This is a project that demonstrates how you can use multiple user types and multiple databases in Django. This is strictly a Django backend REST API using the Django REST Framework.
In order to test out this project, follow these steps:
- clone the repository
Then create 2 databases in postgreSQL, one called listingz_users and one called listingz_listings
Then under core/
- find the DATABASES setting, set the PASSWORD field to both your databases password to your postgreSQL user password
Once you have your databases setup, proceed to the following steps:
- create a virtual environment by running: python3 -m venv venv
- then activate the virtual environment: source venv/bin/activate (MacOS) or .\venv\Scripts\activate (Windows)
- then run the following commands:
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python makemigrations
- python migrate user --database=users
- python migrate --database=users
- then run the following to create a superuser:
- python createsuperuser --database=users
- then you can run the server by running: python runserver