- 0
Long time for nginx to load after docker compose up
#427 opened by jamiereid - 4
Custom Scheadule Rotation
#424 opened by dellhem - 2
ICal Authentication : 401 / unauthorized
#374 opened by Bbillyben - 0
Scheduling of multiple roles
#422 opened by dellhem - 1
ERROR: Could not build wheels for greenlet, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
#420 opened by srini4osdb - 1
dummy data fails to import
#417 opened by ITJamie - 3
First day of the week
#272 opened by cEdmundas - 1
Please re-open #272
#413 opened by idl0r - 0
- 0
Is any way to send post with csrf token?
#405 opened by LimSKY666 - 0
UI Workflow Issue: Scheduling Templates
#403 opened by geraldsnm - 1
Redirecting it to incorrect url
#400 opened by rajpranay2023 - 2
Who is oncall
#317 opened by vaithiyanath - 3
question: Email Support?
#394 opened by geraldsnm - 1
Stuck on make serve command
#344 opened by aashish-misra - 0
LDAP Sync "oncall-user-sync" AttributeError: 'Engine' object has no attribute 'execute'
#390 opened by BillyAB - 1
Why is this project using raw SQL?
#389 opened by phrfpeixoto - 1
DB Connect Error with docker hostname
#384 opened by reach-the-sky - 2
- 3
- 1
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'
#379 opened by Th3L1nuxGuy - 1
Is there a way to create users locally without having to put them in via mysql?
#381 opened by alskin96 - 4
make build fails on MarkupSafe
#369 opened by glassrye - 0
- 0
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode
#366 opened by mohammad-sajid - 0
How can I test notifications
#363 opened by JTS911 - 2
- 0
[Issue] - timezone in adding event via calendar
#358 opened by ArkAngels - 1
Admin Docs appear outdated and not working
#312 opened by koskorya - 2
Is debian/ubuntu only way?
#357 opened by ugintl - 0
HTTPS / SSL Support & LDAP Admins
#356 opened by MattCrum1 - 2
API authentication
#355 opened by MattCrum1 - 0
Database rolls back every change made
#353 opened by lkoerting - 2
User sync not working
#352 opened by lkoerting - 1
Failed: User must be logged in error
#349 opened by MattCrum1 - 2
make test not working
#318 opened by christopher-gray-vca - 4
First time login
#347 opened by Raksniru - 4
User sync removes already existing users
#343 opened by pavanfhw - 1
In future Requires SSO configuration
#277 opened by RamjiVE - 3
- 2
Getting this project up with docker-compose "Waited too long for DB to come up. Bailing."
#280 opened by surfer190 - 2
Setup mail notifications
#313 opened by mvahani - 3
TypeError when executing via python3
#319 opened by dk0r - 5
LDAP authentication
#298 opened by dan2020802 - 1
- 0
Approval/acknowledgement requirement for shift swap
#296 opened by zak1234us - 1
Update the footer in oncall to 2020
#293 opened by minhaz1 - 0
- 1
User settings resetting to default after I logout then goes back to User settings menu
#271 opened by osalmasan - 1