
How to programmatically set the frame for a Custom Chooser view?

Apocryphon opened this issue · 3 comments

When creating a Custom Chooser view, it looks like the HKWMentionsCreationStateMachine calls createNewChooserView that sets the chooserFrame to CGRectZero for custom HKWMentionsChooserPositionMode. The custom chooserView is always created via that method, and in the static factory creation methods, chooserViewWithFrame: always sets that frame to CGRectZero.

I have a MYCustomChooserView that implements chooserViewWithFrame:delegate:dataSource: as part of HKWChooserViewProtocol. In that custom view, I simply set the frame to the one received. However, that frame is always size zero, and the delegate and dataSource are always the same instance of the HKWMentionsCreationStateMachine, which is part of the library. So how do I actually set those properties? Do I have to subclass HKWMentionsCreationStateMachine?

The demo project is no help; it uses uses non-custom mode HKWMentionsChooserPositionModeEnclosedTop, and so does not illustrate how we actually implement a custom chooser view.

Also, it lacks #import "HakawaiDemo-Swift.h" at the top of MentionsDemoViewController.m, so uncommenting the custom chooser view code will not compile.

Looks like the answer is hidden away in the Mentions APIs page, which mentions setChooserTopLevelView:attachmentBlock:. The solution then is:

[_myMentionsCell.mentionsPlugin setChooserTopLevelView:self.view
                                                attachmentBlock:^(UIView *view) {
                                                    MYCustomChooserView *chooserView = (MYCustomChooserView *)view;
                                                    typeof(self) strongSelf = weakSelf;
                                                    if (strongSelf) {
                                                        [chooserView setFrame:...];

It still seems strange that for custom chooser modes, the frame that's getting passed into the factory method is always CGRectZero.

Hi @Apocryphon : Do you know.. How can we increase height of selection list view out side the textview.