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Daemon for accessing Ethereum 2 wallets and allowing protected signing operations to take place.

Table of Contents


walletd is a standard Go module which can be installed with:

go get github.com/wealdtech/walletd


walletd provides a gRPC interface to wallet operations such as listing accounts and signing requests. The daemon provides a number of security measures to avoid unauthorised uses of the private keys, and protection against invalid actions (e.g. slashing events).


Configuration directory and files

The default configuration directory is at config.json and is held in the following location:

- Windows: `%APPDATA%\wealdtech\walletd`
- MacOSX: `${HOME}/Library/Application Support/wealdtech/walletd`
- Linux: `${HOME}/.config/wealdtech/walletd`

This will usually contain the following files:

  • config.json the overall configuration file for walletd
  • perms.json permissions for each client certificate
  • security a directory containing certificates for the server and client certificate authority

These items are explained in more detail below.


The architecture we want to achieve is shown below:

Validator architecture

In this architecture we have three validators clients. Validator clients 1 and 2 are in a cluster, and between them manage accounts 1, 2, and 3. Validator client 3 is standalone, and manages account 4.

Creating wallets and accounts

The first step is to create some wallets and validator keys for said wallets, using ethdo:

$ ethdo wallet create --wallet=wallet1
$ ethdo account create --account=wallet1/account1 --passphrase=secret
$ ethdo account create --account=wallet1/account2 --passphrase=secret
$ ethdo account create --account=wallet1/account3 --passphrase=secret
$ ethdo wallet create --wallet=wallet2
$ ethdo account create --account=wallet2/account4 --passphrase=secret

Here we have two wallets, one for each set of validator clients. It is possible for different wallets to have different features, such as level of security and location, but for the purposes of this example they are both standard (non-deterministic) wallets (see ethdo documentation for other options).

Creating certificates

We need a certificate for the wallet daemon. We could use a certificate from a well-known certificate authority such as LetsEncrypt, or we could create our own; we will create our own using certstrap.

First, we create the certificate authority. Note the key created in this process is critical to the security of your deposits and should be protected with all reasonable measures; this should include a passphrase when promted.

$ certstrap --depot-path . init --common-name "Wallet daemon authority" --expires "3 years"
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Created ./Wallet_daemon_authority.key (encrypted by passphrase)
Created ./Wallet_daemon_authority.crt
Created ./Wallet_daemon_authority.crl

The server needs its own certificate. We use the sample name server.example.com here but you should replace this with the name of your server. If you are testing walletd locally you can use localhost instead of the server name.

$ certstrap --depot-path . request-cert --common-name server.example.com
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Created ./server.example.com.key
Created ./server.example.com.csr
$ certstrap --depot-path . sign --CA "Wallet daemon authority" --expires="3 years" server.example.com
Enter passphrase for CA key (empty for no passphrase): 
Created ./server.example.com.crt from ./server.example.com.csr signed by ./Wallet_daemon_authority.key

Next, we create and sign certificates for the three clients that will be connecting to the daemon. Note the keys created here should not have a passphrase supplied; they will reside with the valdiator clients so use of the key is should be possible without requiring human intervention (to allow for server restarts etc.). For the first client:

$ certstrap --depot-path . request-cert --common-name client1
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again: 
Created ./client1.key
Created ./client1.csr
$ certstrap --depot-path . sign --CA "Wallet daemon authority" --expires="3 years" client1
Enter passphrase for CA key (empty for no passphrase): 
Created ./client1.crt from ./client1.csr signed by ./Wallet_daemon_authority.key

and the same commands can be used for the other clients, using "client2" and "client3" in place of "client1". At this point you should have the following files:

  • client1.crt: the signed certificate for client1; needs to be moved to the server running client1
  • client1.csr: the signing request for client1; can be deleted
  • client1.key: the key for client1; needs to be moved to the server running client1
  • client2.crt: the signed certificate for client2; needs to be moved to the server running client3
  • client2.csr: the signing request for client2; can be deleted
  • client2.key: the key for client2; needs to be moved to the server running client3
  • client3.crt: the signed certificate for client3; needs to be moved to the server running client3
  • client3.csr: the signing request for client3; can be deleted
  • client3.key: the key for client3; needs to be moved to the server running client3
  • server.example.com.crt: the certificate for walletd; needs to be moved to the server running the walletd
  • server.example.com.csr: the signing request for walletd; can be deleted
  • server.example.com.key: the key for walletd; needs to be moved to the server running the walletd
  • Wallet_daemon_authority.crl: the certificate revocation list for the wallet daemon; needs to be copied to the server running the wallet daemon
  • Wallet_daemon_authority.crt: the certificate for the wallet daemon; needs to be copied to all servers running clients
  • Wallet_daemon_authority.key: the key for the wallet daemon; needs to be copied to the server running the wallet daemon

To provide the certificates for the wallet daemon make a directory security in the configuration directory as defined above and copy the server.example.com.crt and server.example.com.key files in to it. Also copy Wallet_daemon_authority.crt to the same directory with the name ca.crt. The contents of the security directory in your configuration directory should be:

  • ca.crt: copy of Wallet_daemon_authority.crt from the previous step
  • server.example.com.crt: copy of server.example.com.crt from the previous step
  • server.example.com.key: copy of server.example.com.key from the previous step

At this point you also need a minimal config.json file so walletd knows which certificates to use. You can create this in the configuration directory stated above with the contents:

  "server": {
    "name": "server.example.com"

You can check the configuration of the certificates by running the command:

$ walletd --show-certs
Server certificate issued by: Wallet daemon authority
Server certificate expires: 2023-03-24 13:47:19 +0000 UTC
Server certificate issued to: server.example.com

Certificate authority certificate is: Wallet daemon authority
Certificate authority certificate expires: 2023-03-24 13:47:20 +0000 UTC

Mapping certificates to keys

The next step is to configure walletd to know which clients have access to which keys. This is defined in the perms.json file, which should reside in the same directory as config.json. For our purposes we need:

"certificates": [
    "name": "client1",
    "permissions": [
        "path": "wallet1",
        "operations": ["All"]
    "name": "client2",
    "permissions": [
        "path": "wallet1",
        "operations": ["All"]
    "name": "client3",
    "permissions": [
        "path": "wallet2",
        "operations": ["All"]

Once this is in place it can be confirmed by running walletd --show-perms:

$ walletd --show-perms
Permissions for "client1":
	- accounts matching the path "wallet1" can carry out all operations
Permissions for "client2":
	- accounts matching the path "wallet1" can carry out all operations
Permissions for "client3":
	- accounts matching the path "wallet2" can carry out all operations

Starting walletd

To start walletd type:

$ walletd
WARN[0000] No stores configured; using default          
badger 2020/03/26 15:22:20 INFO: All 0 tables opened in 0s
INFO[0000] Listening                                     address=":12346"

walletd will provide information about requests it receives so this window should be monitored for errors.

Testing client certificates

ethdo interacts with the wallet daemon using the --remote --client-cert and --client-key options. For example, to list accounts accessible in wallet1 with the client1 certificate:

$ ethdo --remote=server.example.com:12346 --client-cert=client1.crt --client-key=client1.key --server-ca-cert=Wallet_daemon_authority.crt wallet accounts --wallet=wallet1

As would be expected from the configured permissions, client3 cannot access the accounts in wallet1:

$ ethdo --remote=server.example.com:12346 --client-cert=client3.crt --client-key=client3.key --server-ca-cert=Wallet_daemon_authority.crt wallet accounts --wallet=wallet1

At this point it has been confirmed that the client certificates operate as expected, and that walletd is appropriately configured. The client certificates can now be used by validators to remotely access their keys.


walletd has two rule systems that allow users to define when signing can take place. Rules have two main purposes:

  1. ensure that only the relevant client has access to their keys
  2. avoid duplicate signings which could cause slashing events

Static rules

walletd has a set of static rules that can be defined within the code. These rules are run whenever one of the following actions are requested:

  • list accounts
  • sign data
  • sign a beacon node attestation
  • sign a beacon node proposal

Static rules are fast, and have higher security due to being part of the walletd binary, but require knowledge of the Go language to build and maintain.

Skeleton static rules can be found in the repository

Rule scripts

It is possible that static rules do not meet requirements, in which case rule scripts can be used instead. walletd comes with a rules engine that allows users to create their own set of conditions under which actions can take place (or not). Whenever a request is sent to walletd it runs rules based on the request and account carrying out the request.

Rule scripts are somewhat slower than static rules, and are easier for an attacker to see how the rules operate, but are easier to build and maintain.

It is up to the user to decide if they want to use static rules or rule scripts in their environment.

Writing rule scripts

Rule scripts are written in the lua language. A script must contain an approve() function that takes the following parameters:

  • request: a table with request-specific information. For example, a signing request will have information about the data to be signed and its signing domain.
  • storage: a table with access to persistent storage. The storage is specific to this (request type, account) tuple. All data in this table will be written to persistent storage on completion of the script (regardless of whether it results in an approval or denial, however not on failure)
  • messages: a table which starts empty. All data in this table will be written to the walletd log file on completion of the script (regardless of whether it results in an approval or denial, however not on failure)

The approve() script should return one of the following three values:

  • Approved the signing can proceed
  • Denied the signing must not proceed
  • Failed the attempt to decide if the signing should go ahead or not has failed (which also implies that the signing must not proceed)

To provide an example: a validator should only sign a single beacon block proposal for a given slot, so if there is more than one attempt to sign a request for a given slot it should be denied. A script to carry this out may look like the following:

function approve(request, storage, messages)
  if storage.slot ~= nil and storage.slot <= request.slot then
    table.insert(messages, string.format("Request slot %d equal to or lower than previous signed slot %s", request.slot, storage.slot))
    return "Denied"
  storage.slot = request.slot
  return "Approved"

This ensures that any attempt to sign a beacon block proposal whose slot is equal to or lower than a previously successful signature will be denied.

Configuring rule scripts

Rule information is configured in the config.json file under a rules entry. Multiple rules can match a single script. In this situation all scripts are run one after the other, with a requirement for all scripts to return Approved before signing can proceed.

A sample config.json that applies the above script for signing beacon proposals is shown below:

  "rules": [
      "name": "Check beacon proposal",
      "request": "Sign beacon proposal",
      "script": "sign_beacon_proposal.lua"

Note this assumes the script above has been stored in the scripts directory as sign_beacon_proposal.lua. Empty scripts, detailing the parameters that are available for each, are available in the repository scripts directory.


Jim McDonald: @mcdee.


Contributions welcome. Please check out the issues.


Apache-2.0 © 2020 Weald Technology Trading Ltd