
A LLM Paper note list.

Primary LanguageShell

LLM Research

1. 相关仓库传送门

  • Awesome-LLM仓库由Xin Cheng等人创建,其中汇总了LLM中各方向的高质量论文,同时也包含针对LLM训练,部署应用,入门博客教程等各种资料的地址。
  • ICL_PaperList仓库由Qingxiu Dong等人创建,其中汇总了LLM子方向ICL的高质量论文,同时也孵化出了一篇优秀的综述。
  • 邹雨衡, 长琴, 玉琳和众多datawhale开源贡献者一起创作了datawhalechina/prompt-engineering-for-developers,详实地介绍了prompt engineering,如何用chatgpt和langchain搭建LLM应用,如何使用 Gradio 搭建生成式 AI 应用等内容。非常推荐一学~
  • 邹雨衡动手写LLM应用开发是一个面向小白开发者的大模型应用开发教程,旨在结合个人知识库助手项目,通过一个课程完成大模型开发的重点入门。此教程不仅包含了很多LLM开发的实战知识,其对LLM各方面基础知识也进行全面介绍。非常推荐一学~
  • 长琴 等人的datawhalechina/hugging-llm详细地介绍了ChatGPT原理、使用和应用。读者学习了之后,即可熟练地编写相应代码来调用openai的api进而完成NLP各种下游任务。
  • 陈安东张帆datawhalechina/so-large-lm对大模型做出了一个详细的综述,介绍了大模型的技术内容(数据准备、模型构建、训练策略到模型评估与改进等方面),也介绍了大模型的伦理内容(安全、隐私、环境和法律道德等方面)。非常推荐一学。
  • 不要葱姜蒜self-llm针对各类开源大模型提供包括环境配置、本地部署、高效微调等技能在内的全流程指导,简化开源大模型的部署、使用和应用流程,让更多的普通学生、研究者更好地使用开源大模型,帮助开源、自由的大模型更快融入到普通学习者的生活中。通过这个项目,读者可以本地部署大模型(Chatglm3, Yi, Qwen, Baichuan)等实现一些有趣的LLM案例~ 非常推荐一学~


LLM research的主要目标是给打算跟踪LLM学术前沿的研究人员提供支持。 我们小组将于近期三四个月撰写好相应文章的精读笔记。



Ch1. Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning


1. Low Rank Decomposition Method

Title Date Publication citation Summary Notes Deadline
LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models 2021-10 arXiv 1555 @林景豪 12.16
Adaptive Budget Allocation for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (AdaLoRA) 2023-02 ICLR 55 @林景豪 12.16
LongLoRA: Efficient Fine-tuning of Long-Context Large Language Models 2023-09 arxiv 16 Lora_series_notes @林景豪 12.16
QLoRA: Efficient Finetuning of Quantized LLMs 2023-05 arxiv 224 @胡锦琛 1.13
Orthogonal Subspace Learning for Language Model Continual Learning(o-lora) 2023-10 arxiv @胡锦琛 1.20
S-LoRA: Serving Thousands of Concurrent LoRA Adapters 2023-11 arxiv @胡锦琛 1.27

2. Continuous-Prompt Learning Method

Title Date Publication citation Summary Notes Deadline
Prefix-Tuning: Optimizing Continuous Prompts for Generation 2021-08 ACL 1859 @余绍缘 12.23
GPT Understands, Too (P-Tuning) 2021-03 AI Open 307 @余绍缘 12.30
The Power of Scale for Parameter-Efficient Prompt Tuning (Prompt-Tuning) 2021-04 EMNLP 1683 @余绍缘 1.6
P-Tuning v2: Prompt Tuning Can Be Comparable to Fine-tuning Universally Across Scales and Tasks 2021-10 ACL 220 @余绍缘 1.13
Late Prompt Tuning: A Late Prompt Could Be Better Than Many Prompts 2022-10 EMNLP 6 @余绍缘 1.20
Black-Box Tuning for Language-Model-as-a-Service 2022-06 ICLR 100 @余绍缘 1.27

3. Adapter Method

Title Date Publication citation Summary Notes Deadline
Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for NLP (Adapter) 2019-06 ICML 1767 @王淏 12.23
AdapterHub: A Framework for Adapting Transformers 2020-07 EMNLP @王淏 12.30

4. Mixed Method

Title Date Publication citation Summary Notes Deadline
UniPELT: A Unified Framework for Parameter-Efficient Language Model Tuning 2022-05 ACL 79 @林景豪 12.23
Towards a Unified View of Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning 2022 -02 ICLR (spotlight) 385 @林景豪 12.23

Ch2. Full Parameter Fine-Tuning

1. LOMO-series

Title Date Publication citation Summary Notes Deadline
Full Parameter Fine-tuning for Large Language Models with Limited Resources 2023-06 arXiv 7 @王淏 12.16
AdaLomo: Low-memory Optimization with Adaptive Learning Rate 2023-10 arXiv @王淏 12.23

Ch3. In-Context-Learning

Title Date Publication citation Summary Notes Deadline
Chain of Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models 2023-01 Nips2022 2141 @袁鑫喆 12.23
Challenging BIG-Bench Tasks and Whether Chain-of-Thought Can Solve Them 2022-10 ACL2022 62 @袁鑫喆 12.30
Automatic Chain of Thought Prompting in Large Language Models 2022-10 ICLR2022 200 @袁鑫喆 1.6
Multimodal Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Language Models 2023-02 arxiv 100 @袁鑫喆 1.13

Ch4. Prompt Engineering

Title Date Publication citation Summary Notes Deadline
Pre-train, Prompt, and Predict: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Methods in Natural Language Processing 2021-07 ACM Computing Surveys 1640 @胡锦琛 12.23
Exploring Lottery Prompts for Pre-trained Language Models 2023-05 ACL 1 @胡锦琛 12.30
Making Pre-trained Language Models Better Few-shot Learners 2021-06 ACL 1159 @胡锦琛 1.6

Ch5. LLM-based Agent

Title Date Publication citation Summary Notes Deadline
ToolLLM: Facilitating Large Language Models to Master 16000+ Real-world APIs 2023-10 arxiv 53 @王淏 12.30
AgentBench: Evaluating LLMs as Agents 2023-10 arxiv 12 @王淏 12.30
The Rise and Potential of Large Language Model Based Agents: A Survey 2023-09 arxiv 43 @林景豪 12.30
Reflexion: Language Agents with Verbal Reinforcement Learning 2023-06 arxiv 1640 @林景豪 12.30
CAMEL: Communicative Agents for "Mind" Exploration of Large Scale Language Model Society 2023-11 Nips 61 @林景豪 1.6
Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior 2023-08 arxiv 263 @林景豪 1.6
Language Models can Solve Computer Tasks 2023-11 Nips 62 @王淏 1.6
ChatEval: Towards Better LLM-based Evaluators through Multi-Agent Debate 2023-08 arxiv 29 @王淏 1.6
Improving Factuality and Reasoning in Language Models through Multiagent Debate 2023-05 arxiv 75 @王淏 1.13
Self-collaboration Code Generation via ChatGPT 2023-05 arxiv 34 @王淏 1.13
Exploring Large Language Models for Communication Games: An Empirical Study on Werewolf 2023-09 arxiv 10 @林景豪 1.13
Describe, Explain, Plan and Select: Interactive Planning with Large Language Models Enables Open-World Multi-Task Agents 2023-10 Nips 79 @林景豪 1.13

Ch6. LLM for Other Tasks

6.1 Relation Extraction

Title Date Publication citation Summary Notes Deadline
Revisiting Relation Extraction in the era of Large Language Models 2023-05 ACL 14 @王淏 1.20

6.2 Graph Learning

Title Date Publication citation Summary Notes Deadline
G-Adapter: Towards Structure-Aware Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for Graph Transformer Networks 2023-05 arXiv @袁鑫喆 1.20

6.3 Knowledge Graph Reasoning

Title Date Publication citation Summary Notes Deadline
Making Large Language Models Perform Better in Knowledge Graph Completion (KoPA from ZJU) 2023-10 arXiv @林景豪 1.20

At last



  1. 非常感谢导师们仔细审查了本仓库的所有笔记内容, 感谢他们的大力支持,同时也感谢吉林大学机器人梦工厂和东北大学IDKE实验室的伙伴们的大力支持

  2. 非常感谢datawhale组织的好大哥 谢文睿范晶晶等对本项目的全程支持。


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me linjh1118@mails.jlu.edu.cn.