
Allow solid clients to think of caldav as linked data, and maybe even sync


Allow solid clients to think of caldav as linked data, and maybe even sync

Given that we have a lot of solid, linked data, support libraries and also a various *dav (caldav, carddav, webdav) client libraries, should it not be easy to

  • allow a linked data system to look at a dav space as thogh it were linked data;
  • sync between a solid store and a dav store with the same data; and
  • develop calendar and contacts clients which operate as part of the leacy dav space but also the new interconnected solid space.

The DAV protocols in a way encapsulate the problem solid came to solve: you have to design a new protocol and build a new server for each application, wheras with solid, you design the footprint of each objects in the read-write-web, and standardize it between clients, but you don't have to design or buld anything new on the backend.

Not sure I will have to actually write this, so very interested in any takers out there in the interwebs.


timbl 2016-12-03

See eg https://www.npmjs.com/package/dav