SAPP is an attack graph generator using graph neural network for large network security.

Primary LanguagePython

SAPP: Scalable Attack Path Prediction using Graph Neural Network

AttackPathPrediction drawio



Description of Directory

  • data: parsing shodan file
  • graph_data: output of makeDAG.py and makeFeatureVec.py in src directory
  • graph_dataset: output of makeDataset.py in src directory
  • image: image output of program
  • model: model of GNN and MLP used predicting CVSS saved
  • src: source code
  • results: predicted CVSS in graph dataset format, r2 score, and inference time

Description of src directory

  1. makeDAG.py: Data collection (in above figure)
  2. makeFeatureVec.py: Make Dataset in Modeling (in above figure)
  3. makeDataset.py: Make Training Dataset
  4. trainingModel.py: Training and Test based on GNN and MLP
  5. pathGenerator.py: Find Attack Path

Requirement (Name Version)

dgl-cuda11.3 0.8.1
torch 1.9.1

Run & Results

1-1) Run

python makeDAG.py

1-2) Results

Output files:

  • graph_data/DAG_nodes_{seed}_{num_of_nodes}.csv
  • graph_data/DAG_edges_{seed}_{num_of_nodes}.csv

2-1) Run

python makeFeatureVec.py

2-2) Results

Output files: graph_data/DAG_nodes_features_{seed}_{num_of_nodes}.csv

3-1) Run

python makeDataset.py

3-2) Results

Output files:

  • graph_dataset/DAG_train_edges.csv
  • graph_dataset/DAG_train_normal_edges.csv
  • graph_dataset/DAG_train_vulns_edges.csv
  • graph_dataset/DAG_test_edges.csv
  • graph_dataset/DAG_test_normal_edges.csv
  • graph_dataset/DAG_test_vulns_edges.csv

4-1) Run

python trainingModel.py

4-2) Results

Ouput files:

  • results/results.txt
r2_score: 0.9102470316643958
time: 0.0319979190826416
  • results/Res_score_{seed}.csv

5-1) Run

python pathGenerator.py

5-2) Results

Ouput files: results/results_path.txt

*****Picked paths (end vertex is not specified)*****
[[2289, 1576, 1141], [2289, 1246, 1141], [2289, 1353, 1141], [2289, 1982, 1141], [2289, 1535, 1141], [2289, 897, 150], [2289, 1749, 150], [2289, 1030, 150], [2289, 834, 150], [2289, 683, 150], [2289, 1750, 452], [2289, 1681, 452], [2289, 1948, 452], [2289, 807, 452], [2289, 1960, 452], [2289, 1130, 1119], [2289, 1689, 1119], [2289, 2159, 1119], [2289, 2061, 1119], [2289, 1882, 1808, 1273, 776]]

*****Candidate paths (end vertex specified)*****
[[2289, 1889, 1239, 1141], [2289, 1141], [2289, 1889, 1576, 1141], [2289, 1492, 1353, 1141], [2289, 1841, 1213, 1211, 1141], [2289, 2046, 1199, 1141], [2289, 1618, 1262, 1141], [2289, 1860, 1625, 1141], [2289, 2046, 1141], [2289, 1903, 1751, 1141], [2289, 2226, 1141], [2289, 2064, 1934, 1141], [2289, 2180, 1141], [2289, 2217, 1653, 1141], [2289, 1199, 1141], [2289, 1860, 1504, 1141], [2289, 1570, 1386, 1141], [2289, 2159, 1653, 1141], [2289, 2287, 2061, 1141], [2289, 1690, 1141]]

Dist: 0.012589648
Path: [2289, 1141]
dijkstra excution time (sec): 0.258939266204834

[2289, 1141]
astar excution time (sec): 0.0397341251373291


SAPP: Scalable Attack Path Prediction using Graph Neural Network


This program is authored and maintained by Haerin Kim, and Jeong Do Yoo.

Email: rlagoflszz@gmail.com, opteryx25104@korea.ac.kr