Primary LanguageSCSS


Web template use es6, pug, scss

1. Installation

  • Required: Node 16
pnpm i gulp gulp-cli
pnpm i

2. Configuration

  • Every configuration is stored in ./gulp/config/**

3. Constructor

|   assets/
|   |   # All files and folders (except site folder) will be copied to /dist
|   |   favicon/
|   |    # All content in this folder will be copied direct to /dist
|   |
|   |
|   scrips/
|   |   _lib/
|   |   |   # Store custom libraries,
|   |   |   #   which cannot be downloaded through npm
|   |   |
|   |   |
|   |   |
|   |   *.js # These files is the entry file to compile with webpack
|   |
|   |
|   styles/
|   |   _*/
|   |   |   # Every files in folders have start name, is _,
|   |   |   #   won't be compiled.
|   |   |   # It only use to store many libraries or variables
|   |   |
|   |   |
|   |   $*/
|   |   |   # Every files in folders have start name, is $,
|   |   |   #   won't be compiled.
|   |   |   # It only use to merge into apps.css
|   |   |
|   |   |
|   |   ... # Others will be compiled to /dist/css/
|   |
|   |
|   views/
|       _*/
|       |   # Every files in folders have start name, is _,
|       |   #   won't be compiled.
|       |   # It only use to store many reusable components
|       |
|       |
|       $*/
|       |   # Every files in folders have start name, is $,
|       |   #   won't be compiled.
|       |   # It only use to store many main/page components
|       |
|       |
|       ... # Others will be compiled to /dist/
|   .... # Manage build tasks and configuration
|   .... # Manage server side render views
|   # Store compiled html, css, js (production build)
|   # Store compiled css, js (work on dev)

4. Tasks

  • pnpm start: Shorthand for pnpm dev
  • pnpm dev: Build Project + Watch + Node Server
  • pnpm build: Build Project (min)
  • pnpm serve: Run production local server

5. Pug global variables

  • $translator: object variable get value from app/locales/#{lang}.json
  • $localeName: variable get value equal name of current using locale json

6. JS Dynamic import path (chunks files)

At src/views/_layouts/layout.pug, there is a script with variable staticJsAssetsPath, update that variable to server js path, and it will load correctly chunks files

7. Single language mode

Just remove folder src/locales

8. Site favicon

Use this online tool: https://realfavicongenerator.net/ to get the site favicon package and put it in app/assets/site