
⚡ Frontend monorepo boilerplate. TypeScript v5, Next.js v13 and Material UI with focus on best practices and painless developer experience.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Turborepo / Next.js / TypeScript / Material UI boilerplate

TypeScript semantic-release


Deployments - prod/stage/storybook




Opinionated frontend monorepo with focus on best practices and painless developer experience:

  • Monorepo setup can be easily extended with custom libraries or into micro-frontend architecture 🔧
  • Spin it up with single command 🌀
  • Blazing fast builds with Turborepo remote caching
  • TypeScript 100% codebase



Easily set up a local development environment

  • npm install
  • npm run build
  • npm run dev - Start all NextJs apps 🚀

Visit one of the monorepo apps localhost:3100



Bellow commands will be executed on monorepo level - on all apps and packages where npm script exists.

Command Description
prepare Setup git hooks with Husky (executes on npm install)
build Build all apps and packages (build-next-static, dist)
dev Start all apps
lint Lint all apps and packages
lint-staged-husky Run prettier and lint on staged files
tsc Run TypeScript compiler
test Run tests on all apps and packages
storybook Start storybooks on all apps and packages
storybook-build Build all storybooks (build-storybook-static)
format-lint Lint formatting with Prettier
format-fix Fix formatting with Prettier
commit Run Commitizen on staged file
clean Remove installed, generated and cached folders (node_modules, coverage, .next etc.)
remove-turbo-cache Removes Turborepo local cache
update-dependencies Update dependencies to their latest versions


Convention over configuration should be followed as much as possible as described in Conventions.md


Monorepo features and conventions:

  • Monorepo is being quite highly opinionated in order to achieve best developer experience. It's meant to be used as frontend only monorepo, 100% TypeScript, Material UI support (UI component library, shared theme across all apps and packages etc.), consistent codebase across whole monorepo with automated tooling in place as ESLint, Prettier, TypeScript, conventional commits etc.
  • Workspaces:
    • It comes with two workspaces apps and packages.
    • All configurations (eslint, jest, material ui etc.) in packages are always prefixed with "config-" and imported into other workspaces directly from source without building (never transpiled).
    • All other packages beside configurations are always being built/transpiled and output to dist/ folder.
  • All applications in monorepo are built with Next.js.
  • All Next.js applications are statically exported.
  • Monorepo doesn't include any implementation of micro-frontend architecture, but is prepared with that in mind, so it can be easily extended (adding shared state, page composition etc.)