
Consider truncating UML text descriptions

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The spec has a lot of text that's basically "reading out loud" the UML diagrams. Consider truncating all this sort of text from the spec. I think it'd be easier to go through the document. I'm not convinced (maybe it really is just me) that it improves readability.


There is too much writing on UML stuff (See
#187 ) - I think
that really feels like it unnecessarily complicates things and doesn't
help much with readability - I prefer to be able to run through the spec
and not get stuck on the minute details in some paragraph. On (W3C)
recommendations for instance, you don't really get granular information
on some object is connected or related to something else. I don't care
to have a paragraph telling me stuff like "DescriptiveStatistics may
have statisticsDataFile relations to 0 to n data files (DataFile) and
data files (DataFile) may be in 0 to n statisticsDataFile relations to
DescriptiveStatistics individuals." -- Sorry, that's not fun to read.
And the spec is full of it. IMHO, these paragraphs should give an
overview on what's happening. The URLs to the objects it is talking
about already describes their relation and in place in the vocab.

The DDI / social science community is not able or do not want to read UML diagrams
This kind of information is really important for them