
Project MIUI 8 Patchrom for Sky A910

Get Android SDK

In order to build patchrom project, you must have android sdk installed.(http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html)

And add the sdk tools and platform-tools to PATH.

$ vim .bashrc

$ export PATH=$PATH:/home/xxx/android-sdk/tools:/home/xxx/anroid-sdk/platform-tools

Getting Started

To get started with MiCode/patchrom, you'll need to get familiar with Git and Repo.

To initialize your local repository using the patchrom trees, use a command like this:

$ mkdir patchrom

$ cd patchrom

$ repo init -u git://github.com/MiCode/patchrom.git -b marshmallow

Then to sync up:

$ repo sync

$ git clone https://github.com/linhphi9x94/Miui8_patchrom_Pantech_IM-A910.git ef63l


$ . build/envsetup.sh && cd ef63l

$ make fullota

And then look at out/fullota.zip,it is the MIUI ROM

Now you can get your own miui ROM, enjoy it!

Thank to

  • @Micode Miui Rom
  • @wuxianlin
  • @garyyiu2015
  • http://xdavn.com
  • @sunghun, @chautruongthinh for based cm13 work fine and twrp