- 3
- 0
unable to run shiv module after manual unzip
#259 opened by sir1st - 1
Crash on Python 3.8 with version 1.0.7: TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable
#258 opened by jakubman1 - 0
- 3
Incorrect bootstrap filename
#247 opened by cjntaylor - 3
Is there a way to show a message to the user during the environment bootstrapping phase?
#246 opened by itsthejoker - 0
Windows: Bug in Interpreter Path Handling
#245 opened by kummerer94 - 1
Is asyncio supported?
#235 opened by viteski - 1
- 0
- 0
Environments created with symlinked folders (by PDM with cache=True) are not correctly packed
#236 opened by f3flight - 2
Any way to use shiv on read-only filesystem?
#234 opened by wimglenn - 1
Error if output path doesn't exist
#231 opened by vitoyucepi - 1
- 2
- 1
- 2
Shiv ignores files defined in .gitignore without an option to override and add anyway
#226 opened by janka102 - 2
ConfigParser issue with duplicate option entries
#225 opened by axlroden - 1
- 3
support for packages with a .pth file
#223 opened by sdementen - 3
- 2
- 1
- 2
Supporting Python 3.5
#211 opened by Abdur-rahmaanJ - 1 no longer present
#212 opened by Abdur-rahmaanJ - 1
Slow run when large pyz file
#208 opened by sdementen - 0
Allow shebang with %ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES% in it
#209 opened by sdementen - 3
problem with onnxruntime-gpu
#190 opened by plomtb - 2
different zipapps sharing the same .lock file during extraction due to dots in the filename
#203 opened by edo248 - 1
- 0
Name shiv apps with additional info like wheels
#204 opened by g0di - 3
.shiv artifact filenames too long for Windows
#181 opened by Ninjef - 0
asyngpg doesn't work due to c-bindings
#202 opened by arunhallan - 4
Leverage pyz startup speed on small machines
#201 opened by g0di - 1
Run JupyterLab with dependencies
#199 opened by arunhallan - 3
Can't use generated executable file under a machine with more than 64 threads
#200 opened by nbahar-intel - 0
- 3
/usr/lib/python3.8: bad interpreter when running .pyz that was created from virtualenv
#193 opened by trendels - 2
Can't get shiv to work with 3rd party libs
#195 opened by u84six - 3
zope.event is not packaged properly when installed together with zope.interface
#187 opened by jankatins - 2
Shiv does not fully package namespaced packages
#191 opened by stephenhelms - 1
How to include .so files (shared libaries)
#186 opened by delijati - 1
How to clean up .shiv directory?
#188 opened by hiteshsharma - 8
how to package hello world
#182 opened by qbit-git - 2
How can I print a message on first run?
#184 opened by mhucka - 1
How to handle packages that compile code
#185 opened by mhucka - 4
- 2
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Option to remove "-E" switch from shebang line
#177 opened by grantjenks - 4
Cache directory relative to executable path
#169 opened by codetent