- 0
Crash on [HKWMentionsPluginV2 shouldAllowCharacterDeletionAtLocation:]_block_invoke NSRangeException
#266 opened by abbasnaqvi200 - 1
- 1
Can we custom the mention ?
#87 opened by starlight173 - 0
- 0
Update nullability annotations
#113 opened by dgattey - 0
Cannot find type 'HKWMentionsDelegate' in scope
#265 opened by dimpy-iroid - 0
'any HKWMentionsPlugin' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
#264 opened by dimpy-iroid - 0
Expose cornerRadius from HKWLayoutManager
#242 opened by imperialnymph - 2
Trouble running HakawaiDemoSwift
#241 opened by treeleaf-nikesh - 5
- 2
HKWMentionsDelegate? HKWCustomChooserViewDelegate?
#200 opened by mradzinski - 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
How to change textField mentioned color ?
#235 opened by ParagDevac - 1
- 3
Khmer (Cambodian) Language tagging issue
#232 opened by purva-dev - 2
Include Emoticon will likely lead to a crash when deleting the mention text.
#140 opened by hainhathoang88 - 4
'HKWMentionsPlugin' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers
#199 opened by iosappsdevelopers - 3
HKWMentionsPluginV2 does not call asyncRetrieveEntities() after the initial control character call
#203 opened by KrisConrad - 0
- 1
SwiftUI example
#151 opened by smahurkar - 1
Question - How to implement infinite scroll??
#149 opened by jaySoftdev - 2
- 3
- 3
- 0
- 3
Cannot Initialize MentionsPluginV2 - Swift
#196 opened by gintechsystems - 1
Use Cocoapods CDN for pod install
#193 opened by chenxiao0228 - 0
- 0
Predictive text does not get inserted correctly
#168 opened by rrevo - 0
- 1
Entity inserted to textview on second selection
#147 opened by tobitech - 1
- 1
How to display entityId instead of entityName?
#135 opened by saka-shin - 0
First emoticon is not allowed.
#130 opened by bibekdari - 0
Can I limit number of chars while typing?
#124 opened by es0o - 1
Mentions not displaying while using CharacterSet
#120 opened by sm0nster - 0
Crash when user vietnamese language.
#122 opened by linhho89 - 0
iOS 11 and later, textViewDidHaveTextPastedIn callback does not contain pasted text in text view
#121 opened by PradnyaLI - 3
- 0
Adding "Simple Plugins" seems unused
#117 opened by arielpollack - 2
Provide Carthage support
#111 opened by ValCanBuild - 2
Customkey / uniqueId?
#91 opened by neobie - 2
Change Color of the Mention Text
#84 opened by Salmancs43 - 1
#90 opened by neobie - 1
- 1
Hide the Top Arrow from Plugin
#77 opened by harishprabhakaran - 1
Custom Mentions
#78 opened by sarathdev - 0
Cursor positioning makes
#80 opened by maggietagoe