
To be the world's best PyTorch project template.

Primary LanguagePython

PyTorch Template

A clear PyTorch template for swift model building.


  • Well-organized project template out of the box.
  • Automatically record the model version (by saving the git commit hash) for later reproduction.
  • Automatically start TensorBoard for you.
  • Use JSON file or command line arguments to specify arguments.
  • The results of each experiment are properly stored.

Steps For Using This Template

  1. Modifiy the model structures models/build.py.
  2. Update the loss functions used solver/loss.py.
  3. Update the data loading process data/dataset.py & data/loader.py.
  4. Add metrics that can measure your model's performance metrics/eval.py.
  5. Update sampling functions & logging functions so you can see the results with TensorBoard solver/solver.py!
  6. Add a shell script that run your model scripts/{exp_id}-model_key_config.sh.
  7. Start training, evaluating or inferencing by running the above script!


+--- .gitignore
+--- archive (generated files & dataset)
|   +--- README.md
+--- bin (utility script)
|   +--- README.md
|   +--- template.py
+--- config.py (options)
+--- data (data fetching related)
|   +--- dataset.py
|   +--- fetcher.py
|   +--- loader.py
|   +--- README.md
+--- expr (experiment directory)
+--- main.py (everything start from here)
+--- metrics (metric used)
|   +--- eval.py
|   +--- fid.py
|   +--- README.md
+--- models (model architecture related)
|   +--- build.py (the wrapper for models)
|   +--- discriminator.py
|   +--- generator.py
|   +--- layers.py
|   +--- mapping_network.py
|   +--- README.md
+--- README.md
+--- requirements.txt
+--- scripts (training related shell scripts)
|   +--- train.sh
+--- solver (training related)
|   +--- loss.py
|   +--- misc.py
|   +--- solver.py
|   +--- utils.py
+--- utils (utility functions)
|   +--- checkpoint.py
|   +--- file.py
|   +--- image.py
|   +--- logger.py
|   +--- misc.py
|   +--- model.py


I referred StarGAN v2's official implementation when crafting this template, so don't be surprised if you find some code is similar.