
Copy favorite and commonly used RDF schemas/ontologies to a safe place

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Copy favorite and commonly used RDF schemas/ontologies to a safe place

To archive a file into file space

python archive-ontology.py   --root cache-root --uri URI
python archive-ontology.py   --root cache-root --uri URI --file filename
python archive-ontology.py --no  --root cache-root --uri URI

e.g. python archive-ontology --root /devel/www.w3.org/archvive \
    --webroot  /archive \
    --uri http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ \
    --file foaf.rdf

e.g. pyton archive-ontology --root /devel/www.w3.org/acrhvive \
    --webroot  /archive --uri http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/

Typically you can archive an onology into a working copy of repo which you can then check into some web space.

List of popular ontologies:

make all.ttl

This grabs a list from prefix.cc, a website where people suggest porefixes for common ontologies.

all untested code use at your own risk