
Prometheus exporter for Wanchain client metrics

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Wanchain Prometheus Exporter

This service exports various metrics from Wanchain clients for consumption by Prometheus. It uses JSON-RPC interface to collect the metrics. Any JSON-RPC 2.0 enabled client should be supported.


You can deploy this exporter using the quay.io/linki/wanchain-exporter Docker image.

docker run -d -p 9368:9368 --name wanchain-exporter quay.io/linki/wanchain-exporter -url http://wanchain:8545

Keep in mind that your container needs to be able to communicate with the Wanchain client using the specified url (default is http://localhost:8545).

By default the exporter serves on :9368 at /metrics. The listen address can be changed by specifying the -addr flag.

Here is an example scrape_config for Prometheus.

- job_name: wanchain
  - targets:
    - wanchain-exporter:9368

Exported Metrics

Name Description
net_peers The number of peers currently connected to the client.
eth_block_number The number of most recent block.
eth_gas_price The current price per gas in wei. Might be inaccurate.
eth_earliest_block_transactions The number of transactions in an earliest block.
eth_latest_block_transactions The number of transactions in a latest block.
eth_pending_block_transactions The number of transactions in a pending block.
eth_hashrate The number of hashes per second that the node is mining with.
eth_sync_starting The block at which the import started.
eth_sync_current The number of most recent block.
eth_sync_highest The estimated highest block.
parity_net_active_peers The number of active peers. Available only for Parity.
parity_net_connected_peers The number of peers currently connected to the client. Available only for Parity.


Go modules is used for dependency management. Hence Go 1.11 is a minimum required version.

CircleCI Local CLI can be used to ensure that everything builds locally.

circleci build --job lint
circleci build --job test
circleci build --job build


Contributions are greatly appreciated. The project follows the typical GitHub pull request model. Before starting any work, please either comment on an existing issue or file a new one.

Support and Donate

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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.